Please tell me this bitch dies a gruesome death
Please tell me this bitch dies a gruesome death
hello ?
can yuo hear me ?
hell o ?
she was genuinely confused about why viewers disliked her
no what
hello ?
so was i
anyone who dislikes her is probably 15 or below
Skyler (To Walt): I fucked Ted.
Skyler (To Boys): Boys, dinner!
>husband lies to his wife and makes dangerous drugs and sells them
>Side with him when the wife becomes confused emotionally and makes sleeps with someone who at the time didn't seem like a monster as much as her husband
All the characters make dubious choices within the series, that's the whole point. So to hate one character for that ONE thing is retarded. You end up sounding like an edgy insecure fuck.
>imblying making money to support the family you love is bad
Found the Burger!
i don't blame her, walt became a angry, destructive horrible person that is no environment for a wife and children
>Making money for the family is bad because he had to give up his stake in the company for rent
Not American, just a white knight
She doesn't die, user, I'm so sorry
she did nothing wrong, you just want to fantasize about being Walt and being edgy and irresponsible.
>literally asking to be spoiled
jesse fucks ted
basically this.
Honestly I though Walt Jr. was more annoying. She wasn't even that bad t b h. Only whiney viewers dislike her
Basically all this shit went down because walt accidently said he had 2 phones while he was sedated
Skylar did nothing wrong
>implying an understanding of bad behavior excuses it
Skyler was an idiot.
Lol this sounds like it was written by a woman
>husband's birthday
>only gives him a handjob
>doesn't even show him her tits
she's meant to be unlikable, and so is Walt
Those two selfish asses deserve each other
s-s-s-sshut the FUCK UP user
She lives through to the last episode of the series. But by then she's a nervous wreck who will probably face criminal charges for involvement in Walt's drug trade, and this drives her to start chain smoking again which will give her cancer.
>she's meant to be unlikable, and so is Walt
Walt was meant to be likable but gradually harder to support as the series progressed. This approach was experimental though and even Vince Gilligan came around to supporting Walt in the end by changing his mind about having a downer ending for him.
I should have elaborated that Walt was supposed to be unlikable in the long run. Honestly I hated his guts by the end of season 3, he was never as hate-able as Skylar though
Just something about how she talks and her expressions and reactions, makes you want to bash her face in with a sledgehammer
>She actually said that people who disliked her character hate women
Sure, that's it. Couldn't possibly be the fact that Walt is the protagonist of the show and her behavior towards him was antagonistic. That would make too much sense.
Do you hate Gus?
Do you hate the Joker?
Do you hate Darth Vader?
Walter was the antagonist though, Skyler was a protagonist.
You're doing things I don't like! So being the grown up rational person here, I'm going to do petty shit right back at you
Protagonist doesn't always mean Lawful Good character.
Character aside, Skyler and Jr. scenes were the fucking worst. Thats why no one likes her. Jr gets a pass because its funny that he had to act like he couldn't walk eventhough he really has cerebral palsy. I crack up everytime I see him talk and do stuff.
Jesse Pinkman becomes the worst character
Skyler did nothing wrong
>she did nothing wrong
Compared to Walter putting his family at risk, yes she literally did nothing wrong.
that's exactly it, people use that comparison to make her a saint when i reality she was awful
>SOmeone did something bad
>So this other person doing something bad is totally justified
This is baby tier logic
Vince Gilligan named her character Skylark because she's the size of a fucking Buick.
Government does it all the time, literally every day.
Wtf are you talking about.And how is this an argument?
Is there anybody in there?
Watching through the show again, she really wasn't as bad as I remembered. In fact the only real thing that bothered me was the massive overreaction after the end of season 4. Like, did she really think Walt hadn't done some fucked up shit before that? Does she not remember his "I am the one who knocks" line? But oh no, all of a sudden she's so terrified of Walt now and she has to freak out and start trying to tear the family apart.
Honestly Skylar isn't a bad person at all, but I think she is a little bit stupid. I mean it's pretty easy to see that Walt isn't pulling out of a spiral of chaos.
