Do people here actually like these movies or is it all le ebin maymay...

Do people here actually like these movies or is it all le ebin maymay? Marvel is the definition of bland popular pleb shit, the cinematic equivalent of Maroon 5. Sup Forums is mostly edgy contrarians, why is there this MASSIVE blind spot for the MCU?


I've seen most of them in theaters. Guardians of the Galaxy was on the other day and my gf and I watched all of it even though we've seen it several times already.

I liked the first Captain America

But yeah for the most part these movies are just forgettable.


Bland as fuck cookie cutter movies iron man, gotg and winter soldier Were great though

theyre the sabor de soledad of movies

Because most people on Sup Forums grew up watching the Marvel movies, and they have been universally praised for as long as they can remember. To them, this is the pinnacle of blockbuster filmmaking. It makes me nauseous to imagine what Hollywood will look like when this generation of filmmakers grows up and takes the reins.

I enjoy them for the most part. There's a few misses and they are mediocre but it's just something that (trigger warning) you can turn your brain off and enjoy.

Also Iron Man 1, Avengers, Winter Soldier, and Civil War were solid action films.

Also I like the DC movies but I really just think they should out and out embrace the edginess and the R rating system.

The latter. Everyone happens to watch them to be trendy and catching up with the times. What's worse is not the film's popularity as a lot if not all popular flicks are dogshit, but their justification for shallow cinematic taste

Yet its autistic fanbase constantly rub into your face normies legit love the characters and the stories despite them thinking Batman is one of the avengers.

Theyre fun to watch, they tell a coherent story even if its cheesy, but most importantly theyve put in work and have the momentum of a successful formula/franchose behind them.

The difference between marvel and dc is the difference between name brand soda and store bought. One leaves a bad taste in your mouth, because it's horsecum.

They are shit, but I still had fun watching Avengers with my dad.

I've liked them all well enough, most of them are just forgettable

Old filmmakers will retain the reins as the next generation are either numales or people who like watching the nostalgia critic

>a lot if not all popular flicks are dogshit

both are dogshit however as soda literally is poison for your body

I'm a DCuck but I think only the first Iron man movie and CA: Winter Soldier are worth watching.

they are though. Last one that wasn't complete shit was mad max which is only popular to an extent.

unless you consider the notebook a masterpiece

>numales or people who like watching the nostalgia critic
So we're fucked either way, huh?

I don't mind them but I've never watched one in a theatre. At some point they blend all together.

I have never seen Thor or Hulk though. I loved Iron Man and the first Cap.

They are actually good movies with extremely tight writing, acting and directing and it's incredible they've managed to make like 15 interlinking movies with consistent quality and no plot fuck ups. Every other franchise and fanbase is jelly as fuck and trying very hard to copy, get mad.

I like Maroon 5.

Yeah unless there is a new world war. It's depressing to see the current state of cinema

This is the worst time to be a cinephag

Not to be that guy but they're easier for women to understand, so that says something.

*About general success in the box office I mean.

>wah wah wah, I can't even find movies I like
>why is Hollywood not servicing my special snowflake needs wah wah wah

Suck a dick faggot

It's not the movies themselves that annoy me, most of them are just forgettable, but the MCU fanboys are the loudest and most insufferable autists on the Internet. I could honestly give a fuck about DC movies, but EVERY FUCKING TIME one gets released the Internet a large turns into a massive Disney/Marvel circlejerk. I've spent my entire life on the Internet and I've never seen anything like it. It would be one thing if the Marvel movies were spectacular, but they aren't. They are mediocre at best. It's like trying to come off as a food snob because you prefer Domino's to Cici's Pizza. Yeah, one is marginally better, but that doesn't make it fucking great.

And honestly, we have Rotten Tomatoes (or really, people's inability to correctly read Rotten Tomatoes) to thank for that. Critics typically give Marvel movies a recommendation, which leads to an inflated tomatometer score, and since no one ever bothers to look at the average rating, people just say, "Gee whiz, Civil War got an 91%, that's only a few percentage points from Citizen Kane! Civil War must be almost as good as Citizen fucking Kane!"

> the cinematic equivalent of Maroon 5

I like both DC and Marvel as far as comic universes go, I might even prefer Marvel's in some aspects but their movies are overrated as fuck. I like a few of them but they've saturated the market with hot garbage. The infinity war thing with Thanos is not a big enough payoff for having to sit through all of this stuff. Some of it feels like fan fiction at times. Guardians of the Galaxy is the most overrated movie of all time.

Thor is the greatest movie of it's generation.

>The infinity war thing with Thanos is not a big enough payoff for having to sit through all of this stuff.
A thousand times this. That touches on a pretty big issue I have with these movies and people's reaction to them. I hear so much fucking horseshit about how Marvel "took their time" and planned this all properly. Thanos is a great big purple wrench through that fucking argument. They have been teasing him for literally years now, and I still have no fucking reason to care. People act like these movies are all some grand saga with each film representing a chapter and that's a bunch of fucking malarkey. They are individual stories loosely connected by perfunctory post credit sequences. You can skip 90% of them without missing anything important.

So basically Sup Forums hates them because they're generally popular.

No, Sup Forums loves them but they are generally boring as shit.

let the children enjoy their Disney movies

Marvel caters to the Call of Duty crowd

Well said. Very succinct

The took their time horseshit was with Avengers though. I don't think anyone's used that for Thanos

I like them because they're FUN and I hate it when capeshit tries to be too deep and philosophical.

boredom , no one really likes this shit but its all they will give us.

Both are empty calories for your mind, but it's fine to enjoy a soda once in a while. however, if you drink them every day you will be a bloated plebeian mess with your taste buds permanently disfigured to the point that it's hard for you to enjoy anything else

I'm willing to bet that you hate anything that's deep or philosophical.


My favorites were Sam Raimi's Spiderman trilogy except for the 3rd sequel. The problem with Marvel is that after Ironman (which was a dope origin movie for me) all the movies that came after started to become more bland although it was 'fun' to watch but they're easily forgettable over the times.... MCU tries a little bit too hard on trying to expand their universe by squeezing in all these characters without offering a proper origin movie beforehand.