2016 is the year Hollywood finally entered the death spiral.
What went wrong this year that people aren't just eating their shit anymore?
2016 is the year Hollywood finally entered the death spiral.
What went wrong this year that people aren't just eating their shit anymore?
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Some folks like Marvel started actually making good flicks. Now people just want to watch them, because it comes from a trusted studio who constantly make good films, instead of garbage.
>sequels, reboots, adaptations
If those lazy, moneygrubbing kikes would make a damn original film for once then they might actually do well.
Standards are up. Save bad movies for netflix, box office for stuff you really want to see. I used to see a lot of fillerish shitty movies every year now I don't, I just wait for them to be out on netflix or HBO or whatever other streaming service I have a sub to.
Diversity...and Spider-Man will be the end of Marvel's reign..the end of cape kino.
>new Disney cgi property no one asked for
>Sony stepping in their own shit trying to market
>shit sequel to shit remake no one asked for
>shit sequel to shit grimdark no one asked for
>shit sequel 20 years later no one asked for
>YA novel series that bombed from movie#1
>CGI shitfest starring Jaimie Lannister
>CGI shitfest/sequel no one asked for
>(see ID4 sequel)
>CGI shitfest/Chris Pine
>CGI shitfest/fanwankery
>sequel no one asked for starring DUDEWEEDLMAO
Nearly every successful movie this century has been a sequel, reboot or adaptation. Why is 2016 the year people tire of them?
I miss the good old buddy cop movies. Wonder why they don't make those anymore.
Bruce Willis tried and failed so fucking hard last time that nobody wants to make one ever again.
Thankfully The Nice Guys exists
There were two of them this year. Mixed results.
It's only natural that people tire of the same thing over time. It just so happens to be that time now. Something similar is happening in the gaming industry.
Good, original films are the only way to fix things.
>Chris Pine
I miss westerns. I miss adventure movies. I miss wholesome family comedies that are live-action/non-holiday and don't have humor that applies to the lowest common denominator.
I miss movies where lewd sluts get naked and take showers but they aren't porn because Michael Douglas is in them
None of its original, everything has been done creatively in terms of action and CGI and they're lazy with stories, what started the remake craze anyway?
>by 2020 Disney will be the only movie studio left on earth
Is alice through the looking glass really that bad? I'm thinking of watching it
stfu and pony up for more capeshit, you nincompoops.
>because it comes from a trusted studio who constantly make good films
the bait is strong in this one
Based Milla and her husbando Wes Thomas Anderson will save us
successful doesn't means its a good movie
in pic related Dredd is a reboot, yeah, but good, and still bombed.
But there is Pacific rim, Looper or Edge of tomorrow which arent remakes
Tim Burton had 5 dynamite movies in a row
Edward Scissorhands
Batman Returns
Ed Wood
and then he turned to shit.
Stick with these 5
Hollywood has forgotten that you have to actually make good movies for people to want to see them, rather than just release a high budget CGI crapfest and blowing the majority of it on marketing. Movies seem utterly vapid style over substance shitfests in today's age and are often little more than subtle or not so subtle zionist propaganda. Try to start making good films again and people might actually start caring like they used to.
Movies have always seemed 'fake' of course but goddamn these days they run like carbon copies of each other with fast editing, a camera that is constantly slightly moving and spouted quirky 'witty' lines that don't actually mean anything. It's like they're made for faggots with ADHD or some shit. There's no soul left in modern hollywood films anymore. They're incapable of making a movie like ET: The Extra Terrestrial now for example.
>Ticket prices rising
>Audiences just dont care enough to watch another sequel/reboot/adaptation
>Disney cornering the market on the top grossing films
>More and more people relying on Streaming and Netflix
If they dont get their shit together Disney will be the only ones making the top grossing films of the 2020s
What a shame, I do need to add though i'm not autistic about movies, looking for the best kino. So i'm wondering if alice is fun or just a big waste of time, deceiving like some trailers, take 'the games maker' as example. Looked fun and comfy and was utter shit.
>13 Hours came out the first month of the year
Really hard to top perfection, so everything that came after it pales in comparison. Michael Bay will never make anything as kino as that film again. Too bad libcucks tried to bury it.
The internet killed the novelty of pretty much everything. You can download whatever the fuck you want now and have access to a countless selection of media. Millennials have seen so many movies and can do so at the drop of a hat for free whenever they like. They've seen it all and nothing tantalises anymore.
Back in the day when a movie came out in the cinema it would have been a big deal because you wouldn't have seen nearly as many movies (and much better movies, too, than the one currently playing on the big screen - you could watch any 10/10 classic you wanted to). Digital media has made movies seem disposable and that movie magic feeling is gone.
And like I said here movies have also undoubtedly gotten much shittier in recent times.
>Superhero movies are the only ones people will pay for
>we're debatably still in the golden era of television
>wide plethora of massive libraries of instantly available movies, curated by reviewers and even as low as youtube reviews means that more people are watching older, great movies that were only promoted during their time
Like shit most of the recent movies I've seen were based off of internet suggestions.
I haven't watched a single one of those movies
Yeah I agree with that
same old cod and halo has gone to shit
Nintendo rehashing everything
but this isn't Sup Forums
so I'll stop there
if anything this should leave the market open for some people to come up with some great original films and tv shows
that's why I'm excited for sausage party tomorrow
I saw TMNT2 with friends in the cinema. It became the new worst film I've ever seen, beating out the previous record holder which was The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift. TMNT2 was so bad one of my friends walked out before it finished.
Too many big movies too fast. There's basically a new movie every week that needs to break 500 million to not be a flop and most people don't go to the theater every week
no, it's pretty entertaining
watched it with my family in theatres, Borats in it
>that last line
10/10 bait
>every film poster
>orange and blue
Makes my eyes roll every time
not even b8ting m8
The key is to have a pink and green poster? I'll call Sony immediately.
Warcraft is a top ten grosser.
Thanks China. What great taste you have.
>What went wrong this year that people aren't just eating their shit anymore?
With the exception of the DC movies, every single box office flop has received very negative reviews from either audiences or critics (and in most cases both).
Universal is also hitting serious bank, last year was incredible for them.
>original films get made every year
>mouthbreathers like this guy don't pay to see them
In all seriousness though, you need to fuck off and watch more movies, or shut the fuck up and never post here again you fucking retard.
Big Fish was good
wats bfg? big fucking guy?
Mars Attacks was good.
Oh god BFG was so fucking bad.
Hollywood is just giving their audience what they want. They're not going to take too many risks with what they produce and release when retards like you don't pay to see movies.
>Hollywood is just giving their audience what they want.
They apparently aren't since OP pic alone represents about a billion dollars in losses.
The public is tired of live action.
Directors are spending more and more on adding CG to live action films without understanding that they just need to go full CG. It's the natural evolution of cinema, much like the shift from live theater to film. You have total unparalleled control over everything and are no longer restrained by reality in even the most superficial of ways.
The only valid criticism of full-CG movies historically was that the technology wasn't good at displaying subtle emotion, but we're way past that hurdle now.
Personally, I really enjoyed it.
Admit it user, you just want to ---- --- ------
>no Sleepy Hollow
>no Big Fish
yeah ok kid
That's not my fault, they made her too cute.