MILF vs Teen

MILF vs Teen

Or the true story of the night my best friends mother seduced me at a sleep over.
3 nights ago I shared a little about the night my best friends mum got stuck into me. 2 nights ago I went further in, ended up posting it in a milf thread. Lots of anons said it was epic. Apparently I created a lot of penis cumming into sock action. 2 guys said it was the hottest thing they'd ever read. I know thats not true but it was a nice complement. Some said they will take my story and repost it as their own. All this surprised me. Its just an epic green text and i thought it might be boring because of all the detail. Apparently its already on funny junk and who knows where else. I'm OK with this BUT. Before it goes any further i want to repost it. One last time.

I've changed a couple things. As i was typing and posting i missed out some events to stop peoples autistic screeching about the long wait between post. And also, this has been constantly on my mind the last couple days and ive realised some things didnt quite happen in the order i originally thought. Ive also changed anything that might identify her. Because although i was willing, it was technically statutory rape. She's still out there living a regular life and a normal citizen, and if anyone figured out this was her, she and her family would be ruined. It would cause major probs for my family too. In many ways it fucked me up, but I'm cool with it now, I see it as happy chapter of my life.

If you see this reposted elsewhere just know I'm the actual OP this happened too. Anyone else is bullshitting ya.

Again completely true, I have no reason to lie.

And any Kiwi anons, this is dedicated to you.

Hope you enjoy!


> be me,13
> she was 29
> long blonde hair, 5'6, real tight body with perky tits. Ive only ever seen her in gym gear or white jeans. So always a great view of that body. The jeans were best though, could make out her underwear. She introduced me to the whale tail.
> reminds me of a cross between Sarah Michelle Geller and how Jennifer Aniston looked in Friends. Probably just because they happened to be the two biggest celebs at the time
> Now my country doesn't really do the soccer mom thing, but if we did, she would be their leader.
> her son and i were best friends. Had been since kindy. Call him Robert, call me Andrew, no call me user.
> he's still 12 is pretty moody and spergs out lots
> his mum and step dad divorcing
> this is making him annoying
> I was an early bloomer, fully interested in girls, having awkward growth spurt, main hobby is my peen, im at the stage where even Saturday morning cartoons turned me on so im constantly fapping.
> my friend is a late bloomer, a short arse whose still only into kid stuff, its getting hard for us to relate
> lives 3mins bike ride away in a huge house on a massive lot with pool
> his family are loaded
> I like their set up, lots to do there, so I'm around all the time
> begin seeing Mrs B in a different way
> I have no idea about signals but start to think shes too interested in me and what I'm doing
> one day after school I'm visiting, just hanging in the kitchen. She's heating up pop tarts
> 'hey you know what guys, how about a sleepover
> 'user you wanna come over hang with us this Saturday? Robert you can invite some other boys too. We can get some movies from Blockbuster and I'll order pizza'
> I'm totally OK with this. Its a 13 year olds god tier night
> that Sat bike over a couple other friends already there
> just 5 kids in total, all from my grade, good vibes, top company
> some real good friends, but not relevant to the story so won't mention them again
> Mrs B is great hostess
> and looks HOT AF

> today wearing cream coloured floral summer dress. That shit was big back in 2003. Dont remember seeing her in a dress before, looking good Mrs B.
> hair is out, interesting usually has it tied back
> smells like a meadow or flowers or some shit
> warm early summers day, us kids are swimming, we show her how awesome we are by dive bombing, and who can hold breath underwater longest
> 'time to bring it inside boy' she's got the soft drink flowing, puts out bowls of chips and pretzels, baked cupcakes even. Fucking first class effort on her part I thought.
> ive never been treated like this before and she seems to be getting a kick out of it
> getting close to 6pm she says 'I'm driving to pick up pizza but gonna stop at the supermarket to get lotto and stuff. I need a boy to come with me to help. Any volunteers?'
> of course everyone of us wants to fucking go with her coz tits. but we are all 12-13 and social retards so no one pipes up
> she says, 'no takers? OK I'm going to have to pick someone at random. Um, whoevers name is first in the alphabet has to help me'
> I'm like fuck yeah score! Being called Andrew, I mean user rules. Pretend to be disappointed and want to stay with mates because i think thats what i have to do.
> not aware she planned that, not aware she wanted alone time with me to 'test the waters'
> on the road she's talking about random shit, how's my grades, got a gf yet, going anywhere for summer hols?
> being 13 I just grunt

> she says appreciates I'm a good friend for her son, she knows he's been acting sad and not easy to hang with, just he's doing it tough since the split . 'I think you are maturing well and are a real good young man for sticking by him'
> she called me a young man, in a way that made my balls tingle
> now sitting at the lights she looks at me, gives a smile that makes me uncomfortable.
> puts her hand firmly on my knee and says 'really I cant thank you enough.' Looks straight at my eyes. My spaghetti is everywhere
> Takes her hand off my knee and lightly runs her nails up my thigh playfully punches and tickles my side
> I nearly came then and there
> being borderline retarded I didn't think she was meaning to be sexual, just doing goofy soccer mom kinda stuff.
> But loved the physical contact. Already that was the most action I've ever received, from anyone
> run into supermarket with her, in my head acted all cool and aloof, 'like yeah whateva' but get a massive kick out of being seen in public with her
> put bags in the back of the SUV. She has to move her work stuff around, leans forward and pushes some things, gives me a great view of her arse.
> 'user help me here please, just take this its heavy' I move in she 'fumbles' with a box to pass to me. For a few seconds my body is pushed right next to hers. She feels soft, looks even more beautiful from this close, her perfume makes my head swirl, I'm like a deer in headlights.
> her knee goes up to steady the box
> oh boy that knee is in my crotch

> hands it over then stands behind me and with and arm on either side helps slide the box in. I'm nearly at the same height so she has to put in extra effort.
> Holds that position for a moment to 'check its secure'. All i can think is her arms are around me and there have been tits pushed up into my back for 10 seconds now.
> then feel her hands on my shoulders, slides down my arms squeezing a little. 'Wow you really are getting strong aren't you'. I know it sounds corny AF. But she really did say that, and it did the trick.
> driving to Pizza Hut I'm now uncomfortable. All that physical contact means ive sprouted a boner. Wearing just rugby shorts and tshirt im crossing my legs to hide it. Last thing i want is for her too see whats going on.
> im an early bloomer. still developing but at this stage, stuff is in full swing down there. Hes not quite 5", but right now hes doing his best to hit 6".
> ( For the purposes of this story I'll change that detail and tell you I ACTUALLY own a grown mans angry full sized 10"er veiny cock with hairy arsed cantaloupes for balls. At least tell me tell one lie as I retell this.)
> anyways Im trying everything to make my junior mini peepee go down before we pull up.
> nothings working
> Mrs B's still talking about her husband and stuff, typical woman. I've zoned out
> We get there, 'OK let's get this!'
> oh I um I think... ummmmm, can I stay here please?
> 'whats up mate? Something wrong?'
> oh no, I just think i have a sore stomach.
> Arms folded over my lap im awkwardly curled over towards the door trying to hide the bulge
> she looks genuinely worried and puts her hand on my head
> that does not help the situation
> hand goes down to my abdomen
> She's put her hand smack bang on my peen

Preparing to fap

> seemed as shocked as i was and recoils back
> first time anybody was touched my junk. And its a grown arse woman doing it in a car park of the shops. Or strip mall for you North Americans.
> its obvious I'm freaked out but she acts totz cool
> 'Sorry mate, didn't mean to do that. Don't be embarrassed, that kinda thing is waaaaay normal.' Her hand goes onto my knee
> Tell you what I'll go in, you just stay here.' Gives me a wink and pats me on my lap. Like seriously she pats me right back, smack bang on my dick. Cops decent nanosecond feel acting like its no big deal.
> !!!!!!!!!
> she's in the shop, looks and waves back at me while waiting, making faces, acting goofing. Probably making sure I'm not busting one out and staining the interior.
> No one can see but I have actually pulled my dick out. Not fapping, just getting reacquainted. Feels pretty alpha to be sitting high up in her vehicle, holding it while watching her.
> She looks at me again, I freak out, dick immediately gets put back
> Finally comes around to my door with a cuntload of pizza boxes. Passes them up to me 'Careful! hot!' I'm still hard, obviously tucked him away but now I've got my hands full so am feeling real exposed.
> 'Hold on' she gets a blanket off the back seat and puts in over my lap. Again with the hand on cock contact. This time she does a rub, a seriously longer than necessary rub, pretending to firm and pat the blanket down I suppose
> Drive back nothing out of the ordinary. Just joking about shit and I'm pretty stoked to get started on the food, eat a whole garlic bread to myself
> all the touchy stuff is kind of forgotten once we've pulled up, just go in sit with my mates and gorge ourselves full while watching Fast and Furious.
> Mrs B tells us she's gonna hang in the lounge, will leave us alone but 'If anyone needs anything just yell out or pop down the hall.'

