Is it possible to disprove that God exists?

Is it possible to disprove that God exists?

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Burden of proof relies on the onw making the claim

No, there is no evidence to really suggest god does exist either. However, there is strong evidence of evolution all around us, but even that doesn't actually negate the existence of a god all together.

Is it possible for you to go a day without posting this stupid shit?
There's no need to disprove that which is unproven, not to mention that which has no shred of good evidence at all.

Well, god was always there in the history of mankind, now you guys start to claim that he doesnt exist. Prove it then.

Can you prove that invisible pink unicorns don't exist? No, you can't. Does that mean you should believe they do? No, it doesn't.

You can disprove certain Gods exist by the claims they make.
If the God is proven to have an illogical existence then he does not exist.

That statement is incorrect. So no.

Sure you can, you can analyse the molecular structure off the air and try to find some fucked-up horses

Name one culture that had no god

disproving religious dogma is possible and often easy. Disproving the existence of a sentient creator is not possible.

Nope. You can't "analyse" all the air in the world, dumbass. Plus, these unicorns aren't only invisible, they exist in a plane outside our dimension. Prove I'm wrong.

>no god
Which god? Cause there are thousands.


Any God

Nope no way to tell if there is a God.

You guys get it wrong.Its not about proving his existince. Its about calling out his cruelty and those who call it love and follow it with devotion.They would not let any human,mortal leader do since he "made" us and is godly...they can overlook it.They can ALWAYS fall back on faith to make their claim of existence.Its much harder to when you SEE the absence and blatant cruelty.

Various aboriginal and native cultures were animists. Most Asian cultures have long been into ancestral worship. There have been hundreds of nontheistic cultures throughout history and even today.

Don't care if he exists or not, until I'm given proof otherwise I'll live happy thinking people are hilarious for believing in fairytales.

I think God is malevolent.
He purifies his own will like he purifies the sins of mankind, through the sacrifice of the Logos.

God is malevolent to make superior sentient beings.

Which one?

Well you're the one making that claim, so you have to prove it. Just like how Atheists claim there is no God. Also is correct. You could just analyze the air, and if there's nothing there, then no pink unicorns exist in the air.

Humans don't need a god to be cruel, it just makes for organised cruelty

>god was always there
Prove it.

It's impossible to prove a negative. I can't prove to you that Santa Clause doesn't exist if you insist that your faith is such that you believe he does exist. I can only show you that his existence is not very likely.

Lemme try

Plants don't need god. They don't need consciousness at all. Consciousness isn't necessary to life. The question is: is god necessary to life?

God as a creator, no. We can understand with modern science how procreation works.

God as an idea, no. Plants are a life form. Heck if they know.

That said, god only exists as an idea. Everyone capable of the idea has a slightly different idea due to our unique perspectives.

That said, there is no " the god". " God" in it's full presence exists as a different copy in everyone mind, across a multi dimensional spectrum.

The best proof against god is our existence. We made it up because our genes make us. It's a byproduct of our conscious brain. We suffer from being specialized in awareness as a species because it allows us to plot narratives relating to the very concept of existence. We have over developed brains, which isn't necessary, it just happens to be that way, and therefor, thinking about life and wanting it to have meaning are innate behavior to our species, and therefor also spirituality. God is alive because we are. God is a part of our biology, but it isn't really a god. It's a blind spot in our analytic minds. It's a feedback loop of our self aware beings.

Existence is meaningless and we just exist to tell the tale.

>It's impossible to prove a negative. I can't prove to you that Santa Clause doesn't exist

Yeah, you can actually. Simply go to the north pole and go to the very point and have a look and see if there is a workshop with a bunch of elves, reindeers and Santa himself. Not that hard.

I never thought of it like that
Not only a handsome dude, but very clever

Considering what a bloody mess our species it, from sociological to genetic, the claim of a sentient creator is questionable, at the very least.

If I roll dubs, god exists.

Welp, there's your proof, OP.

>Well you're the one making that claim, so you have to prove it.


> Just like how Atheists claim there is no God.

Incorrect. Atheism literally means "without theism" - meaning lacking the belief of the positive claim that god exists.

Learn your shit before you try to troll, kiddo.

If I roll dubs, your mother dies in her sleep if you don't respond.

Jesus Christ. Everything you wrote was just your personal assumptions upon assumptions, and you stated it all as fact. You sound like some edgy high school teenager going through puberty.

They need to see that.They do.

>You could just analyze the air, and if there's nothing there, then no pink unicorns exist in the air.

Read what you linked to, faggot. They exist outside our dimension. You can't prove they don't exist. Also

Yeah, nah thats Agnosticism mate.

"is god necessary" =/= "is there a god"

You do realize that the majority of humans in history were also highly illiterate, if not completely.

Isn't this why there is agnosticism?
There may or may not be, but we won't know until we die or something like that

Yeah, you could. If you had a device that could detect beings from another dimensions. Just because we don't have tools, doesn't mean we can't measure things. At one point in history we could not fly in airplanes, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to do so, because we do it today.

