You can say what you want about this movie, but it was really well-written. No plot holes in the extended cut.
You can say what you want about this movie, but it was really well-written. No plot holes in the extended cut
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Batman and Superman not fucking is a plothole.
Dont you ever get tired of making troll threads everyday about DCU movies being good?
I'm serious. Name one plot hole.
is there more WW in the extended?
"Is she with you"? "I thought she was with you"?
When Bruce had sent her an email a short while before.
How does Luthor know that mixing DNA with Zod will result in the creation of Doomsday ?
Why did Lex give special bullets to the mercenaries in Africa when regular bullets would work fine and not leave a trail?
Why is Zods body in the ship? Zod was killed in the city. His body would be in a government lab not back in the ship.
Superman literally murdered that Arab warlord in the desert scene , yet he was against Batmans brutal ways?
He didn't know her full origin from the data in Lex's files though. For all he knew she was essentially Superman's sis that arrived a lot sooner and remained hidden for longer.
He literally got the scout ship to tell him shit about other planets and the technology and crap. Then the scout ship says the council decreed never AGAIN shall a desecration without name be created. He learnt from the ship that you can get deformities and shit
the kryptonian AI told him
lmao jesus christ the script was so fucking atrocious not to mentioned the whole extended universe shit was like a 2nd movie crammed into it
plot holes arent the sole determinant of a scripts quality you dumb fuck
because regular bullets would leave a trail and could be traced back? Lex's bullets were intentionally created so that they couldn't easily be traced which is why Jenna Malone's character couldn't do it. It was only done by some higher up method in the government. Lex just didn't plan on Lois getting a bullet and tracking it to him, but he even said that it all didn't matter and itll blow away like sand in the desert.
they literally had a scene where Lex asked for them to bring him Zod. They even show his body being delivered to Lex at the ship.
Technically he never murdered him. For all we know Superman led with his fist like he always does in flight and punched the wall out and just flew the general off somewhere else.
Not really they just flesh out the story more and put pieces together. If you liked the cinematic cut you will definitely like the ultimate cut.
Why did Lois Lane know to get the Kryptonite spear from the inexplicably deep and well lit puddle she'd thrown it into a few moments prior Why was Pa Kent on top of mount everest? WTF even was that scene? Was he hallucinating? Who thought that would be a good idea to put in the movie?
Extended Ultimate Edition is absolute kino.
>Why did Lois Lane know to get the Kryptonite spear from the inexplicably deep and well lit puddle she'd thrown it into a few moments prior
because Doomsday came from the kryptonian ship
>Why was Pa Kent on top of mount everest?
>Was he hallucinating?
Why did nobody perform an autopsy on any one of the myriad people killed in Africa? Why did they immediately assume Superman, a person who has been, for all intents and purposes, a good guy, just went on a homicidal rampage for no reason? Even in the extended cut they show KGBeast torching the bodies with a flamethrower after shooting them. Superman shoots lasers from his eyes, not flames. There is a metric fuck ton of photographic evidence of this from the Battle of Metropolis. Wounds from a flamethrower are going to look vastly different than wounds from a highly focused laser.
That should be a moot point anyway as the controversy surrounding Superman was that he was beholden to no one but himself, not that he was a murderer. In the theatrical cut I got the impression that by taking out the Warlord, he created a power vacuum which led to the massacre, not that he literally massacred the people himself. That's a much better plot point as it deals with the unintended consequences of his actions.
How does Lois know to go for the spear?
>Was he hallucinating?
>Why did Lois Lane know to get the Kryptonite spear from the inexplicably deep and well lit puddle she'd thrown it into a few moments prior
Because she knew something Kryptonian-related was happening with the scout ship, she saw the battle headed back in her direction, heard Doomsday roar, and put all those factors together to figure out that the spear might be of use in whatever was happening.
>Why was Pa Kent on top of mount everest?
Memory/vision. I thought it was rather poignant given how near and present our lost friends and family can seem to any of us at times.
>WTF even was that scene?
That was Clark coming to understand the wisdom of his father's old story. Being a hero isn't just about being heroic in the moment. It's also about facing the consequences of your actions and finding a way to live with them. It's about choosing your world.
>Who thought that would be a good idea to put in the movie?
As someone that's lost a parent, I was glad to see that scene. I still talk to my own dad like that from time to time.
>I thought since you're both clearly metahumans, you're aware of each other and know each other more closely than I know her. I mean you're kinda even dressed similarly, if I squint a little.
Saw the kryptonite killing Superman. Knew Doomsday had come from the ship. Saw Doomsday moving with the speed and strength of a Kryptonian. Put 2 and 2 together.
m8 how often do you think people perform autopsies in african shitholes
also bodies are buried quickly or not at all in those regions
The OP is like one of the Japanese soliders who wouldn't accept that they lost the war and act like what they do means something.
