In a recent interview Paul Feig said

In a recent interview Paul Feig said
"The problem with Hollywood is the infestation of White Males and their privilege".

Recently Feig discussed his possible involvement in projects to reboot other 80's retro classics as he calls them like Back to the Future where Marty could be played by a more ehtnocentric role such as a Libyan.

Just thought I would let you know.

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Damn, he's right. He should take the first step to correcting this by killing himself.

oh wow as a while male with privilege i'm so mad i'm going to shitpost in this thread


*falls into coma and shits pants*

Time for Stormblr mad

By the way, I know Sup Forums lives their lives based off poorly sourced infographs and articles, but this quote is totally fictional, check google.

Are you kidding me? have you even checked your invisible backpack?


White male talks complains about White male privilege yet refuses to kill himself proving he is a racist.


>its THIS easy getting Sup Forums retards to reply

Why is it the people who always complain about white men always white men?

Feig is the god of all internet trolls, he gets paid to shitpost for a living for example that last ghostbusters movie was 100% shitposting.

When he looks in a mirror, all he sees is a beat down woman of African descent. It is literally driving him crazy.

>Why is it the people who always complain about white men always jewish?

>Marty could be played by a more ehtnocentric role such as a Libyan

wow thats racist bro, no need to go there.

>Movie jail

Marty shooting Doc would be quite the twist.

You'd think a Libyan would have a more important use for time travel than just wacky hijinx... Something they might want to prevent from happening in say 2011?

Biff raped marty's mom again in 2011?

doc is a white male and he should die I was taught in school over the last year or so at Madison.

Guys he Jewish, not white.

If you guy's weren't actually racist, you wouldn't care.

I don't mean that in a hostile way, I mean seriously stop for one second and let the immediate anger subside. Ask yourself "Why do I really care if X character is not white?" i

everytime I see a white person in a lead role I want to throw up because of how disgusting white people are.

>Back to the Future where Marty could be played by a more ehtnocentric role such as a Libyan.
I'd like to see a black woman in the role.

>If you guy's weren't actually racist, you wouldn't care.
No, you don't understand, the only truly racist peroson here is Paul Feig, otherwise he would not care.

threads like this that are anti ghostbusters prove how racist every poster on Sup Forums is

Doesn't that make you double racist for caring about anons caring about this?

>"The problem with Hollywood is the infestation of White Males and their privilege".
That includes you too, Paul. So you should probably do the feminists (and us) a favor by fucking off out of Jewywood and never making anymore movies.

Invisible backpack? Neato, where can I get one of those?

>Feig was in one of my favorite movies as a kid

I don't have any problem with Mr. Feig's artistic politics... as long as it leads to him making good films.

So far, not so much.

hes Jewish, hes not white dipshit. Jewish culture is superior which is why were the dominant driving force in all mediums.

so many retards.
so many

>Marty could be played by a more ehtnocentric role such as a Libyan
How could you write this sentence and think it makes any sense?

thats how salon and CNN write all their articles when it comes to promoting diversity instead of racism against women