>Lex Luthor's theme is a corrupted version of Superman's >The sound of the World Engine echoes in the background of Bruce Wayne's nightmares >Clark Kent takes the ferry to Gotham, climbs up the mountain himself, doesn't take shortcuts by flying >The Kryptonite Spear is made from Robin's staff >Priest from MoS officiates Clark's funeral
I love DC comics. I love Batman. Superman is my favorite super hero.
But this movie wasn't anything better than "okay." I know you guys are memeing but let's be honest: they need to do a lot better next time. There should never be a Superman movie where he spends 90% of his screen time scowling.
Batfleck was good. Wonder Woman was surprisingly not terrible, but the script, the story, the entire Doomsday mechanic felt like a mess. It was tacked-on like a messy afterthought.
Also, the Silicon Valley-esque version of Luthor is absolute shit. Lex Luthor is a million times more interesting in both the comics and the animated series.
I love Superman, though, and that's my primary focus. I like Cavill in the role but they give him nothing but garbage to work with. Superman should have a tone about him, an inspiration, hopeful tone. Even his sad stories have it.
Jace Brown
All this except the luthor part.
I honestly believe this was a good pick. Eisenberg isnthe antithesis of supermans character. Where superman relies on his godlike strength and abilities to solve most of his problems, the very weak and non-intimidating lex uses his mind.
I would like to think its hit or miss with lex, but he seems unanimously disliked.
Blake Morgan
I really liked Lex. When he told Bruce they should "collaborate" sometime is when I started to really get his character. BvS cut was honestly better than most DC and Marvel movies bar Watchmen and Winter Soldier.
Caleb Nguyen
>Clark Kent takes the ferry to Gotham, climbs up the mountain himself, doesn't take shortcuts by flying Damn everyone else. I love it when shit like this is pointed out to me.
Sebastian Hernandez
cavill can't pull a superman, dude is too bland and has no range whatsoever, at least if he had charisma it would be okay but the dude even lacks that
Carter Brown
Did you notice the other cameos from MoS? There's that quick montage of all the different people reacting to the Senate bombing and the protests that followed and I'm almost positive that we get a glimpse of the Alaskan oil rig crew Clark saved at the very beginning.
Lucas Sanders
Not unanimously. I thought he was odd at first, but his portrayal has really grown on me.
Logan White
does anyone have the kino poster that shows the old guy Lex Luthor gives the candy to? I really need it
Noah Myers
Fuck you. Facebook guy was shit.
Kayden Sanchez
Agreed on everything except Luthor, which I liked, honestly. I liked that he tried to come off as this super slick guy that was always in control and had something clever and poignant to say, but the manic little monster underneath kept sneaking out until the floodgates broke during his conversation with Clark and he was just hatefully ranting at his bastard father while projecting him on to Clark.
Agreed on everything else, especially Supes. I love Supes and I love Cavill. Give him some better material in JL, PLEASE.
Liam Perez
Say no more, senpai.
Gabriel Bennett
All these BvS threads are the same.
OP makes a thread about how underrated/how good BvS/Ultimate edition is.
Then everyone replys saying it was horrible and bad it was and then they say fanboys or/co/ overrate it.
Throw in some shitposting and comparisons to Marvel then you have every BvS thread ever.
Hudson King
thanks senpai, needed a shot of cinemá
Michael Ward
I'm not OP. I'm agreeing with him, though. I know it would probably be a lot more comfortable for you to think this movie has no fans, but the fact is that it does.
Jackson Garcia
That's true but the greater issue is that nobody gives a fuck about you
Ayden Barnes
I give a fuck about you, user.
Owen Rogers
He has plenty of charisma in man from uncle. There's not a lot he can do when Snyder wants Superman to be a constipated looking mute
Joseph Carter
>Eisenberg was shit
Eisenberg should have get an Oscar for his Lex Luthoer performance, such a powerful scene. fuck the haters
Colton Perry
You're not alone senpai
Luis Rogers
It's funny you mention the mute bit, because I think maybe I finally understand it. Bear with me a sec.
Batman's arc through BvS is basically him personifying post-911 America. Think about it:
>traumatized by an catastrophic attack >witnesses his tower fall >goes to "war" against the person he holds responsible. >lies (to Alfred) about a WMD(the dirty bomb) >resorts to torture and killing in his "war" >vilifies Superman based solely off where he's from and what he *might* do,
In that context, Superman becomes mainstream Islam, just keeping its head down and largely keeping its collective mouth shut, hoping that its "good deeds" will be all it takes to differentiate it from the extremists paying lip service to the same beliefs. It's not enough for Superman to simply play the mute boy scout,because "every act is a political act," and the converse is also true: every *in*action is also a political act.
