ITT: Best hip hop albums of all time
ITT: Best hip hop albums of all time
Other urls found in this thread:
Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma
You can't name more than two tracks on that album.
Things Done Changed, Machine Gun Funk, Suicidal Thoughts, One More Chance (and the remix), Respect, etc. I'm a huge BIG fan.
what a retarded post
The What
Machine Gun Funk
Suicidal thoughts
Big Poppa
Things done changed
And that's off the top of my head
Anyways here's my pick
the best of all time
This is a question you literally can't ask on the internet, even if he didn't know he could use google moron
jesus christ this is awful. this is something i hate about 'hip hop heads', they always say 'rip to pac' or 'rip to pac and big'. nobody ever says 'rip big' except on real rare shit with few comments. its like they're brand associated or something. anyway this album cover is incredibly disrespectful and disgusting imo. i remember listening to it and it was total garbao desu
no joke
Best of the best
timbs all seasons for ass kicking reasons
uh. really?
go backpack somewhere else
off my head you forgot
Just Playing (I think alot of albums end with suicidal thoughts though)
One More Chance
Ready To Die
Everyday Struggle *elevator music*
and...... omfg...... how dare you! you forgot Gimme the loot
Muh pimp EP
Doggy Style - Aint no Fun
All Eyez On Me - All About U
Reasonable Doubt - Cashmere Thoughts
College Dropout - All falls Down
2001 - Fuck You
Speakerboxxx/The Love Below - Roses
them beats.
Forgot pic
To Pimp A Butterfly
I'll put some respek on ya name, you are genuinely hood, my nigga.
why are you always roleplaying in these threads lmao
only real answers itt
Let me pretend to be young and uneducated afro american at least on the internet. I can't do that on the streets, you know.
probably the best production but not best album in rap
why is this absent from the thread
Feels as if death grips got inspired by bang your head
over-all amazing album in terms of production and delivery
All others must bow before him
this meme needs to fucking end because it's not funny. DS2 is fucking garbage and isn't even his best project.
Respectable picks
How come this not ATLiens has been posted?
the album they released after this was great too
hav and prod
This is top 3 for me
Ain't no such thing as half way crooks
If we're allowed to trim down the fat, then either picrelated or XXX.
If not, or College Dropout