Is this the greatest entrance in kino history?
>That theme though
Other urls found in this thread:
>we want the marvel crowd
I wish I could understand what she was saying
I can't imagine listening to her shitskin mumbling for an entire 2 and a half hour movie.
>dat theme though
Yeah, because a 6 second guitar riff looped ad infinitum is an amazing "theme," right guys?
Whats worse, they didnt even save the theme for her entrance. They literally used it for 2 other scenes
It's better than your theme which is two fags farting on each others assholes.
gave me goose pimples
Fairly bland entrance.
Bloody awful theme tune drags it down though.
What planet are you faggots from?
Whats worse was that her themes was used as she was browsing the Justice League Webms that batman sent her.
um, actually it was an electric violin
and the theme was in 7/8 time to reflect Diana's Grecian cultural heritage
I wouldn't expect a Marvelfag to pick up on these subtle cues. It takes a finely-honed mind to peel back the layers of Snyder's genius. The man is a modern day Kubrick.
Her theme is fucking ear grating
The one where minds were allowed to progress past adolescence and stopped being impressed by ebin heavy metal guitars?
The theme was fucking awful and horribly out of place in this movie.
I want her to choke me with her lasso and force me on my knees and make me lick and kiss her boots. Then I want her to peg my ass while choking me with the lasso
Fucking savage af, user.
WW's theme music is great.
It's energetic, which is perfect for WW. Superman and Batman have somber, classic music themes, abd the cliche for WW would be to give her a feminine, classical theme sound, but they actually made a great, original choice by giving WW and very raw, different sound from Superman and Batman.
Well done, Junkie XL and Zimmer
see Faggots
Pure dzieĆo
They should have cut her from the movie
It was shit and unoriginal
They should have cut you from the movie
Theme is so fucking awesome.
It's a didgeridoo, dipshit.
I wish she would play my dickereedo if you know what I mean family
Tell me about Wonder Woman
>I thought she was with you?
>batman literally emailed her an hour ago
>I'm so sad superman died ;_: he was a true hero ;_;
>didnt say one word to him
absolute drivel
>She with you?
>I thought she was with you
This was the last time Superman and Batman talked to each other
Think about that for a minute
>Superman in the light
>Batman in the dark
>this was the last time they spoke as friends
>glaring rock music
>Spy kids music
Batman is so fat and Wonder Woman can't act for shit.
The irony of your statement is that a 6 second guitar riff looped ad infinitum is more memorable than literally any single piece of '''''music''''' in any Marvel flick.
Hanz Zimmer is GOAT. The score for BvS is incredible as is to be expected from him.
Guardians of the Galaxy had a fantastic score, but you're generally correct.
It's obvious Zimmer was dragged down by that trashy Junkie XL.
Sticky songs don't need to be good
Just like this
coincidentally used in Iron Man 3 kek
I dont like Marvel so the 'irony' you speak of doesnt exist
That statement was less to spite you, and more just for my own satisfaction.
After Lois gets there and right before the Pieta pose, there's a shot of Bruce coming up out of what looks like a cave filled with fire, like Hades coming up from the underworld.
I liked the contrast and effect that Junkie XL has brought to Zimmers scores. To each his own though
gawddamn motherfucking destroyed
In Greek mythology, Hades was the older brother of Zeus. Batman is the older hero.
good theme, shit everything else. capeshit is shit. DCU shit MCU shit it's all been shit since the first avengers movie. they are more comic books than movies. this board is shit and filled with literal plebs and entry level film fans. needs more elitism. It's a great time for film if you're a comic book fan but it's a shit time for film if you're a film fan. 2016 has been one of the worst years for movies in recent times
you're joking fight? it was fucking embarrassing and completely out of place in the movie
>Junkie XL trashy
His distinct sound has its place, I think. Pic related it worked well, and I think it works well with Zimmer's style to set the tone for DCEU grit
Wonder Woman is centuries older than him
Get your shitposts right, kinotard
This is the only valid Marvel criticism from DC fanatics.
MCU is great but they don't have a single memorable score for any of their films. Very disappointing.
>That theme song
My dick approved
Everything about this character is shit.
>MCU is great
they're average, safe, predictable flicks. Nothing "great" about them, famalam. Everything about Marvel films is churned out to sell toys and make money... that's why they only have one (1) notable villain in Loki. Everything else is decidedly generic.
>inb4 DCfanboy
i'm not a DCfanboy or Marvelkek. I prefer the Mignolaverse.
>He didn't listen to the actual track
Iron Man 1 sound track. Specifically the upbeat flying music for first flight
Planet Contraria
I rewatched it last month and I can't remember it
I did, but what matters is it's actual representation in the, you know, film. But stay assblasted that no one likes your electric guitar m8. I'm sure you have some Dragonforce to listen to
I can't remember the music for that moment in the movie but I do remember Iron Man 1 having a noticeably bad soundtrack.
wonk wonk
Seemed to fit pretty well to me, senpai. I liked the way it's hinted at in all of Diana's scenes before we hear the full-on theme.
The only music I can remember from any Iron Man movie is by AC/DC
That's just sad.
Does Marvel just buy stock music for their flicks?
>Not remembering "I'm... Iron Man duuun duuun dun dun duuuun "
The only Marvel music I remember is from Thor 2, and that's only because it reminds me of some Navy or Marines recruiting commercial.
Even though it was a shit tier movie, it did have a great soundtrack. I'll give it that.