If I were to give a mathematical probability rounded to nearest whole number it would equal null, zero, nothing. I find the evidence provided the believers is insufficient and circumstantial at best. But I can not defacto beyond a reasonable doubt disprove that he exists


You're all a bunch of faggots

Theism = belief in a God
A (prefix) = lack of
Atheism = lack of belief in a God

Then the reply by the beliver would be.. "Well he doesn't really live at the North Pole. It's just a ruse to fool the weak minded."

This is just not true. Polytheism existed way before "God". People worshiped every fucking thing.

No, it's not.

The root word of agnosticism is gnostic, meaning "to know."

Agnosticism deals with knowledge, atheism with belief. The two are different, and are not mutually exclusive. No one can "know" that god exists or not, despite what some may claim. But atheists don't believe that god does exist. The vast majority of atheists are agnostic atheists. You can be an agnostic theist as well, in that you admit you cannot know there is a god, but you believe there is.

Again, learn your shit before you speak.

>It's impossible to prove a negative
No it's not.

No, but you can't prove that he does either, so there is no good reason to believe that he does.

There was this rumor when I was in middle school that the Russian's invented a machine called: The Angel Machine
It basically took footage of our heat signature and infrared waves of our dying bodies and it showed that every dying body produced a white cloud that would come out at the exact moment of death and slowly fading away

Like I said it was a rumor so don't take it so hard

Why not believe in the Christian God when you claims he will send non-believers to hell forever.

I think this is the way that God argues, it plays upon man's sense of caution.
If you there is no God and you die, you've lost nothing.
If there is a God you gain eternal life.

Too bad that monster Muhammad stole God's line of reasoning and used it to manipulate entire populations for wicked aims.

However, the message from the Gospel contains no logical errors, while the Quran does. It is easy to see who is the truth.

Typical retarded theist having no idea what he's talking about.

Perhaps a picture will help you.

Both groups make claims, retard.

Also, god as a perfect entity does not exist. we as alledged creations are normally capable of morality and judgement. We can verify that the world is imperfect, and that there is more discomfort, injustice and suffering than divine, awe inspiring experience. A perfect, absolute, all powerful entity must be able to, without restriction, facilitate an infinitely perfect experience for an infinite amount of time. The sheer observation of this fallacy means that I am already more potent than God, seeing as our world as flawed and my mind as biologically subscribed to concepts of perfection. God can be anything: the higher self, the excuse of the ego, an explanation beyond reason, an excuse to be above morality.

God is a perverse concept. Consiousness isn't necessary, yet we are supposedly created to have to wonder about what life is.

If there was a god, we wouldn't be able to doubt it. We wouldn't have been created with that level of awareness. The world, this universe, the way the odds are divided, with all its coincidences, accidents and synchronicities, could be 100% identical if it were truly divine: all it needs is for us to be unable to question it..

But we can. Therefor God exists as a separate entity, a theological, philosophical question, so much that it is even given a role external of this universe: some heaven or superior realm.

If god existed, we shouldn't be able to doubt it. We would observe and sense this world the same: except not with the burden of existential dread.

Yeah, it is. You're stupid.

We can explain that with thermodynamics. That energy will seek equilibrium. No mystery here. this is just heat energy being dispersed

But only one group makes a positive claim. And the burden of proof is on the party making the positive claim.

You didn't post that. Prove me wrong. Oh way, you can't.

God is malevolent and spends all eternity stabbing you in the balls after you're dead if you're a good person. If you are a woman, you were born without balls or lost them in a freaky accident xe (because God is a gender jelly pre-op male) grows a new pair on you and stabs them. Forever.

Disprove that.


Exactly, can't prove a negative.

Jesus died to save the world from sin, Odin died to save the world from frost giants. There's still plenty of sin in the world, but there aren't any frost giants. This proves the Norse gods are real and the god of Abraham and Issac isn't. Prove me wrong.

you stated it all as fact. You sound like some edgy high school teenager going through puberty.

these are just assumptions

You're not making sense.

Heard a similar story where some cunt killed most of the giants that roamed earth during biblical times

Good job moving the goalpost there. I guess we never needed a proof for Fermat's last theorem because he was making a negative claim?

And just before you throw the religious insults at me, I'm an atheist and I don't even claim to be agnostic about it. I think believing in a God is retarded.

Neither are you. You can't prove a negative. You're making the positive claim that you can prove a negative, so the burden of proof is on you. So tell me, how do you prove a negative? I'm interested in seeing the fucking mental gymnastics on this one.


Yeah, believing in god is retarded.
The point about the positive claim part is simply that
>there is a god
>present some proof
>no, you disprove it
See how retarded it is?

There are no triplets (a, b, c) of different positive integers such that a^n + b^n = c^n for any natural number n greater than 2.

That's a negative claim, and there is a proof for that.

Not him, but I'll step in.

You claim that both sides are making claims. As an atheist, I am not. I am rejecting the positive claim that god exists. I'm not claiming that god does not exist - I'm rejecting the claim that he does based on insufficient evidence. Most atheists are. So no - both sides are not making positive claims. You're incorrect.

How dare this cunt claim the glory of Odin's work! I have no choice but to brutally murder all those who spread such lies!