The same holds true for Islam. Words alone are not enough to define yourself. Actions alone aren't either. At some point, you need to step up and define yourself to the world and back it up through your actions, otherwise, people are just going to continue projecting their own hopes and fears onto you and politicizing you according to their own agendas.
Just a thought.
Bentley Clark
Lex Luthor isn't Bizzaro, Snyder.
Thomas Hughes
>The Kryptonite Spear is made from Robin's staff Is this true? I missed it.
BvS is the gift that keeps on giving. Its literally an ocean of pure kino.
Lucas Bennett
Eisenberg is a fine actor. Just shouldn't have been that character.
Josiah Edwards
You are right on the money user
I guarantee the ending to Justice League will include Superman speaking to the world and introducing the league
Brody Price
I'll have to watch those scenes again, but yeah, I'd say there's a good chance he's right.
on a second viewing lex in bvs was great, especially in the ultimate cut
i still prefer comic book lex from comics like "Lex Luthor: Man of Steel" but they got his motivations right at least
Kevin Lewis
I thought his take on lex was brilliant. He should maybe dial back the autistic mannerisms though, which were annoying
Angel Gomez
This movie really is the gift that just keeps on giving.
Jordan Davis
He could have done a regular Lex Luthor if he wanted. As you said, he is a good actor. He wasnt a bad choice for Lex Luthor. The Lex Luthor they decided to portray was maybe a bad choice for Lex Luthor.
He is akin to the actual Lex, the red haired mad scientist.
Bald billionaire came later, and was probably seen as a bastardization of the characters by many. But since you grew up with it, you have extra affection to him.
If the new Lex Luthor is a hipster joker wannabe, then so be it. Yours is a fake Lex too.
Xavier Foster
Eisenberg seriously acts his ass off in this scene, it bums me out that it was received so negatively.
Christopher Brown
Geoff Johns mentioned months ago that this was essentially Lex's origin
Pretty sure after several months in Arkham, he'll be acting a bit different
Joshua Martinez
Simply amazing.
Josiah Reed
He's mesmerizing in it.
Nice talking to you all. I'm off to bed, superbros.
Julian Lewis
people pay TOO much attention to movies
Ryan Brown
Yes, there are movies that demand attention and that you leave your fucking phone inside your pocket.
But you wouldnt know, after all you watch shit movies.
Jose Hall
Who is that? JJ Abrams?
Brandon Morales
That was MoS, BvS isn't about it.
Christopher Hill
why do people get so mad about WATCHING movies. i mean i could understand if you made movies and had some personal stake in them, but you just watch them. then you try and act superior cause you watch them better.
Sebastian Miller
If I'm investing two fucking hours and $$ on watching a movie then I sure as hell am going to use my brain while I'm at it
Jonathan Ward
I dont think the script is a mess. I think parts of it, particularly the African bullet sublplot, is awful. But the rest is fairly solid. Doomsday was not tacked on, it was the logical conclusion of events. Luthor wanted Superman dead. He didnt expect Batman would actually do it or thought Superman would kill him in a rage, and surprise surprise Superman was alive. So thats why Doomsday was there. Really not difficult to understand at all. Do they need to do better next time? Absolutely, but sometimes I think a lot of the criticism of this movie, especially complains that people drag over even into the ultimate edition, can be chalked up to just not thinking and not paying attention. I dont mean that in a 2deep4u way either. The movie has a fairly easy to understand plot if you just think about it for a few minutes.
Dylan Reed
>everyone replies saying it was horrible Where have you been? The threads you describe do not occur on Sup Forums more often than the threads describing it as great or with threads that are filled with passionate defenders of their favorite companies movie.
Jonathan Thompson
Never looked at it that way before but it all lines up. Not memeing here but you genuinely dont get this shit from Marvel. Captain America touches on real themes a little in Civil War and Winter Soldier but its a little too on the nose.
Eli Davis
also the stitching on supermans suit is a little islamic in design
Camden Bailey
Blew my fucking mind. Anyone who says this movie is anything but GOAT is delusional af. >people literally expected 2.5 hours of Barman and Superman blantly fighting >not realizing this is Snyder's "Batman Begins" to save capekinography once and for all
Justin White
We have a place for nu-males with opinions like yours...