The bodies were burned by KGBeast
The part that always amazes me is that even after people saw that in the UC, they still can't wrap their heads around the significance of KGBeast intending to use the flamethrower on Martha, too.
Clark Kent the person that looks exactly like Superman dies the same day that Superman dies. And nobody notices. They even have an article with his picture in the newspaper and still nobody notices. Is this world filled with idiots
Wait what? people are complaining about KGBeast using a flamethrower on Martha?
superman was flying up to meet lex luthor but when he went into the bath tub with Lois he didn't fly in
Doomsday crashed through Metropolis and Gotham and broke a bunch of shit. Not as much as Zod, but enough that Clark dying is certainly believable.
No, it's not that they're complaining about it. It's that they miss the implications of it. Did you notice that after all his talk about Superman being a god, he refers to him as a flying demon and his mother as a witch in the very next breath.
Lex was going to lay Martha's death on him, too.
He wanted Clark to put the pieces together when it was too late to change anything.
>no plot-holes = good writing
That's like saying no bugs in your food = a good meal.
I hated the over exaggerated drama but it was a good movie nonetheless.
Dear OP,
I regret to inform you, your eliminated "faggotry" levels suggest you suffer from a severe case of "DC Delusion". Schedule an appointment next week to further discuss your options.
Dr. Sup Forums M.D.
Do you think you're fooling anyone?
The kind of people that like DCEU movies probably do think a meal with no bugs is a good meal.
>My mom is named Martha
>wow mine too
>let's be friends
that's some great writing OP
Why did retarded old man stay in the building until Batfleck told him to get out?
>because regular bullets would leave a trail and could be traced back?
Not true.
As long as people keep responding, no, he won't get tired of it.
OP half of your explanations for plot holes are 'Well we just assume that it happened'
In Lois' scene she is nowhere near the battle, but just hears explosions, and somehow assumes that she needs to go deep well diving and get the spear back.
Lex is able to garner information from an alien spaceship by wandering through it for 15 minutes, as if he somehow fucking knows how to operate an alien spaceship.
My point is its not helping your case
Lois saw the shit happening in the scout ship before she asked for a chopper to gotham. then suddenly these monstrous roars could be heard with all those explosions. she isn't a retard she could work it out...
they never gave a time frame between Lex's scene in the scout ship. one scene he asks the scout ship to teach him everything about the alien tech then the very next scene we see him dumping zod's body in the water, yet he is wearing completely different clothes. clearly it has been a while if not several days
I noticed something last time I watched it. Lex's scenes, intentionally or not, are a puzzle.
When he presents his short list of demands to Senator Jolly Rancher, he asks for access to the ship first, *then* for access to Zod's body. The cut-away scenes follow that same order, but the fact is, he was already carrying Zod's fingerprints in his briefcase in that initial scene.
Even though his interaction is separated from that scene by the bulk of the film, you can see that his wardrobe is the same as it was in that initial decontamination scene where he first reaches the ship. In other words, Lex already possessed access to the Kryptonian database and was slowly breaking under the weight of his knowledge the whole movie, or at least it can be interpreted that way.
Looking at it from that angle makes his philanthropy speech at the charity dinner even more interesting, because he appears to stop himself from saying the following:
"Knowledge is power, and I'm the most knowledgeable man alive," or something very much to that effect.
Nigga she's an investigative reporter that specializes in reporting from warzones. She once said "I get writer's block if I'm not wearing a flak jacket", we can take it for granted from her established character that she's observant enough to figure out
1) Shit's going down in the Kryptonian ship.
2) A big angry motherfucker came out of it and is throwing down with Clark and Bruce.
3) It's probably Kryptonian.
4) I should go get that thing that was killing Clark, a Kryptonian.
So how did he know the deformIty would create an unstoppable killing machine? What if it ended up just having downs syndrome or something?
>but it was really well-written
It has two men in tights fighting each other - one is an alien who can fly and shoot lasers from his eyes, the other is a billionaire vigilante.
>There aren't plot holes
>Therefore it's well-written
why did Superman let the kryptonite smuglers go and instead destroyed Batman's car
Why dId senator Joel E. Rancher agree to all of Lex's demands? Wasn't Lex the one asking for the favour re: the import license? Shouldn't the Senator be the one feeding candy to Lex?
Why didn't Batman just hide the kryptonite up his butt?
All files was on krypton ship.
why did Batman shoot at KGBeast's flamethrower gas tank instead of shooting him right in the head? he was going to kill him anyway and the explosion put Martha's life in danger
How does Lex Luthor know Batman's secret identity?
He carried all along him while going thru the walls himself. Superman kills only when there's no other ways.
And no, at this speed he couldn't die, also remember that Superman generate little anti-gravity field around his body when he flies.
It's a bigger target, harder to miss.
Huh. I never realized that. That's actually a good point.
Oooohhhh, no plotholes, eh? That's why Garfield was such a good movie. Everyone knows that if you have a coherent plot, a movie is amazing.