> i put what happened on the drive as an accident. Like she didn't mean to do anything or hadnt realised she had fondled me 3 times
> Put it at the back of my mind, well, try
> after movie finished we're all hyped, have cabin fever and need to run around a bit. Mrs B gives us some torches and suggests we play hide and seek.
> top idea, its getting dark out, big house, huge lot, plenty of hiding places.
> im running through the kitchen when she bails me up real friendly like, 'hey user, shhhh, come with me, i know THE best hiding spot'.
> she whisks me up the stairs
> somehow i forgot to tell her we kids had set a rule upstairs was out of bounds
> am still in idiot mode so think nothing of being separated from the other guys
> shes holding my hand, (nice) and hauls me into her bedroom
> obviously never been in here before
> like I said I'm a retard so still no red flags
> she opens the walk in wardrobe 'quick hide in here'.
> I jump in. Wait for her to close the door behind me and piss off
> hello, big surprise. She steps in
> THIS is when my brain suddenly realises, OK shits just escalated. This is adult territory here and im way outta my league.
> part of me wanted to nope the fuck out of there
> most of me wanted to see what this was about
> she closes the door and the automatic light goes out.
> its dark, a tight squeeze and she's pressed up against me
> gulp
> back myself away, get up against the wall as much as I can
> she follow me
> pushes into me, puts her mouth next to my ear, whispers 'let's keep quiet, shouldnt find us here'
> then she breathes on my neck
> Activate instaboner
> he's totally up and squashed between us
> but nothing is happening, she's just pressed against me for what seems like eternity.
> her deliberate breathing in my ear is now driving me crazy. My head is swimming
> I'm confused, cant she feel my dick against her. Does she think its something else? What happens next?

> i wanted to hold her put my hands on her arse, anything to break the suspense but was afraid she would hit me
> more seconds pass, feels like minutes
> finally her hands are on my shoulders. She pushes more into me 'do you like what you feel?'
> uh huh
> 'thats good, i do too'
> silence... I'm a kid.. I dunno what to say
> hands lightly rubbing my shoulders and neck. 'Andrew, could you keep a secret. Like just between you and me.'
> um, yes
> 'youre pretty mature now, if we had some special time together, i think i can trust you to keep that to yourself? you could do that hey?'
> uh huh
> special time? wtf is special time?
> Actually she could have told me to kill my entire family cartel style i'd've agreed
> 'ever done anything like this before?'
> no ma'am
> 'kissed a girl yet?'
> not even
> 'again you must promise to keep secret. Because if you say anything, to anyone, even another boy I will get into real trouble'
> I nod, I'm not stupid I now all about this shit, I know how it works. There was that friend of my dads when I was 8, I'm way ahead of you lady.
> her hands now on my face
> i feel her lips on my ear working their way along my cheek. Holy fuck she's kissing me
> then its all on
> like tongue in mouth trying to swallow my tonsils kissing me. I think I try to kiss back and keep up with her but im being devoured. I've got no experience but I'm doing my best horse with sloppy tongue and big teeth impersonation
> I'm excited but scared, she is rubbing her hands up and down my sides and starting to make noises like I've never heard before. Like horny AF shit.
> 'remember, secret'
> I'm thinking, stop saying that. I'll keep quiet forever. Or at least the next 14 years until I blab on Sup Forums
> my hands still awkwardly at my side coz idk wtf I'm supposed to do with them
> kinda reach out
> she must have sensed total lack of confidence because she says 'you can hug me, here put your hands on me'

> my arms go around her. This is so not like the hugs I'm used to
> she takes my hands brings them up to her breast
> BEWBS!!!!! I've got bewbs in my hands.
> try to make sense of this
> a grown arse woman sticking her tongue in my throat, ive got my dick pressed against her, shes letting me feel her tits. What good deed did I do to deserve this? Thank you Baby Jesus!
> she stops for a moment
> I think it was getting a bit weird for her and its like she's come to her senses
> please, no second thoughts Mrs B, no second thoughts!
> 'I have to get you back downstairs. Remember, say nothing.'
> NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
> I'm thinking wtf? Don't do this too me I'm about to explode.
> she opens wardrobe door and the light comes on
> she looks way different now. Hair a bit messy, face is red.
> 'we just can't be away long.'
> i say 'ok' but huge dissapointment. I'm dejected
> just all of my ffs
> I step out, obviously can't go downstairs yet, am pitching an obvious tent
> she gets a glint in her eye
> hello!!!! her hand reaches down to my crotch
> This could be promising after all, we might be back on track
> something happens with her, like shes reactivated raunch mode
> without saying a word, she smiles, grabs my hands and sits me right on the corner of her bed
> stands in front of me and pulls me forward. My face level with her stomach. Idk whats shes doing but im down, I'm down for anything, everything even
> she moves in and pushes my legs apart so they are on each side of the bed
> gets on to her knees.
> we're face to face
> leans forward
> kisses me
> softly this time
> OK, this is real. This is the real thing. Something big and fucking stupidly awesome is about to happen. Holy shit
> I can hear my heart pounding, working to get everything I've got directly to my hard on, its like all my blood wants to be a part of this
> her hands move onto the inside of my upper thighs as shes kisses and licks around my ear.

> then she whispers words THOSE WORDS
> she says something to me I will remember to my dying day and still gets me hard
> words that every male should hear in their life at least once

> 'Honey, you just sit back and enjoy this. You dont have to do anything. Let me do all the work.'

> (even now years later mfw I dont even)
> I think, is she going to do what I think she's going to do?
> about to pass out. Have cracked it x 200 in the last 3 hours and can't take much more
> she gets her face down in between my legs
> massaging up and down my thighs
> a hand goes for my crotch. I feel ticklish fingers fidgeting
> she's slips a hand up into the leg of my shorts.
> its over my underwear, feel it cover my bulge.
> squeezes and rubs a little
> now feel her fingers fumbling
> realise shes trying to get them under my tighty whiteys
> success, shes able to pull the elastic up
> I sense fingernails lightly stroking my sack.
> I'm tense, nervous, not sure exactly where this is going
> she leans in, fucking hell, she is putting her face into my lap.
> starts kissing and softly biting the top of my thigh
> her hands go to my knees and push them. That's it lady, they actually can't go any further apart. Im sitting right on the very edge of the bed doing my best to give you access all areas
> I'm concentraring on that tongue as it works the top of my thigh. Then I realise, shes trying to force it into my underwear.
> her hand goes up to pull the elastic back. Detect the cool feel of a wet tongue lightly flicking against my left ball.
> heaven.
> she pulls my underwear up as far as it will go. Because I'm sitting its all squished up in there and only my left ball falls out.
> she leans in, latches straight on and starts sucking
> I'm getting my ball sucked!
> can not believe im getting my ball sucked!
> plus this is real graphic to watch
> I'm about to lose control just from this small amount of contact

> My eyes are fixated by the amazing show. We finally make eye contact 'You liking this hon aren't you'
> as if her face being all up in junk isnt awesome enough im loving that shes started calling me hon too. No more user now!
> already im about to blow. I shudder and kicked my knees up
> she takes her mouth straight off me and calms things right down.
> troops hold your fire
> she asks 'so you've orgasmed before haven't you? You can cum now?'
> nod my head. For some reason I'm too embarrassed to admit it because it means she knows Ive been fapping like six hours a day, every day for the last year
> and you said you havent ever done anything like this before'
> shakes head
> (well, try to lean forward every time im in the bath but can't even get close and just fuck up my back for the next day)
> she smiles, big time. 'Ok, so I think you're gonna like this.'
> 'i'm going to get you to cum for me honey'
> !!!!!1!!1!!1!!11!!!1!1!!!!111!!!!!
> did I hear right?
> 'and im going to get you to cum. Right. In. My. Mouth'
> ........ Z O M F G.
> Shes in for the kill. Pushes me back a little, then puts both hands around my waist, gets her fingers under my shorts and jocks. Pulls the front of them down.
> Dick pops straight up. Finally. I'm free! Get me in on this action.
> its only inches from her face. I can not get over what I'm seeing. She probably can't either.
> she looks at it for a few seconds, like shes doing a 'if I do this, it changes everything moment' or maybe just checking for cheese

> (years later she told me she was having a shits just escalated freak out. was thinking to herself, 'wtf am i doing? Am I really about to give head to a child? this is insane.')