>There is no god
>present some proof
>no u

How can you not see that is equally retarded?

But Santa Claus lives in the North Pole. That's how the story goes.

I would agree to anything for a man that gorgeous. No homo. Love everything about him.

How can you prove that?

That's not a negative claim. That's a positive assertion of something not existing. That's not what atheists are doing - they are rejecting a belief. I don't believe god exists. That's not a positive assertion - that's the rejection of one.

A reasonable person!

Nope, I'm Agnostic. Not a religious nut and not a neckbeard.

There's no milk in the glass.

You want proof?
You think you can handle what you ask for?
Where did it all come from?
"It always existed"
What is its informationally structure?
How is it's existence informed of itself?

When you learn to uncover these mysteries, you shall see God.

Nah, it's a fact that teens spout nonsensical pseudo intellectual mumbo jumbo and later look back at their teen atheist stage and cringe.

Prove that there's air in the cup
>Protip: you can't

>claims there is no God
>b-b-but i'm not claiming there is no God! It's just fact!

Why are Atheists just as retarded as christians and sandniggers?

Clearly not. You may merely reject the claim, but I don't see any evidence that that is the norm. There are plenty of threads every day where one side asks the other side to prove their claim. The whole new atheism movement is about questioning religious beliefs and trying to "eradicate" them.

Which is a noble goal by the way, religion is a cancer on society. It's just silly to say atheists (in general) aren't making a claim.



If anyone's a pure empiricist, the inevitable conclusion would be that everything is meaningless.
Take for instance the idea that you actually have "free will"; yet if you think about it, free will is really just another word for transactions between neurons in your brain.
Do we really know that we make the decisions that we do, or is it merely a reaction to external stimuli?
If you believe that you merely choose things because of external stimuli, then choice really is just an empty word.
The pause before concluding a thought in your mind is merely a process and nothing more.
If that is the case, then what really separates you from everything? You are a part of it right?
If you're just a direct product of everything, then you really are everything.
The floor you stand on is just as much a part of you as the air you breathe and the molecules that integrate it into your body.

Just as a speck of dirt would move in the direction of the wind.
A true atheist would accept futility entirely and live the rest of his days perceiving life completely trivial.
I highly doubt that such a person could continue to live at all.

I'm claiming I don't believe in him, I could care less if he actually exists or not, it has 0 influence on the world as it stands.

That goes back to the inability to prove a negative.
Christians are making the positive claim that there is a god. Therefore, the burden to prove the existence of said god is on them. Are you really this daft?

This is an argument about the proof itself, not the statement god exist you hyperautist

Retard of the year right here.

No you retard, you can only proof they exist if you find them, but you could never proof the opposite

Well, I disagree with you. Maybe edgy atheist teenagers on here may make a positive claim that god does not exist, but the ones I speak to, and the prominent atheist speakers on the topic, do not.

Besides, I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of atheists who say "god doesn't exist" know very well that they can't "know" that, and are really saying that they don't believe he does.

From everything that we know today about our universe it is clear that life and our existence is entirely meaningless. When our sun nears its end it will engulf the planet and wipe everything that we ever did away forever. There won't be any trace of evidence left aside from the two voyager spacecrafts and the radio transmissions we've created.

Longer away still even those things won't matter when the universe goes cold. Life is meaningless.

This is how I try to answer that question. Is there a god? Well, if there would be a god, it would be necessary. So I verify that god isn't necessary, and that this life can do without. That notion is proof against god. Nobody needs god. We are just equipped to doubt, argue, or be erratically convinced of the hypothesis. That;s because we evolved to do so, and this doesn't mean whatever we can imagine necessarily exists.
God isn't necessary, therefor, there is no reason to believe one exists. It doesn't make any difference if you're a sensible human being either. God is a useless, cumbersome idea, the only thing to make it belong to history is more evolution when our brains adapt to get rid of those parts that makes us want to believe in god. Either way, there is no god. It's a symbol of existential anonymity. It can not be described. It can not be diagnosed. It can not be named. This enrages people. Look at this tread. Look at the world. Religion sucks ass. Humanity, but life in general is a fine argument against religion. Religion, theology, is not necessary and when considered, better off without.
A real god wouldn't have devised it like this, for his creatures to ruin his perfect paradise with the very tools he's given them. We continue to be aware of the question of god because we are mentally capable. Our imagination and intellect as a species surpasses this of any notion of a perfect creator, because we can observe the wrongness of the world. We got this notion, this compass for beauty and morality from life itself and combined with progressed self awareness, the notion of the " most supreme perfection" has come to be. It's only in the mind. The world and the universe don't care. Rationally, you know a god with unlimited time, power and perfection doesn't do the stuff you see around you.

If this universe is created by God, I think he's afk or this was a test version. That, or god is mentally challenged because shit is retarded.

>name one culture that didn't make up a god to explain the things they were ignorant of
not to mention they're highly contradictory different gods
u can't be this dumb
try harder

We'll have either killed ourselves or moved on from Earth a long time before our sun dies user

did you literally just close your eyes, plug your ears, and respond "nope"? because that's what it seems like you did. take your time and try again