Kehlani's R&B sultry song juxtaposed with Margot Robbie and Jared Leto eye-fucking each other made my girlfriend so wet in the theater. Marvel could never compete with this; so much passion in one scene. The rest of the movie was disappointing but this scene, this scene right here, was pure kino.
Jose Long
whos gonna P H R E A K
Brody Taylor
Yes, that was hot. >mfw waiting for the bluray for this in glorious HD
Grayson Morales
>Margot Robbie and Jared Leto eye-fucking each other made my girlfriend so wet in the theater
Well user, let's see.
>take hot actress >take hot actor >put them in a very suggestive scene seriously man that finger >the Joker sounds like he's cumming mid scene
I wonder. Him taking off the jacket after cracking his neck in frustration was cool as fuck though.
Xavier Powell
Fuck she's so hot
Jason Powell
>hey babe jump from this height that would kill you into acidic chemicals that would kill you so your skin gets bleached like mine but doesnt turn your hair green or lips red or eyes black that kind of looks like clown paint by coincidence >ok lol even though you're obviously a psychopath who'll stab me in the back first instance its funny
yes, kino indeed
Gavin Allen
Having a hot girl in the scene doesn't negate the fact that it was a weird scene where they jump in a vat of spoiled milk. Not hot.
Nicholas Russell
Jared Leto was so method his dick was hard during all of his scenes.
True story.
Ryder King
Hahaha part of the DCs edginess is increased sexiness
Marvel wouldnt dare have a sex scene haha
The kiss from Civil War was so juvenile and Disneyish like for kids haha
Chase Ward
All the women in my theater would go completely silent during the Joker scenes, particularly this one.
They really like this abusive relationship shit they have going on.
Chase Collins
Bait post but seriously how is being sexy "edgy"? Do movies need to be completely neutered now?
Isaiah Hernandez
>what did he mean by this?
Ethan Lopez
>Hahaha part of the DCs edginess is increased sexiness This Pic related is Wonder Woman nsfw
Logan Walker
Skeleton woman isn't sexy. However, the way this scene is presented is.
Evan Ross
>Is there a hotter scene in all of capeshit?Kehlani's R&B sultry song juxtaposed with Margot Robbie and Jared Leto eye-fucking each other made my girlfriend so wet in the theater. Marvel could never compete with this; so much passion in one scene. The rest of the movie was disappointing but this scene, this scene right here, was pure kino. >pure kino Don't you ever use my phrase again. This is fucking cringe faggot
Jordan Miller
Fuck no she isn't. Kill yourselves promptly.
Adrian Davis
Ask Kevin Feige
of course virgin numales love sexless marvel flicks
Mason Miller
Hudson Lee
Did you forget Tony Stark and all his women?
Nathan Flores
Harley was so fucking hot when she was dancing in the strip club
Lucas Lee
>implying doctor Quinzel isn't hot What a prime example of faggot in the wild.
John Foster
Any scene with Catwoman in Rises.
Thomas Mitchell
>Kehlani's R&B sultry song juxtaposed with Margot Robbie and Jared Leto eye-fucking Wanna know how I doubt you have a 'girlfriend who was so wet' m8? Because no non-virgin actually talks like this.
You sound like a Redditor rough-drafting his RT 'review'
Josiah Robinson
most of that's off screen and depicted as another character flaw
Jayden Martinez
>implying you like badly acted capeshit Wew
Alexander Martinez
What's her next movie dude?
Brayden Mitchell
The MCU "sexy" scenes are devoid of actual sexiness but I blame that on Disney.
Alexander Ward
I'll assume you're talking about JJL. The next movie she is going to star in is Morgan which comes out September 2. She plays a side character with an eyepatch. After that she stars as Ladybird in LBJ next to Woody Harleson directed by Rob Reiner coming out around October. Then Amityville The Awakening in January, this one's been delayed for about 3 years now. Then finally her next big role is in Annihilation, director of Ex Machina's next movie coming out next year.
Joshua Cruz
>Amityville the Awakening
will be checking out, although the January release and three year delay tell me it may be a huge turd, also Morgan, whatever that's about. Probably will see Annihilation as well, thanks dude.
Jace Ross
Evan Gray
This scene must have been confusing as fuck for anyone who doesn't know shit about Joker's origins
Robert Stewart
Lucas Jenkins
In the novel it specifically says that's where he's born.
>“There,” he said, interrupting her thoughts, but she didn’t care. He was talking to her. “I was born down there.” In the vats. >She stared into one, mesmerized by the swirling chemical bath below. His birthplace. His mother. Harleen desperately wanted the same.
Jonathan Gutierrez
Oliver Howard
Bed wetter
Blake Wood
I for one like a sexual Joker.
Kevin Bailey
I have no doubt Amityville will be hot trash, it's even got Bella Thorne in it. I'll watch it in theaters though.