> wraps a hand around it
> says 'OK that's real good hon, there's more to you than I expected'

> looks up at me, smiles
> holding my gaze she parts her lips and takes in my head
> only the head.
> and just stops there.
> Smiles at me and closes her eyes.


i don't care if this shit is real or not. Now we getting to the good stuff. Its getting me excite. Its a fucking novel and a half. We getting to the good stuff now.

> Is just rhythmically sucking the tip while licking under my head.
> I've never been more turned on and know this will be over sooner than it started
> 10 seconds pass
> Puts both her hands on my thighs and squeezes them so tight it starts to hurt
> i love the sight of her lips around my head, no movement other than whatever that crazy thing she is doing with her mouth
> she opens her eyes and stares right into mine. I cant take my eyes off this amazing show
> 20 seconds in
> we stare at each other, she's smiling, that mouth is working wonders
> she lets out a deep 'i havent had any action in months and am so fucking ripe' moan.
> that's all I need. I cant take any more. > 30 seconds in I deserve an A++ grade and extra credit for lasting this long
> I start to feel it in my balls. The rhythm of her lips on my tip feels like shes milking me. I soooo get what they mean by that now
> it feels so good its almost painful. I have no idea what tard tier noises I'm making but I don't care
> my feet no longer on the floor i lay back on the bed and my whole body is spasming, she doesn't miss a beat though, follows me and maintains the same rhythm
> is rubbing her hands from my knees all the way up to my chest and back again
> without taking me out of her mouth says something totally porncorny like 'give it to me hon, I want to taste you'
> that's it I'm away and now she starts bobbing up and down like I expected
> I'm in ecstacy, in pain, i feel like I'm dying and in heaven
> my knees buckle up, my feet are in the air like I'm having a seizure
> can't believe I'm cuming in a mouth
> I'd cum plenty times before but only by fapping or pillow humping. That feeling doesn't compare to this
> shes slurping, keeps on at it
> swallows everything
> in fact i didnt see any cum at all, not a single drop
> stays on me after I've nutted, shes breathing real heavy

You're underage.

Underage b&

> the room is spinning, Im not really aware of anything
> shes still latched on but ive grown tender, its starting to hurt and I pull away
> with no spills theres no clean up. She tucks me back into my shorts.
> gets up and sits beside me
> i roll over on my side with my back to her
> I'm so fucking confused, feel like I've been hit by a truck
> I'm tired, my legs are shaking, trouble regulating my breathing feel like about to gave an asthma attack
> so this is sex! Shit, I have no words
> 'honey, I enjoyed that. And I know you did too'
> I can't even say anything, feeling sleepy
> she giggles and kisses my face and head
> half lays next to me, I'm loving the feel of her body against my side
nibbling my ear
> we lie there in silence for another minute
> I'm still trying to take it all in
> she gets up and looks down to the backyard.
> 'OK here's what's gonna happen. I'm going to go downstairs and get the next movie going. You stay here for a few minutes and get yourself right. Don't worry no one will know you've been here. Remember this is our secret.'
> i nod. my eyes are closed, I wait to hear her open the door and leave

> surprised to feel a hand on my shorts again, she pushes me down so I'm flat on my back
> I'm confused, what's she doing now?
> she sits on the floor at the end of the bed and motions for me to scooch down
> 'don't worry, just wanna do something real quick' is back on her knees in between my legs
> ?????
> she pulls at the waist of my shorts. I instinctively lift my arse so she can take them down completely. My shriveled up spent junk is exposed in all its glory for the first time.
> she cups my balls, kisses my soft cock. No reaction from me. I'm not so tender anymore.
> i see one of her hands disappear, looks like shes flicking the bean or something
> she just gets her tongue, her lips, her mouth, even her nose and cheeks all over me. My dicks asleep, there's no way he can kick back into gear so soon but I'm still enjoying this little extra
> cant believe im looking at my best mates mum with a huge grin on her face as she's working to stuff everything ive got into her mouth
> mutters something under her breath which I don't catch but think I hear her say the words 'you whore'
> this doesn't go for long, not even a minute passes before she gets up and gives my mouth an small tender kiss, says 'just wanted another little taste.'
> walks straight out, leaves me there with my stuff on display. I'm lying there confused AF. I'm excited but worried word will get out somehow and I'll get in trouble.
> run into her bathroom look in the mirror to see if I look any different. Nope.
> wait another minute and quickly piss bolt downstairs.
> two boys are in the media room, setting things up Robert and another mate are being Jonah Lomu and Josh Kronfeld in the backyard, passing a ball to each other
> no one seemed to suspect anything. I tell them I was in the toilet that whole time. Upset stomach. They're all like 'eww tmi'
> Mrs B goes straight back to hosting. Refills a bowl of twisties tops up our cokes and L&Ps

> off she goes to the lounge to do whatever a pedo mum does after sucking a kid off and we settle in for Pirates of the Caribbean
> im sitting up the back corner look at all my friends and try to figure out what all that was upstairs.
> I dont even want to be in this room anymore. I just wanna be with her. We wouldn't even have to do anything, I'd just be happy to snuggle while she drinks her wine and we can watch Survivor or Amazing Race, whatever's on in there
> half way into the movie i run off, too much soft drink, gotta take a leak
> walk past lounge
> look in to see her on the couch
> don't think she clocked me
> i take a piss, inspect my cock to see if it looks any more grown up, then have a quick 20 or 30 tugs for good luck then im back out
> shit, she's standing in the hallway. I get an actual fright and make a squeal (gay I know). She gives me the international shush signal, takes my hand leads me down the long hallway that leads to the garage
> she asks how I'm doing
> fine
> did I like what happened
> yes thank you (I seriously said that. Gotta have manners kek)
> I think she was just wanting to check everything was sweet, and that I wasn't too freaked by what happened on her bed
> at this point i was expecting her to tell me and my semi to go back to my friends
> she actually tells me to sit up on the washing machine
> I ain't gonna argue
> apparently my friends can wait
> she says 'just a quick play, I want to show you something'
> she kind of wrestles the top of her dress over and in a split second im face to face with one of her exposed breasts
> id copped a decent feel earlier but that was all. Never got to see it
> at the time i thought it was huge but now I'd say she was probably just below average size. Milky white, couple of freckles, rosey pink small nipple. Just perky, the exact kind of boobs I go for now. Go figure.
> I instinctly know what to do
> start sucking

> shit this is nice. Like far out.
> Better than i could ever have imagined
> real comfy. Could do this forever.
> amazed at how 'bumpy' the area around her nip is

