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Derp, you need to post your kik name
Add theycallmeforestgump
Add flamongbeatz
Add JcoZzee she is a group slut and will take requests
Add lolurawizard
add yeeahhboiii
Add theclassybitch
Can someone tell me what these scammers are after please? Are they FBI? Dataminers? Just run-of-the-mill pedos?
add cuhmynmeyeahsshohl
Add xjsmith01
add retefgdsss
All three
don't some hosts post pics too? how does that work? wouldn't that be illegal for authorities to do that? or do they just catch people who post in response? or can they track someone's saves?
Bumping for curiosity
How secure is Kik? Do they comply with the authorities and fork over data upon request?
that's what I'm wondering, like how stupid is it to join one of these out of curiosity? I'm assuming they catch the people posting, but how would they even know who saves the bad shit?
Doubt you could get in trouble just for joining. It's a kik group