Make an Ocean's 8 that breaks box office record

>natalie portman
>emmy rossum
>belle thorne
>scarlett johanseen
>jessica alba
>marisa tomei
>rooney mara

Rate it

>natalie portman
old and past her prime

>scarlett johanseen
absolutely not.

Why only 8?

>old and past her prime

Nobody ever asked for you for your opinion

all of these grils + the movie is booked as a yuri harem anime in the tradition of "Yuru Yuri"

>eva green
>seth rogen
>mike cera
>tom hardly
>Leo Dicaprio
>christian bale
>Lake Bell
>Samuel Jakcson

sorry that you find busted up old hags attractive?

>this is Sup Forumss taste

Yea not gonna play your shitty game either. Nobody wants this

>Nicki Minaj
>Kim Kardashian
>Amber Rose
>Sofia Vergara

The others are irrelevant

>four hags held together by plastic

Get me Mia Wasikowska and Imogen Poots instead of alba and scarjo and I'm sold

>imogen poots

>mia wasakaksisisiiaiaia
Double kek

You have shit taste

lol is that supposed to prove my point?

kill yourself my man

>emmy rossum
>marisa tomei
>rooney mara
Patrician. Rest is meh.

Lake bell is a butter face.

>people think alba is gross


>ocean's 8
>don't cast ocean


i love roon roon smile

>belle thorne

i dont remember trannys in the other oceans movies

>le tranny me me

Kill yourself my man

lol she has to go back to acting cuz her products were fake

>box office

nah. id rather make a good and interesting movie.

eva green
kate beckinsale
helena bonham carter
olga kurylenko
mary elizabeth winstead
zoe saldana
ana de armas
rebecca hall

that picture isnt supporting your argument at all

>Jon Hamm
>Ryan Gosling
>Charlie Day
>Ewan McGregor
>Stephen Merchant
>Colin Farrell
>Meryl Streep
>John Malkovich

>eva green
>rebecca hall
Lol just bore my shit up

>he likes a literal who

Nevermind. I just googled it and now realize it's slated to be an all female cast. This would still be better than whoever they pick.

I need to see a movie where Roo Roo plays her meme persona.

You don't know what a women because you never touched one

Shriya Saran
Scarlett Johansson
AnnaSophia Robb
Salma Hayek
Eva Green
Zoe Saldana
Christina Hendricks

Why did you even post that shit. Meme """""""""""""""""""actressess""""""""""""""""""""""

>Shriya Saran
Poo in loo

>Scarlett Johansson
Washed up

>AnnaSophia Robb

>Salma Hayek

>Eva Green

>Zoe Saldana

>Christina Hendricks

Try again senpai.

Lol, you like literal manfaces.

she's thicc

Blow you brains out my man

>Not liking Milf Salma

>belle thorne
>jessica alba
>rooney mara

we'll keep these three but that was a swing and miss on the rest

i'm pretty sure chlomo would get a role in that.

what position player would she be in the gang?

Don't call me that name again

replace marisa tomei with summer glau I

get rid of bella and scarjo. put bryce dallas and margot robbie instead.

>a fridge and an old ginger

No thanks

>get rid of two bad actresses
>replace with two more shitty actresses

No wonder we are in this state fuck this board kek. Shit taste

only if she keeps the dragon tatoo girl costume for the whole movie


r8 my movie, gang. Starring:

Eva Green
Amy Acker
Sarah Shahi
That brunette with the massive tits from The Walking Dead
Jessica Biel
Audrey Hepburns ghost
Aiden Gillen

So, is it kino?

what's this flick about?

Why? Do you not want to see the movie or something?