> i must've started getting too excited like a dog guarding a bone coz she pulls me off doing a little 'aaaah aaah aaah hold your horses, not so rough'
> she pops it back into her dress
> awwww, but I was playing with that
> her hand goes to my crotch, of course ive been rock hard since titties
> she says 'dont get too excited hon, you've gotta go back to the room in a moment.'
> starts tongue hockey, her hands fumbling around my pants.
> she frees my dick out from the top of my shorts
> enjoying the kissing practise im thrown when she suddenly stops. Before I can register what's happened feel her warm mouth on my cock again.
> she pushes me back to make it easier for her
> this time she's moaning big time. Quietly muttering stuff too, real hot talk that kind of embarrassed me, 'that's it, you suck him, you like doing that, whore'.
> OK that confirms what i thought I heard upstairs
> its just a quick suck, more for her benefit i suppose because before I can start to really enjoy it she stops
> hand stays on my peen she gives me another shit eating grin and giggle, says 'gotta go honey, ive decided we will continue this later, I promise'. Says it in a cute voice and sounds as disappointed as I feel
Leans in to my mouth 'here's a kiss goodbye babe'. Smooch
> 'ah what the hey, I'll just kiss him a quick kiss goodbye too' leans down and gives my cockhead a quick peck
> then another
> then another
> Suddenly raunch pedomum mode reactived. That peck turns into her mouth completely engulfing me
> she's going wild. Obviously changed her mind
> and yeah that escalated quickly
> im getting treated to a real HC show. Recognising lots of moves from fap sessions sat at the family PC. From the mouth open tapping my head against her outstretched tongue, to the super fast and slimey up down bob

Divorced moms be all lonely and horny. Seems to follow a pattern.
Similar happened to a friend of mine

> then she abruptly stops. Lets out a 'aaaagh'. A FFS type of aaaagh. Smiles and laughs a little, looks at me again, 'later'.
> turns and walks out the door.
> Hear her make a loud grunty frustrated moan as she half closes it behind her.
> 13yo me has no fucking idea what that was about.
> 27yo me recognises it as hard out sexual frustration. At that moment I think even if she was getting a five cock total-mega-dicking session from all us kids it wouldnt have been enough to sort her out
> I tuck myself back into my shorts. (doing that lots today) There's no way its going down. Run to the kitchen and steal a packet of chips to hide behind as I get back to my friends
> really like Pirates but can't concentrate
> am excited about what she meant by 'later' but worried about the logistics of it.
> thinking to myself all sorts of shit. Am I gonna get to see her pussy? Will she make me to lick it? If she does let me what if i do it wrong? If im lucky enough will she let me stick my dick inside her? What if i do THAT wrong? I don't know how to use condoms. I dont even have any. How can we do anything without the other kids knowing? Will she ever tell my mum?
> totally impossible to pay attention to the movie, just sit there sharing the couch with a bud. A bud who doesn't know I've got a constant boner and I've been giving myself a sly handy under the cushion all this time
> been edging for last 20 minutes before realising i'm either gonna explode or start sperging out
> my friends are all engrossed in the movie, decide I might try something
> get up holding cushion in front of me say I gotta hit the toilet again, everyone laughs 'AGAIN, ewww gross'
> walk down hall, and yep she's sitting in the lounge
> she looks up and smiles at me
> I go into the loo, drop the cushion outside and lock the door. heart fucking racing, I really want stuff to happen but have no idea what thats gonna be
> hear her knock at the door
> hey you OK in there.

>can't believe I'm cuming in a mouth

And they call this raep. Fucking wish someone raped me when I was 13. Or even right now.

> yes Mrs B. I'll be out in a minute
> I'm holding a hard on, am ready to cum again and there's a woman hanging outside the bathroom door like a hobo outside Taco Bell
> pull pants up and walk out
> she's not there ??? oh no there she is, she's in the garage again
> walk up to her. Hands hiding my boner. She drags me in and closes the door behind us
> goes to hug me but backs off. She can tell something's up
> 'what's wrong hon?'
> I feel weird. I liked what we did but I shouldn't be doing this with you
> she looks worried. 'Hey I get you, sweetie, don't stress, this is all about fun. Its NOT a bad thing'
> yep but shouldn't I be doing this with someone else? Its wrong that its you
> she goes into an Oscar winning speech about morals and helping teach a young person about life. And why wait til I'm older? I'm obviously ready now and shes here to help me. 'Besides hon, otherwise you might have to wait a long time for someone else to have fun with. It could be years and years. And even then they might not be very good or let you do the things you want'.
> 'So how about it hon, are we gonna do this. Let's kick their asses!' *
> * that bit did not happen. But she had as much conviction as Bill Pullman playing the President rallying the troops in Independence Day

> shit yeah Mrs B! I'm back on board! Shock and awe! Shock and awe!

> She says 'besides you look so sexy in those rugby shorts with those skinny tanned legs'.
> lol never been called sexy before. OK I'm DTF. Or just down for whatever. You're the boss

> tells me can't be gone too long again, nothing too involved but she'll finish what she started
> 'finish what she started' I like where this is heading
> standing in the middle of the garage, surrounded by white goods, work bench, bikes, skis, boxes and a million other pieces of junk she gets on her knees
> yeah sure, not the sexiest place to do this but don't let me stop you

> with one hand on my thigh, the other reaching up into my shorts she shuffles in closer.

Mouth on cock again. People, we got mouth on cock again!

> 3 pumpy sucks (or whatever the official term is) later she stands straight back up, concrete floor lol
> 'OK user, I got a better idea'
> opens the door to outside, grabs a duvet from the laundry pile and takes me out onto the decking
> I don't want to go, this seems a bit too dangerous like we'll get caught. I won't argue though.

> its pitch black out. no moon, no stars. Real dark. Big section so no neighbours in spitting distance
> walks me to the end of the deck, tucked away totally private corner. we sit down on a bench.
> duvet around us but dont need it, its pretty warmish night.
> its all real comfy, romantic even
> sitting next to each other we dont say anything. I'm nervous because outdoors, but excited and looking forward to whatever this woman has in store for me next
> start kissing and her hands reach down
> one hand works into my underwear from the top, the other is up in the leg, she's attacking me from everywhere. Just full on groping me. Another new sensation.
> takes her hands out and starts pulling at my clothes
> gets me to lift my butt a little and takes the shorts down to just above my knees
> I put my hands over my crotch
> 'don't worry its dark, no one can see us'
> t b h I kinda feel more comfortable this way anyway, can even feel a little breeze on my balls
> I have direct view to where anyone might walk from so I'm happy with the set up
> she stays sitting next to me, tugging me. Slowly at first, then picks up the pace
> first ever handjob. And boy it feels completely different when someone else does it. Nice.
> spend a minute or so enjoying the sight of my cock with someone elses hand of it for a change
> also thinking that's good and all but I kinda want what you did before. You know, the suckysucky. Just don't have the confidence to ask her to give me another headjob

> doesn't matter, looks like she working towards that anyway
> puts the duvet on the ground and sits on her knees in front of me.
> leans forward, no hands, mouth locks straight onto my head
> different technique this time
> no tongue action just constant rhythmic up and down
> up and down
> up and down
> i didnt think it was possible but this is better than before.
> I'm hard as diamonds.
> the first time she blew me it was over before i knew it
> this time im not so worked up so i can get to properly appreciate this
> probably have two minutes, maybe 3 left in me if I'm lucky
> just up and down, arms down by her side, her mouth doing all the work
> put my hands on her head feeling like I've won lotto, powerball, and strike
> I can't see what she's doing but it doesn't matter this time. I focus on the sensation.
> can hear her humming and a few quiet 'oh yeah babe's' 'oh yeah hon's'

> she's staying on target. Same rhythm. Lots of saliva. Bobbing up and down.
> its like shes savouring the moment too and not in any hurry for me to cum, but at the same time looking forward to it

> we are both taking it like champs and I can feel my balls brewing

> fug mang dis gun b gud
> suddenly SENSOR LIGHT in the driveway goes off
> both sit bolt upright
> pants up
> she gets up walks around
> Its the fucking cat
> fucken hell Mr Tibbs you cunt don't do that
> heart attack material
> was a wake up call for us both. A bit too scary. She says should wrap it up and asks if im close.
> si si si no problemo
> Tells me to stand while she sits were I had been
> i get up, my shorts fall to my knees, annoying me so I take em off leaving me wearing only a T-shirt
> It hits me.
> im in the back yard, half naked, there's a woman sitting in front of me with her tongue out wanting my cock


