I've just finished the first season. I'm depressed as fuck. Should I continue watching it or does it get more depressing?
I've just finished the first season. I'm depressed as fuck...
There's hope in the darkness user
I've enjoyed it so far... But I just feel deeply bad for him. Diane is also a bitch
>Should I continue watching it or does it get more depressing?
Yes to both.
It's reddit
It doesn't get happier.
Don't listen to this faggot they're lying, it never gets as depressing as it does in season 1. The writers learned their lesson.
jesus fuck, it only gets more depressing because the writers got lazy and the show goes more to shit than it already was.
Season 1: Good
Season 2 + 3: Meh
just saw end of season 3 and it was depressing as fuck.
It doesn't get any happier that's for sure.
I think most people go in to this thinking it's going to be a comedy like futurama or american dad. The animation is really a median to break up the very dark and dramatic themes of the show with some lighthearted goofiness. You kind of have to go in understanding it's not supposed to be a typical animated "comedy"
The second season ends on an uplifting note
the third season ending makes you wonder why he hasn't killed himself yet
The ending of Season 2 is worth it.
Fuck yourself retarded faggot people like you shouldn't exist.
Season 3 is piss.
why did the writers stopped putting jokes? season 3 is all fake drama bullshit about some whiny millionaire movie star horse
Watch season 2 and feel better, watch season 3 and be depressed because of its low quality
True Hollywood Story: Mr. Ed
They bought in to their own reputation, that's why season 3 feels so stilted and forced
He was going to, user. He was going to.
And then he saw the horses.
I quit drinking (after a two year bender) because of Bojack. No joke.
um, season 3 has plenty of jokes
OP here.
Why did Diane turn into a massive cunt? Fuck is her problem?
>that's why season 3 feels so stilted and forced
Says pretty much no one ever
Season 3 > Season 2 >= Season 1
Season 3 had the best pacing/flow/balance/whatever you want to call it. It was the most engaging and satisfying for me.
Season 3 was the funniest one.
The abortion episode was pretty good.
The only thing depressing about this show is the realization that you wasted time watching it instead of having sex or making money
Except people with taste
Because she learns she's a hypocrite and now hates herself as much as Bojack does.
Season 2 gives you hope.
Season 3 crushes that hope but at the last possible second gives you an iota of possible hope.
He's going to auto-erotic asphyxiate himself.
Yes. I too used to be in a famous tv show...
Fucking loved this show, just binge watched all of it. Recommemdations of shows like it to watch next?
I'm an alcoholic. This show just makes be want to die sooner
I hate the affectation of Bojack Horseman.
It wraps itself up in ironic detachment and irrelevant puns & wackiness which just reeks of insincerity. It is as if they are admitting that the character study that the show is suppose to be about isn't worthy of truly taking center stage. That without their gimmicks it shouldn't even exist. The show purposely sets out in its first episodes to give the viewers an expectation of a generic adult comedy just to 'subvert' the expectations they implanted themselves. It's entirely a gimmick. It's a cheap attempt to pull the rug out from the audience because the character story can't stand on its own legs.
I've heard fans applaud this even. Saying that the 'juxtaposition of bad puns & soul crushing depression is what makes it so great'. When it seems very much to me, that they are using bad comedy to try and make up for their inadequate character study.
so is this show a litmus test to determine if someone is actually miserable/suicidal or just playing at it? Liking it meaning they're the latter?
I'm more suicidal and I've only just finished the first season
>Season 1: Good
For that to be true, that would mean the first 4 episodes weren't complete garbage (which they were).
true alpha detected
Quick, 8 seasons of Entourage or 8 seasons of Bojack?
Season 2 > Season 3 > Season 1
>t. Neal McBeal the Navy Seal
Don't tell me you actually liked those episodes, fucking muffin stealer
I thought they had their moments, but the show really picks up after Bojack visits Herb.
It's a pretty bad show that rides off meta humor, except the jokes never land.