>ctrl + f
>no s/fur
What is this world coming to?
Ctrl + f
Fice neet
Nice trips
And nice feet
Hello there
Quad me up fam
No quads but I'll check those dubs
How's it going?
Pretty good mate. You?
These endless fucked up fur cartoons are just fucking retarded.
If that's what you feel, I don't judge you. It's an acquired taste
Something for you
im about to get some ice cream
and then go the fuck to sleep.
Good! Just started watching Jojo's bizarre adventure. Impressed so far. I also ťried dried seaweed for the first time. Shit is weird.
Awesome! Jojo's is the shit. How far in are you? Also, I haven't had dried seaweed in a really long time. I think I should get some.
I'm on episode 7. They can't stop screaming about hamon but it's getting me hype
Shit, wait until you see Part 3. Show really does earn its name.
I look forward to it! 4-7 wasn't as good as 1-3
Please take your gay shit somewhere else. We've tolerated it since 2003 but we've had about enough.
I disagree- I think part 7 was Araki's magnum opus. Fucking work of art, this series.
Actually had fewer pictures than I thought, so I've got 2 more posts left in me. I'm gonna leave after.
Aww, what's wrong? Can't handle a lil anthropomophosised animals in suggestive and lewd positions? I'd call you a pussy but those are less fragile. How about... fabrege egg?
I meant episodes 1-3, not parts
Ohh. Whoops. Whatever. I do agree with that then, the first three episodes are a lot more content-filled and have a lot more exposition than the others. The ending of part 1 is pretty good imo though
Go back to fapping to your traps and shotas. Here lies one of the few bastions of hetero content left on this board.
My nigga
Sleep tight
Missed one
Guess this might 404 or whatever. If it does goodnight then
Ok, goodnight, all. I'm done.
requesting bunnies
Every god damn fucking thread for the past two years. Fuck off with that exact same god damn image.