> one hand on her face, the other on my cock I slide it into her mouth

> bring it back, slide it in again
> x 20

> she's not moving, the only movement in the entire yard is my arse

> this shit is way too exciting
> my arse is picking up speed, I'm now leaning forward crouched over her treating her mouth like its my private play thing
> that's its, i cant hold, troops are gonna start firing
> do my best to keep quiet, can't suppress those hnnnngs
> butt muscles clench, I'm pumping her mouth at about 100 kph, she's ready for it
> i stand straight up hands firmly clamped on her head
> then arch right back and offload down her throat making more barnyard noises
> hands on her like a vice, am so not letting her take her mouth off
> don't really need too shes as into this as I am
> again swallows it all
> now just a few light kisses and licks as I start to go down
> is rubbing her hands up and down back of my legs and on my bare arse
> I feel like the king of the fucking world, just one whose legs are wobbly
> about to collapse on the bench in a heap when she snaps us into action, fumbling for my shorts
> 'quick we have to go back in'
> really? Come on. My balls are about 2 pints lighter, I just need to sit a bit and savour this moment
> no luck. She's pulling my shorts up in a that gives me a horrible and totally unsexy flashback to age 5 and my mum getting me ready for school
> eeewwww
> i run back into media room
> friends say 'mate you were awhile, still got the shits?'
> yeah guys, something chronic, dont feel good at all
> they tell me what I missed and I pretend to be interested

> Pirates finishes. Its past 11. I'm trying to gauge the situation. I just want everyone to call it a night
> Mrs B comes in
> 'right boys what's up, its time for bed dontcha think'
> Roberts like 'no way, weve got another movie to watch
> I pipe up, hey Mrs B I don't feel so good
> she takes the cue ive thrown her. She knows exactly where I'm going, even if i don't, i just leave it to her to make a plan from here
> 'oh no good user' (doesn't call me hon), 'let me check you'
> she comes over puts hand on forehead.
> the same hand thats been wrapped around my dick less than an hour ago
> I feel guilty as fuck and think its obvious to everyone she's drank my balls dry twice tonight
> honestly, my friends have no idea, they are such retards

> she's like 'you DO seem warm to touch, you should have told me user, ive only been in the next room all night.'
> lol
> 'maybe you should call it a night'
> well maybe youre right, I kinda feel upset stomach and vomitty too
> this little play for the benefit of my tard friend continues
> 'well Im probably over the limit now so can't drive you home. Tell you what, I think you should have your own room. You need sleep and I don't want you making the other boys sick. You can sleep in the spare room upstairs.'
> I'm like FUCKING A!
> Roberts room is downstairs, this woman is a genius. Its even sounds legit

> Austin Powers is put on, she says she'll go up to make the bed 'just come up in a couple minutes user.'
> real excited. no idea what to expect when I get up there but I can't wait.
> and then it hits me again. Suddenly nervous. Now putting off leaving the room because scared.
> butterflies in stomach
> Just about summoned up the courage
> no not yet, wait another minute
> Ok, thats a good amount of time, let's roll nigga
> 'night everyone'

You're fucking stupid, you didn't even get past the second sentence you autistic fuck

Come on. Op expects us the believe this happened. I'd like to think is real but women don't do this. Not good looking ones anyway. She could score a proper man if she's so hot

Fuck off, wonders are real!

Patiently waiting.

yep seeya fuck off cunt homo user you poor crybaby faggot
> someone says 'be careful of Roberts mum, she might want to tuck you in and kiss you goodnight haha!'
> everyone laughs
> go upstairs
> knock on door to spare room, 'come in'
> im thinking, get ready user. if i know these situations from all my time online she's gonna be wearing only high heels and fish nets will be on her back, holding her pussy open like a gynecological exam while fisting herself elbow deep screaming at me to spit in her mouth
> brace myself
> open door
> wtf she's actually fixing the bed.
> Clothes on. Nothing doing at all.
> we are standing at opposite sides of the room. Its like she doesnt trust herself.
> asks me how Im really feeling
> good
> 'im glad you came up here, I wasn't sure you would'
> this talk is all too adult situation for me, I just want to see her tits
> I kinda stop talking because awkward

> she must know about the spaghetti concept because she walks over, moves straight in for mouth on mouth action.
> she takes total charge
> Shes fucking owns me
> real forceful
> A bit TOO full on in fact but I'm keeping up
> fair to say I won't have a say in proceedings from this point on
> shes the boss, I'm just gonna be doing what she tells me to
> shes pushing up into my again, and this time brings herself down to grind her pussy into my leg.
> lightly at first, but it picks ups, and fast
> i really have to brace myself to stop her toppling me over
> exactly like being in a rugby scrum

> feeling brave i let my hands slip down her side. I'm hoping for destination pussy. But am cautious, the rate I'm going won't be there til Monday
> she says 'not in here, lets go to my bedroom'
> I'm straight across the hall, dont even hold the door open or wait for her
> no fucking around here

> she pokes her head into her room says she'll be with me shortly and runs downstairs
> I suppose shes making sure we dont get interrupted. 'Oh no boys, you stay here and watch the movie. Anons already fast asleep in the spare room. I'm going to my bed now to do crochet. I totally wont be bound up with my ankles by my ears while your friend is balls deep pounding me like a jackhammer'

> im sitting on her bed, bitch is taking forever. Please no longer, I'm terrified, its like being in the dentists waiting room. Just a dentist thats gonna do sex stuff to you.
> I honestly think about making a getaway, running downstairs, grabbing my bike and fucking off home

> let's say this. If I had have done that, present day me, would have bitch slapped my pussy arse way into next century and cursed my fucking name forever
> thankfully I didn't chicken out, but shit yeah I was close

> door opens
> she walks in slowly, gives a real reassuring smile, instantly puts me at ease
> turns the light off and puts on some bedside lamps
> cool, shes setting the mood. I would never have thought to do that
> she lays down
> finally says something, 'are you ok, don't be nervous.'
> tell her, i'm not nervous.
> lol. as if. I'm sitting on the end of the bed as far away from her as I can get
> summons me over to her

> we start kissing

> this time its very different, just slowly, real sensual, grown up adult even
> kissing forever, im really enjoying this, she's putting me totally at ease
> nothing like the 5 minute frenzies from earlier tonight, this is a different ball game altogether
> this kissing is sensational. from light nibbly touches to extreme exploratory tonsil searching and everything in between

> and those low long moans of hers. Boyo. She makes THAT into a ringtone she will make a fucking mint.
> still unsure of what moves to make keep i firmly keep hands to myself

>honestly think about making a getaway, running downstairs, grabbing my bike and fucking off home

This line. This line makes me think this is real. I can imagine me thinking this.

Also hurry up OP. I was see how this ends


also ive read the bible. This is better.

