So, is this movie going to be a boxoffice megahit?
So, is this movie going to be a boxoffice megahit?
Someone post the orgie again
Planning on seeing it while I'm stoned out of my mind.
Probably won't be a huge hit though. Suicide Squad will do much better
At this point there isnt anything that makes me want to see it other than the novelty of the thing, which isnt enough for me to spend the money.
I already saw Huevos
So no thanks
I get more and more antisemitic everyday because of shit like this.
This looks like the sort of movie I might sneak into if I was still in high school.
>thought provoking storyline
Fucking christ
>Fucking christ
Actually, that's right.
>The film's religious commentary offers a bit more sophistication. If Rogen and Goldberg used a biblical apocalypse in This Is the End to explore sin and the possibility of redemption, Sausage Party pushes even further by fashioning an allegory of faith versus skepticism.
I did that semi purposely
>believing sjwtomatos meme percentages
Christ on the cross, how fucking dumb do they think people are? I read the script when it leaked like a year ago and it's beyond moronic. Yes, the general thrust of the movie is coming to terms with the dangers of blind faith in the light of reality, but why on earth is it getting praise like it's the first time anyone's ever said anything on the topic or pretending that it's particularly insightful?
You fucking people wouldn't shut up for a solid year about how Ghostbusters was the worst thing that ever happened to movies and made like 5 threads about this steaming pile. Way to pick your targets Sup Forums.
>Sausage Party” is at its best when arguing the virtues of godlessness. The film’s theological thesis is simple enough for a child to understand, but the go-for-broke enthusiasm with which its rotting characters rise up and embrace the hard truth of their existence is genuinely transgressive.
I just want to see the orgy
I was making fun of it, someone in a thread on Sup Forums described it as babies first fedora. Its utter garbage filled with raunchy """"""comedy"""""" so 15 year olds will feel cool seeing it.
There is no novelty though. The whole movie is banking on it being an adult animated film released in theaters as if it's some brand new concept even though that's been around since the 60s. Fuck South Park had one like 17 years ago that also happened to be a good musical.
Why do you think critics are giving it such good reviews then (without using the word shill)? I remember when movie critics were supposed to be sophisticated and mentally above the dullard general masses that consume this crap. There was a time where if critics were giving a movie or show rave reviews that meant there was a good enough chance Joe Sixpack from the flyover states would hate it and pretentious pseudo intellectuals (read: Sup Forums) would eat it up. What happened?
Post the orgy
>SJW bloggers love it
It will lose 87 million.
Looks like something my 12 year old self would rent for a sleep over, right at that period where you realize you're too old for sleep overs.
>If Rogen and Goldberg used a biblical apocalypse in This Is the End to explore sin and the possibility of redemption
Are they actually implying that TITE was deep?
When I was a kid I'd sometimes lay awake and wonder if the world would fall apart when my generation became old enough to run it.
I'd tell myself not to worry because surely EVERY generation had this thought, and all turned out well.
Now I'm realizing I was right to be worried.
There are men in their 40's, nominally educated, who find DUDE SWEARING CARTOONS, DUDE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER (EXCEPT ISLAM "BRO") this to be a deep, meaningful work of satire.
that was the last one in 17 years tho
This is not transgressive. I'm an atheist, but a film which posits that people should face reality instead of seeking solace in Judeo Christian (but not Islamic) fantasies is about as transgressive as having a cartoon that says "fuck".
Are these "critics" built like Goldfish? Do they forget the entire history of art prior to each summer season?
lol! what are you talking about? the hotdog said a swear word! isn't that so funny?!
Why does Seth Rogen trigger Sup Forums so bad? Is it because you'll never see this much money in 10 of your miserable lives?
He gets millions of dollars for just doing DUDE WEED LMAO.
Because he makes lazy movies that get a free pass by slotting in some lip service to progressive politics.
Plus he takes up money and space that should go to Danny McBride.
Critics these days are generally just shills whose aesthetic references are primarily pulled from the last decade or so of pop culture.
No way it beats Suicide Squads second week, right?
>Lol u jealous?