How do iget gf likei this?

how do iget gf likei this?

I want to suck her penis pretty bad

Be an average human being. That might literally be the most average girl I have ever seen.

i jus wand gurl wo lov me

Find a teenager and buy him a wig

Never gonna happen. Come to terms with it or continue to suffer. Women look at you and see a monster, there's nothing you can do about it. Just give up and embrace your loneliness.

genius plan thannk you user

ad leest i can mestrebaid

Shes cute, I bet she would make an interesting Wednesday addams

Not for long. You lose your hands in an accident on April 16th 2017.

Except the irony here is that those sorts of girls typically have a lot of guys pursuing them because their 'averageness' is actually a highly marketable trait as it makes them seem attainable, of course in actuality this subverts itself because if all guys figure a girl is attainable then she ends up having so many suitors that their individual chances of actually getting her go down.

The dating game is so rigged that being average can actually work in a girl's favor. You may as well just go for a genuine hot girl if you're going to bother.

i dunno lol

a typical depressed teenager
nah I wouldn't even bother

also just be slightly less insecure than her
and you got her

That's a boy in a wig, right?

>n-no see, it's their fault i'm single!

I am ugly guys, will I ever be loved by someone?

srs question

it's a girl in a boys body

>anime pic

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>hide post

user please help me, I just want to have fun!


Not if you keep watching chink cartoons and don't lower your standards. No one on Earth is so ugly they can't find someone.

Whats wrong with chink cartoons user?! I only watch patrician chink cartoons.

You should too!

>Not fucking your senile grandma and telling everyone you're dating a MILF and you two have a great sex life


the absolute madman

ok then stay virgin





sent ;)

i ain't never wanted to suck a girls cock so bad rite now