Never heard the word cuntload before. Will use it in a sentence 2moro

I read the first one 2 days ago can't believe someone else had the time to re-write this...first one was worded much better op is a faggot...still a good story

> she sits up and says, 'just move over a little' I clear the way for her to get into the very centre of her bed, 'now back here,' she pulls me ONTO her.
> yep, thats another awesome moment
> resume kissing
> still fully clothed
> feel her legs opening. And yep, theres yet ANOTHER awesome moment in my life. They just keep coming with this lady.
> A real live woman opening her legs for me. she parts them and I get comfy slipping in between. Am fully aware my penis is up against her pussy. Doesn't matter there's tighties, shorts, a dress and panties in the way. I've still got my hard on writhing against peach.
> Her hands go for to my butt, starts pushing me against her.
> shes grinding me properly this time.
> no doubt shes been on the verge for a few hours and now we have privacy she can finally unwind and have some fun of her own
> The force she uses is something else and more than I expected. She is pushing herself so hard into me im wondering how its not hurting her.
> certainly sounds like she's in pain
> one of her hands slips in between us
> I lift myself up a bit so she can reach down there.
I can't tell if shes trying to get my cock out, get her panties off, or is she actually feeling herself up? Probably all that and more, its like she's trying to do eight different things at once
> her breathing is now heavier than anything I've heard so far tonight so even I know she's liquored up and going places
> both hands are now working their way under my pants clasped firmly onto my buttchecks
> still pushing herself into me while forcing me into her
> occasionally lets out some strange low moans & a few shudders
> that when I notice damp
> hers thighs are wet
> huh ?????
> its like theres sudden wetness everywhere. on her legs, her stomach, its seeping through the front of my shorts even

I remember this from nzg, fuckin chur my bro. Although I'm sorry you were molested

> her hand reaches back between us, shes managed to get my cock out of my shorts, but its come out the leg, and pointing at a weird angle making it no use to anyone.
> shes kind of rubbing it but spending much more time and energy on herself
> honestly at this point I probably didn't need to be there, all I was was a body lying on top of her while she fingered herself
> no problems, it was still hot AF and i was happy to let her control things
> and while that was going on i could dive into her breasts and take in their smell
> in fact lying on her was NOW best moment of my life so far. But strangely felt like being in a tumble dryer. I was getting bumped around. Really was just holding on trying to not be a big lug.
> now she gets me more involved
> has grabbed one of my hands and guides it between her legs
> she must have realised I was never gonna get the confidence to do it myself

> what's this?
> hand is on pussy.
> i repeat my hand is touching pussy.
> fuck it is like a swamp!
> a hot sticky swamp!
> did not expect that

> she smooshes my hand all up in that shit and forcibly holds it there. I have no idea what my fingers are up against, and there's no way I can see down there, what with the motorboating and all
> all I can tell is her underwear has been pulled to one side, I can feel soft skin, some real soft skin, some wet skin, some real wet skin, some even softer wetter skin and a whole other level of dampness
> a couple times im certain one of my fingers 'disappears' but she doesn't hold my hand to this position long enough so I couldn't figure out for sure
> I am so wanting to see this, real curious. But theres no way, she's still riding me, smooshing her cunt against by hand and hips.
> I think, she knows ive got a cock right, we know it works, why cant we get him in all this? Sounds exactly the type to situation where you would call on his help. If this isn't nothing is.
> and another thing, why are we still clothed?

Check the news bruh, hot teachers jacking off kids all the time

Chur wassup. Runners reporting. I remember this the other night. Glad to see how its turned out.

And op, this better be true. Yeah I'm sorry she kiddy fiddled you, but the way you describe it makes me wish that happened to me.

Now I got the feels

> Runners

Fuck you cellphone auto correct



Chur bro. Timaru here. Got my cunt proper wet reading this so far. Good shit.
>Inb4 tits or gtfo

Why are IDs even gone?

I'm conflicted. This kid obviously didn't want this. But didn't stop her.

This is all my fantasies roles into one.

Can't tell if rape / molestering or not?

What's a Timaru?

Also if you're a femanon IRL, does this kinda freak you out?

Also someone needs to screencap this

It's a town in NZ. Hmm. It kinda does a bit 'coz I have an 8 year old son, I don't want this happening to him. Lol.

Op here. Sorry for delay. Espesh at a crucial moment technical difficulties. All sorted.

Appreciate the (You)s and comments

There it is. The truth. You are from NZ, so she must have been family. Her little moko huh. Nice work you dirty sheep shagger

WTF, will u finish the story?

> then it happens. I wasnt sure of the exact mechanics behind it but it was amazing to be a part of
> 1st sign, her breathing changes, short rapid breaths
> 2nd sign, those legs that were lying on either side of me are now hitching themselves up around my waist
> 3rd sign, moans just got a lot cuter, squeakier. And longer

> now her body is starting to twitch. its almost jumping around under me, like she couldn't control it.
And now the hottest bit. she starts swearing.
> 'fuck, oooh fuck, mmmm fuck' over and over. Some fuck yeahs, fuck babies and a few fuck honeys in there too. Quietly at first, then more louder and at a rapid pace.
> I'd never heard her swear before and this was another new experience I was enjoying. Despite everything else that had happened tonight her kissing me hard and swearing at the same time as her legs are holding me firmly in place was un-fucking-believably awesome.

> this is so not the Mrs B I knew

> I thought she was rough before, that was nothing. Those legs were clenched. Tight. A vice. My hand was forced so hard against her pussy it I was worried about fingers getting broken.
> hey user how'd you break ya fingers? Yo mama is how!
> Her other hand was in my shorts, and I could feel fingernails scratching into my arse cheeks. That was actually starting to hurt A LOT.
And she was bucking, like a plane in turbulence. I knew enough to know she was cumming, but this was more spectacular than anything I'd ever seen in porn.
> i just concentrated on kissing her and listened to all those crazy hot 'fuck yeah, fuck fuck baby fucking honey boy fucks' coming from her lips

> And then. Silence.
> It all stopped.
> She shuddered again.
> Then nothing.

> Took deep shallow breaths, let her legs down and sighed
> and a little exhausted laugh too
> Took her hand off mine, but I still kept it up against that peach. I was used to slimey by now, didn't mind it at all
> also thought taking it off her might upset her somehow

I'm fucking jealous of you mate.
I really want to know the end of this wonderful experience.

Son of a filthy bitch, i dont want to read a book kek

Refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh

> if I wasn't hot and ready to go before, I certainly was now. My cock still at an awkward position, certainly not painful, felt pretty cool in fact.

> I was worried though by the lack of anything coming from her. Had she had enough fun? Was this the end? She seemed too tired to want to do anymore.
> seriously getting concerned
> sure I'd had a fucking blast up to now but despite this fun I was....

> a) STILL a total virgin
> b) STILL hadn't seen a vagina with my own eyes
> and c) I was STILL the only person on earth who has seen my own cum

> asks me how im feeling
> good thank you ( again with the manners)
> 'don't need to say it like that, you're practically a man now'
> i laugh a little but say nothing. Just think OK, whatever you say
> she wriggles a bit and I kind of fall to the side
> sees this erection sticking all weird and uncomfortable looking out of the leg of my shorts.
> 'that doesnt look very comfortable, you wanna take those off completely honey?'
> she sits up and guides my pants down
> I feel a little odd lying next to her half naked. Am self concious. She is lightly caressing me, fingernails mostly circling around my balls
> gives me a big smile through all this
> obviously no remorse on her part that we are in this situation

> I'm also glad i havent been thrown back downstairs

> 'so babe, are you up for more!'
> I dont say anything in case its the wrong thing. Besides this is the first time I'm seeing her body lying down and I'm trying to catch a peek of snatch. Damn that dress.

> 'dont worry. We can continue in a moment, I've just gotta do a couple of things.'
> she gives me a dressing gown, tells me I can stay in her room and disappears back downstairs

> another period of waiting on my own
> this time though I'm not gonna fuck off back home on my bike. I'm happy right here

> she back with a drink of water for us both
> good idea, sex is thirsty work I've discovered

> she's sitting right alongside me
> a few questions about how I'm feeling
> obvious checking again how trustable I am
> I get the feeling my answers now will determine if she calls it a night or let's me stay

TOO MUCH PRESSURE, especially for a 13 year old. Can you just let me root you please

> i must've passed the test, tells me to close my eyes
> oh the anticipation
> feel the dressing gown moving, she's opening it at my lap
> of course he's pointing up, reaching out hoping something warm might latch on
> feel a breath on me, hear her take a sip of water
> know that feeling! Its mouth! Of fuck its cold this time!
> Peek open to see her tongue working its way around me
> tells me 'open your eyes now. And watch me'

> while staring right into my eyes she licks my shaft saying 'I could really get used to playing with this'
> She wanks me a little 'it feels strong', keeps fapping me 'it feels hard'
> she licks its exactly like a dripping icecream 'and it tastes great'.
> Then she does a cute grin and rolls her eyes to the ceiling saying 'i wonder what other things I could do with this?' and with that she swallows me again and continues the bobbing up and down thing from outside
> better this time. I can see the show

> seriously this woman had fucking skills and 13 year old me had no idea at just how good she was. Ive since had my fair share of dud roots from women who are so useless when it comes to cockhandling they would be better off as nuns. I would kill for sex half this good from most chicks I've banged as an adult

> Mrs B is obviously just playing with me. She knows I'm not going to make any proper moves and she can do whatever she wants with/to/on/at me

> she sits up again. slowly jacking me. She looks serious. 'I havent been fair, i think its time i looked after you properly. Without having to rush off.'
> stops talking, gets herself a bit more comfortable, keeping her hand on me.