>And no, at this speed he couldn't die
Because spirits travel on top of mountains.
Did you see the size of the gun he was holding with one fucking arm? How is he supposed to have sharp aim like that when someone's life is at stake?
If KGBeast doesn't pull the trigger, the tank just leaks. Nothing happens.
KGBeast pulled the trigger and burned himself alive because of it.
At least I assume that's what they were going for.
Tracked his movements on hacked surveillance cams all over Gotham. Plus, he had twenty years worth of accumulated data to put the pieces together. Prequel comics for those who'd like to give them a read.
He actually pivots his body around and ignites the leak with his own pilot flame.
I really liked
Wonder Woman theme
> superman randomly shows up when lexdrops louise
>superman fights batman instead of explaining the situation to him
> batman decides not to kill superman despite years of visceral hatred
I love this movie. Been defending it from Day 0.
To that end it makes me mad to see fairweather DC fans who feel like playing the underdog role trumpeting the Ultimate Cut as some vast improvement.
Its way worse than the theatrical. The theatrical simplifies plot threads sloppily but at least theyre taut, the Ultimate Cut flails around for 3 hours of your day.
even though i've planned to kill you for the last 10 years?
Because in this universe he never kills directly, I even want to add that Batman in this film is personified force of absolute opposition.
You throwing at him grenade - you exploding on it yourself
Shooting his car - he shooting yours
Knife him in shoulder - right back it goes
Want to use flame thrower - you will get its flame on yourself
Captured some cutie weeb qts in cells - will go in prison yourself
That's why I like Zack Snyder, he knows his job.
You ain't alone, man. I get hype as fuck every time I hear it. Makes me want to go full Spartan.
>prequel comics
Doesn't count
same thing happened on 9/11 protocols and stuff. also there was a battle between gods on the streets.
This guy is legit
>Because in this universe he never kills directly
someone post the webm of Batman killing those goons with the batwing
Until contradicted it does. Embrace it, user. These same prequel comics could one day give us prehistoric Supergirl in a fur bikini.
See the future and it will be.
He kills at least 4 guys directly. 2 during the Batmobile chase and 2 before thw Warehouse scene.
[Spoiler]Never had a problem with Batman killing though [/spoiler]
Check this out. It could be an allusion to drone attacks. Not even meming.
That'd be a good one off. Land her spacecraft in prehistoria, she's basically a savage, fights a few tyrannosaurs, and has to deal with some prehistoric villain.
still no answers for this one
Why couldn't Superman use his powers to find his mom? Why couldn't Batman see this was all bait by Luthor?
I think it was because he was more concerned with stopping the Batman than the people he was chasing. That's how I see it, at least.
This movie was the definition of pure kino.
Anyone who disliked it is a nu male
>You throwing at him grenade - you exploding on it yourself
>Shooting his car - he shooting yours
>Knife him in shoulder - right back it goes
>Want to use flame thrower - you will get its flame on yourself
>Captured some cutie weeb qts in cells - will go in prison yourself
Huh. Didn't notice that.
Believe it or not, there was a scene that never made it back into the movie where Superman tries to find his mom, but by doing so, he opens himself up to all the bad things constantly happening around him. Snyder thought that scene was too dark for this film, and that's really saying something.
She spent at least some time gagged and it's a safe bet that they told her she'd be dead before he could get there if she did try to draw attention to herself.
Why was Superman so mad at Batman?
Honesty I've always figured this when we first saw the trailer of Bruce running through the debris. But let's be real no one gives a fucking about the aspects, especially not in a Superhero movie.
But time will be the ultimate judge and I would hope that people don't look at BvS so superficially.
He only shoots first car
Even in Metal Gear Solid it doesn't count if you shoot barrel near goon and it's explodes taking him down.
He never shoots people directly in this movie, never. Just like in comics.
Superman wasn't a fan of Batman's brand of Justice because it ended up getting a man with a family get killed in prison.
Because he's stepped over the line from being a hero into being a vigilante. There's also a heavy element of post-911 allegory to it all. The Bat's trampling on civil liberties and setting himself up as judge, jury, and executioner.
Lex is also pushing Clark's buttons in this regard by being the guy behind the death(the only one we see) of one of the branded inmates, and he makes sure those pictures end up in Clark's hands.
It damn sure would. Here's the setup:
I'm half-expecting her to be the real hero of the prehistoric war.
thats a plot hole good user
Christ almighty, what a leap.
The guy was a criminal and Batman wasn't the one that killed him.
I'd say an appropriate course of action would be to approach Bruce calmly and have a conversation with him, perhaps with the both of them in civvies.
Grand property damage is a little excessive.
Snyder's Superman is a hypocrite murdered asshole
No, that's characterization. A plot hole is Roninson Crusoe stripping naked, swimming out to his wrecked ship and filling his pockets with necessities.
Not to mention that he's not really interested in much more than him dropping his campaign.
It takes Lex's blackmail to force the fight.