He's twelve years old, stop replying to him.
Skyler was a bad guy as well. She was completely complicit in Walts schemes once she realized how much fucking money he made. Walt was a bad guy, Skyler was a bad guy, the only difference is that Skyler wasn't as good of a bad guy as Walt because she's a female and therefore inferior at everything.
Just nod if you can hear me
>completely complicit
no she wasn't
>she's a female and therefore inferior
oh okay there's the argument again proving that anyone who thinks Skyler did anything wrong is just a angsty virgin child.
>mommy wouldn't let me jack off to Sonic porn
I would argue that Gus had less screen time in which he was overtly antagonistic to Walt than Skyler. Gus is also driven by reason where as Skyler is driven by emotion, which is something that a lot of viewers not looking past the surface level of things tend to really hate.
It's kind of interesting how lots of men who aren't willing to sit down and think or discuss their thoughts on the show also hate the character of Jesse, who is another overly emotional character, where as women are more fond of him.
>Fucking her employer out of """""""revenge""""""" against Walt
>not doing anything wrong
Nigger please
>Doesn't understand women
>at all
>literally not even a whole number of a percent
How are you even allowed to watch T.V?
It's clearly doing nothing for you.
The point is that women are intrinsically wrong at everything because of their emotional nature
She's bad in that shitty friend kinda way. Not evil or anything, just unpleasant and interacts socially the way sandpaper interacts physically.
This bait is insultingly bad, and yet it's getting responses. WTF I hate people now
>because she's a female and therefore inferior at everything.
The majority of people that dislike her do so because her infuriating bullshit stems from terrible, terrible fucking writing.
I only saw S01 though so maybe the show got a little more mature
She was put through a lot and bent over backward to protect her family.
Skylar did literally nothing wrong... Except that one time she cheated.
So doesn't that completely invalidate your first comment?
nice try
OP could be early on in the series, i don't know exactly, and a lot of others wouldn't have sat through the whole thing, like me. I'm contributing to the thread with a proposed answer to the most commonly asked question in the thread which seems to be why do people hate her. You, on the other hand, are totally useless. Great job
Yes if you poor your family in danger doing so you thug faggot. Defeats the point if you get your family killed. Also Walt cheated on Skylar. You undraged faggots are hypocrites.
i just started skipping all the scenes with her in it
made the show a lot better desu
Is anyone out there?
The betarage tier logic comes from the hate for Skylar yet ironic hero worship of the man that did far worse.
not yet
I am a man and i love Jesse. Jesse was honestly the only redeemable character in the entire show.
>I'm helping
Skyler was an enabler, cunt could've got an accounting job anywhere with health insurance benefits waaaay before Walt even considered making meth let alone a couple years to become a full blown kingpen. And Jesse was the reason Honk (and Sanchez) is kill not Walt. They never would've went out there and the skinheads not been involved had that faggot not tried to snitch on Walt and lure him out to the desert saying he's burning his money.
Why didn't Walt get a job with health benefits instead of becoming a degenerate drug dealer who put the lives of his family in danger while living a double life and cheating on Skylar?
she survife
Fuck you, baby boy... Her husband is a drug dealer. Deal with it, punk.
If jews defends this, then jews are right scummyboy.
>committing adultery
she deserves to be put in a hole in the ground, have people fill up the whole to the level of her chest, then have everyone pelt stones at her, till she dies
In an Islamic court of law, her excuse of "my husband was a drug dealer" wouldn't hold
her careers dead if that helps. probably because she came off like such an unlikable cunt in BB and then said in any interview she didnt understand why people didnt like skyler lmao
In an Islamic court of law, the husband would get executed/crucified for manufacturing and distributing a very dangerous narcotic
Skyler was weak, complicit, cold and vindictive. Walt gets slack because hes funny, interesting and proactive
>prosecuting men
nice taqiyya fampai
why would that help, she has nothing to do with her character, unless you are so stupidly dense to actually think actors/actresses are the roles they play
>Roastie detected
good answer
*distant buzzing*