> I'm getting a proper, slow, relaxed hand job. Here I was thinking they only came in top speed extreme fist pump variety

> slow and deliberate with an occasional variation of her warm mouth was... Even now I can't describe.
> ive lost track of everything. Its just me on a comfortable bed, the only things in the entire world are my dick, two balls, her hands, and every other minute her lips and tongue join in for a quick visit
> repeat and maintain
> 'Do you like this hon'
> sex coma, can't speak
> 'Or do you prefer this?' Slurp
> still sex coma
> 'i shouldnt be saying this. But. Do you wonder what it would feel like to be iiiiinside me?'
> seems like it takes her a whole minute to say inside. Its as though she knows she shouldn't be taking it any further
> i make a miracle instant recovery from coma!
> I sit up a little to make her know that's a fucking brilliant idea. Best one yet!
> and that's the moment it all got too much, the combination of minutes of hand job, the sudden talk of 'inside me', and the view of her manhandling me just all took me over the edge
> I started shooting cum
> even I didnt get a warning, it was happening already
> obviously she wasn't expecting it either but helped me along. Kept stroking to make sure I got maximum benefit

> she didn't lean forward to get a facial which surprised me, but hey, this ain't bangbus
> I have a weird phobia about my semen. I don't like getting it on me, at all. unfortunately its all over my stomach, in my pubes, can even feel it trickling down under my balls into my arsecrack.
> feels gross
> she laughs a little, kisses my stomach. She finds some cum (a puddle? a dollop?) and licks it up. Oh look another bit, slurp
> my breathing is a bit more settled now, still happy as I'll ever get but feels uncomfortable too. My dick is way tender, and that spoof pooling around my arsehole is starting to feel disgusting.

>I have no reason to lie

Kewl. A femanon.

Question for you sweetcheeks. Am pls b honest, we are all anons here. Could you ever do this to a 13 year old? All us guys would try get in the pants of a girl that age, I often wonder about u wimmens.

The bitch that got op seems normal. Probably drunk and lonely I think. In the right condittions I think all women are capable of this stuff

> I'm a little pissed with myself too. Ive just cock blocked myself. She was gonna take it to the next level. She was about to suggest we fuck. But Jesus I got so excited by the idea i spoofed there and then. Now it seemed the chance was lost

> I squirm because it feels like that spunk has turned gay and is trying to crawl up my arse
> shes up now and goes into the ensuite to wash her hands. 'Hey why don't you come in here and have a shower, I need to check downstairs'

> she puts the water on and runs out. I jump in. So warm. I feel so grown up, taking a shower in a woman's private bathroom. And best of all i can clean off all the shit that's come out of my dick. I actually start a little fapping again using one of her lotions. Feels good but absolutely no interest from my cock. Despite my best efforts, he's had enough for the day.
> Fark you you bastard, a million hard ons a day all at stupid times but now, when I really need you you've become fucking useless! This is entirely not fair.
> again no track of time, think I've been in here for 15 minutes. Sit on the floor and let the hot water overtake me. my muscles relax, I'm so sleepy. Its been a big day. Cool thing I've now got a whole lot of memories to put in the wankbank.

> after an eternity i hear the bathroom door open, can just make her shape through the steamy glass.

> I stand up
> fuck me
> she's naked
> this bitch is naked
> finally

> I can't make out any detail because of the steam but there's a definate pinkish body walking outside the shower. And I can see a boob shape

> she says 'room for one more'
> door opens and she jumps in with me
> our arms go around each other
> still gotta pinch myself, unable to believe i'm holding on to a beautiful fully awesome totally naked woman with fully operational tits and everything
> And I'm naked too. THIS is now THE best moment of my life.


> kiss her mouth, neck, onto her boobs. Just pick up where I left off from the washing machine.
> sure my balls are bone dry but I'm not gonna let an opportunity like this pass me by. She's naked FFS, naked! naked!

> my hands are on her side and I want to reach for her poon again.
> decide fuck it, after everything I've done tonight I don't think she'll tell me off if I touch her without her permission
> reach in, no argument from her
even better, she opens her legs a little
> shit yeah
> feel around down there. Seems a lot different standing up than lying down. And because of the shower not so swampy anymore
> rub her some, just softly where I think her clit might be
> decide, now time to explore
> slowly run my finger down the slit
> shes receptive
> slowly, slowly,
> then it seems to give way and open up a little
> found her vag!!!!
> finger moves forward. Apply pressure. Some resistance. Try harded. I'm in.
> interest takes over and i slowly push it as far as I can
> im trying to gauge her reaction.
> shes saying nothing.
> and can i say at this point she just looks a treat. Standing with her legs open, her arms outstretched against opposite shower walls for support while im fingering her vagina
> actually more like finger fucking her
> probably pretty clumsy, but she's not complaining
> she taking it like a pro

she leans back against the glass.
> my finger is still in her
> finally I get a proper look at her body
> I can't compute
> I know what a females body looks like, seen plenty. But the real thing in front of me is so much better.
> and watching her while I'm finger banging her is the stuff of dreams
> I can see her pussy a bit better. There IS hair there (but that's to be expected because this is the olden days) looks like a nice trim landing strip

> she does another 'whoa whoa whoa hold it cowboy. Bit too rough' and grabs my hand

posting in memerable threath

Dammit OP what are you, hourly?

> ' I'm enjoying that but you gotta be careful. Remember, slowly. Pretty sensitive down there. You're balls can hurt if you are rough with them, its exactly the same for us girls.'
> I learn an important sex lesson that I never would have realised.
> water goes off
> she towels me down. Somehow even makes this a thrilling experience.

> wraps her towel around her tits and leads me by the hand out to her room
> I'm mostly dry, completely naked, not self concious anymore. I'm starting to sense theres may be more to this night
> she sits down and backs herself up to the head of her bed. Her butt between the pillows, legs crossed and stretched out in front of her
> I look but can't see her snatch. The towel ends just centimetres away
> theres no talking, hasn't been for a while
> am sitting next to her, one hand on her thigh, just looking at each other, some kisses and giggles
> now it seems like she's working up some courage
> 'do you want to do something new?'
> I nod
> she pauses
> nothing doing
> I'm thinking 'weeeellllll? I'm waiting'
her knees go up. she opens her legs, just slightly
> I'm sitting right by her so don't have the best vantage point, shuffle myself down a little
> she helps me out by drawing her feet up. Then plants them wide apart
> exposes her pussy to me
> can't take my eyes off it
> I feel a gulp in my throat.
> it looks incredible, hardcore, and I'm amazed.
> tidy, mostly innie but a bit of flap protruding on each side.
> its a work of art!
> full lips that look soft and puffy. Like they would bounce back if I poked them
> before I know it I'm crouched in front of her.
> she moves down a little
> think to myself 'alright lady. I know what i have to do. Just dont judge me. Never done this before, besides I'm expecting anchovies, I don't like anchovies'

> I look between her legs a bit longer. I want to go in there but something is stopping me.
> decide not the time to be a chicken I move forward

Pls include me in the screencap!

Do you have a pic of her?

Ayyy Dunners too.

