>Stanley Kubrick's Napoleon
>Sergio Leone's Leningrad: The 900 Days
>Andrei Tarkovsky's The Idiot
>Orson Welles’s Heart of Darkness
>David Lean's Nostromo
>Carl Theodor Dreyer's Jesus
>Robert Bresson’s Genesis
>Alejandro Jodorowsky's Dune
>David Lynch's Return Of The Jedi
Kino we'll never get to see
Other urls found in this thread:
Trank's Fantastic Four
A good Star Wars movie
James Cameron's Spider-man
George Lucas' Episode 7
Christopher Nolan's Neon Genesis Evangelion
Del Toro's At the Mountains of Madness
>Robert Bresson’s Genesis
What's the story on this?
Gibson's Viking film
blame the kikes
Kubrick's original vision of AI: Artificial Intelligence.
Would have killed to see this.
You know, Genesis, the Bible book.
As in Bresson was planning to adapt the ENTIRE book of the Bible into one movie?
George Romero's resident evil
>a film by ron howard
More like flick.
No, man, the Genesis book. The Bible is a compilation of many books, of which Genesis, the story of the world's creation by God, is the first.
>the day the clown cried
>original 130min cut of event horizon
>5 hour cut of thin red line
wasn't the story behind this they didn't have enough of an effects budget and just didn't even bother trying before cancelling it?
wouldn't watch any of that shit 2bh
Del Toro's Hobbit
>>Sup Forumseddit
>Kurosawa's Godzilla
I'm genuinely upset this didn't happen because Toho didn't want to spend the money
The story is that Watchmen didn't make enough money at the box-office, so studios weren't enthusiastic about the genre of cerebral, high-concept, effects-heavy science-fiction.
At the time I was opposed, but if I knew how badly Pete would fuck it up I think I would've been on board
Vega Brothers by Tarantino
How fucking this would've been
Verhoeven and Schwarzenegger's Crusade.
I still have hope
>that foot scene
Sasha Grey's Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften
inb4 disney buys rights to tarantinoverse and gives us a fucking hexalogy full of backstories, quips, and a full 10 fucking minute scene of vincent vega walking around confused
the full wide eyes shut
David "Turquoise Messiah" Icke said in the original secret mask party everyone was covered in blood.
great ideas ITTand even
>having a criminal who hasn't faced his crimes depict a story about personal responsibility and punishment
Top kek
Thanks senpai
idk which one are you but anime must be a bitch to adapt, especially NGE. especially because the MCs are 14yolds and shinji cums on his comatose classmate
The styles are two different. It wouldn't work.
It's like wanting Fincher to make Fantastic Mr. fox
We were SO close to getting the DC universe off to a good start.
>the only Red Dead movie we'll ever get was that 30 minute machinima made by John Hillcoat
>no national treasure 3
>Andrei Tarkovsky's The Idiot
>David Lean's Nostromo
These would've been perfect, holy shit.
Actually brilliant, but McKellan doesn't have the physique to pull off Scrotes physically.
The original version of Mad Max: Fury Road with Mel Gibson
Raimi's Spider-Man 4
And most likely Blomkamp's Alien 5.
Fincher's Spider-Man.
The 8 Hour cut of Greed
Cleopatra (1917)
Del Toro's Quiet Mountains
Watch The Proposition.
I actually read up on Kubrick's Napoleon.
If I'm ever able to become a director I want to revive it, as a musical.
Spider-Man by John Hughes
Starring Michael J. Fox
Sam Raimi's Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash
>Leningrad: The 900 Day
>Kingdom of the Sun
>The Defective Detective
>The Thief and the Cobbler
>Arnold Schwarzenegger's Hamlet
Roger Avary's Glitterati
basically a feature assembled from the 70+ hours used to make
it exists, but only in private screenings in europe every few years it seems
fuck me heres the link
Lynch met with Lucas but didn't want to be involved in Star Wars. I don't think he was formally offered the gig either.
Still would have been kewl
>>Stanley Kubrick's Napoleon
>>Carl Theodor Dreyer's Jesus
these two hurt the most.
i love tarkovsky but he seemed too stilted a director to really approach anything like dostoevsky.
fuckin horrible casting. wow.
>that Mel Gibson movie about the Maccabees
Would have loved to see how he handled a story where the Jews are the protagonists
Avatar 2 by James Cameron
George Miller's Justice League.
>evangelion final
>another good star trek movie
Anything that isn't Disney-Marvel
>Mel Gibson's Lord of The Flies
Zack Snyder's Iron Man
That's Plato and Aristotle.
Snyders Excalibur
Hes good at biopics tho
Aronofsky's batman year one
>Terry Gilliam's Harry Potter
>Sadao Yamanaka's career during Japan's post-war golden age
>Paul Verhoeven's Crusade starring Schwarzenegger
Alfredson's Smiley Trilogy
Man of Steel 4-hour cut