> slowly reach in and kiss where I think her clit is
> shit. Not bad
> stick tongue out
> not bad at all
> oh yeah. I like this. This is good.
> damn good
> this exploring is something else
> why can't we do this at school. I'd go everyday

> lick up and follow her landing strip before following it back down
> and down
> and down
> lick around the opening to her vagina
> feels weird so head back north again

> I've no idea what I'm doing. Just poking my tongue around. I'm happy for the opportunity and think I'm making a pretty decent effort for a kid
> she tastes a little soapy at first, but that gives way to another strange taste
> I decide to focus on her vagina. Just licking around it and seeing if my tongue can go inside
> no problem at all!
> realise this is where that taste is coming from, start to see her getting slimey again
> this slime is fine, no anchovies at all
> she takes a deep breath. A real deep breath and asks me to stop a moment. She sounds relaxed so i think things are ok
> I stick my head up. See laid out before me, pussy, stomach, tits then face. Not sure why but that view makes me lol inside
> another smile from her, 'let me help you a bit honey'. Her hands reach down and she runs her fingers over her slit.

I watch a finger disappear inside her.

> again for my sheltered brain this is top shelf brutal hardcore shit
> my face is only centimetres away from this show

> she puts a hand on each lip, and pulls them apart

> exposes herself fully to me.
> fully open
> faaaark

> theres enough lamplight and my eyes have a adjusted so I can see pretty good. And what im looking at is beautiful. I recognise exactly what I see, seen a fair few women opened up before. Just never irl.

Read for like an hour, I'm out. Tldr

> she touches her clit. 'Here, lick here.'
I'm in. I do as I'm told. 'Just softly. Very lightly. Real slow hon. Yep, yep, that's it. That's how you do it. Real slow. Thats nice babe. That's real good. Lighter, yep thats it. Just keep doing that'.
> she gives me direction. I'm more than happy to oblidge.
> my cock is fully firing up again. I'm fighting the desire to fap as I bury my face into her.
> something tells me to be patient, its gonna get better
> mouth getting sore. Can't believe I'm saying it but I ask 'can i stop a minute?'
> oh shit honey, of course. Sorry i was just enjoying that
> I sit back slightly and do my very first post cunt licking chin wipes. If only I knew then how many more of them I'll be doing in my life
> watch while she rubs herself some
> occasionally go back in for a kiss or lick. She's fine with this
> i get more curious and put a hand on her
> watch as my fingers do what my tongue had been doing just moments before
> amazed to see my finger going in and out of her. Try a second.
> she pipes up 'careful, remember slow'
> reach forward with my other hand

> my turn to open her up

> get a definite alpha feeling as I part her lips
> its incredible that I can do this to a real woman
> face goes forward and tongue inserted back inside her.
> remember to use the skills she taught me and focus on her clit as well
> there's no rhythm or anything to the oral I'm giving, she seems to be enjoying it but surely there's no way me poking and kissing around would ever make her cum.
> thinking now she was probably just giving me a show. Letting me get my curiosity out of the way. Like a chance to familiarise myself with what a woman has on offer
> I sit up. Back starting to hurt. Have to wipe my chin. 2nd time.
> still loving the sight of a naked woman spreadeagled in front of me.

> she says, 'you poor thing. I've been real selfish.'
> no that was fun. That was cool. (Lol 13 yo vocab)
> 'how bout I let YOU have some fun again.'
> I say nothing. Waiting for her to tell me what to do
> she doesn't say anything.
> I'm confused
> just smiles at me, her hands are sliding down her body back on her open pussy
> I'm feeling a little awkward.
> what now? Does she want me to go down on her again?
> she starts giving me a show.
> fingering herself. Knees up. Body heaving.
> I look at her face. She nods at me and smiles.
> ?????
> there's something going on but i totally dont get it
> gives me another nod
> speaks real softly I cant make it out
> writhing her legs around
> she says it again. Still too soft to hear
> I can lip read it though. 'GO. ON.'
> she nods and smiles again
> I'm unsure but go in to lick her out again
> happily take a few slurps, and yeah by slurps I mean slurps. Its like eating a messy over ripe mango.
> put my mouth back to work, I know you have to focus on the clitoris but I way prefer trying to stuff my tongue inside her, try to see how far I can get, the. see if I can beat my own record
> 'no honey stop. You don't need to do that.'
> ????
> 'just stay right there. Sit up a bit, how about you sit on your knees.'
> 'now. LOOK at what I'm saying'
> Im so confused i still dont get what she is on about. Im concentrating so much on what shes trying to convey i don't actually realise I'm knelt right in between her legs
> that is, kneeling in front of her. And my cock, which is up and ready to go is only a short distance away from her pussy. Her pussy that she has pulled wide open for me
> 'read my lips babe'
> GO. ON
> think to myself yeah go on. I get that but dont know what it means
> GO. ON
> she's laughing a little, something's obviously funny. I don't get the joke
> 'here, think about what I'm saying and watch my finger'

> finger runs over clitoris and then slowly moves along over her slit.
> it reaches down to her vagina
> Finger. Inserted.
> then again, and again. She's fucking herself right in front of my face
> i think, hang on lightbulb moment

> GO. ON
> I put my brain into gear. Naked woman, legs wide apart. Cunt fully open and exposed. Finger banging. I'm in between her legs. My cock is rock hard. I'm in between her legs. Vagina. Right there. Penis. Right there.
> I put all the pieces together
> I say to her ,'go on?'
> just wanting to double check

> yes babe, 'go on, fuck me'

> 'Fuck me.'

> 'I want you to fuck me.'

> well why the fuck didnt you say so 10 minutes ago!!! Women and your cryptic signals, just tell a guy straight for crying out loud
> 'Fuck me'
> I don't need her to say it again.
> still on my knees i lean forward
> shes just lying there, still holding herself open for me


MFW I'm 20 and have never had a woman hold her meatflaps apart and tell me to fuck her. I hate this kid.

> I put a hand on my dick and bring it towards her
> i want this so bad
> but its all going in slow motion
> I'm transfixed by the view as I draw nearer to her
> then first contact.
> my aim is out. cock head is just north of her vagina
> but even this feels so fucking amazing
> I go to push him down the road a bit towards that opening
> this just as she pulls herself up to meet me
> looking from directly above I watch my head within those lips, against her vagina, then see it slide and disappear inside her
> the feeling is incredible
> the view isnt my main focus anymore. The sensation is. Its so soft, and just swallows me in, I glide in without any effort. Its like she pulling me, drawing me in.
> can i dare believe it. I need to pinch myself. I'm inside her. I'm actually inside a woman
> I pull out some and then thrust back in
> and again
> again
> there's no friction, she just feels so smooth, but at the same time so tight around me
> all the while eyes stuck to this show
> amazing to watch
> still can not believe that's me in there
> she boosts her hips up, I ride with her
> have to put a hand on each of her hips to stay inside her. Im now a little higher on my knees and able to get more traction
> but oh the view, back to that view of my cock pumping into that hole

> aware of her hands on my arse and suddenly remember its more than just a cunt im fucking. there's a woman attached to it
> she manoeuvres a little further down, I can't quite watch the show anymore
> starting to discover sex is hard work. Im having to use legs muscles even! Find out its much easier if I lean forward and lie on top of her
> lying on her body with her legs hitched around me i realise its just like earlier. But this time no clothes no squashed hands
> and this time I'm sucking on her tits
> and oh yeah, lol, the whole PiV thing
> it feels intense to be lying on her, and in her, while bucking my arse back and forth
> I still can't believe this is happening, I still can't believe this is a real woman who is moving with me, making those noises
> I watch her face, its like shes concetrating hard on something, head to the side, eyes closed, biting her bottom lip
> feels like something is changing inside her pussy
> that's bizarre, somehow she's taken smooth to a whole new level, its like sinking myself into warm creamy velvet

F5 F5 F5


> it actually feels like she is welcoming my dick in without any resistance, but holds me tight as I slide out, and I can really feel it under my head as I slide, the pressure on that spot is something else completely
> its so good imma just gonna do it like this now
> this is easily the best feeling ever and I'm doing my best to focus on that sensation
> OK that's done it for me
> no surprises its tipped me over the edge
> feels like an ocean welling up in my balls
> the troops have gotten back up in the last hour
> I'm cumming. I can't stop it. I don't want to stop it.
> she says 'its OK, you can cum in me'
> yeah, like as if you're getting a say in this, and now would be the shittiest time to tell me otherwise
> she seems as excited as me and helps me along
> brings her knees up beside my head and is moving faster as I do
> It also means I can look down and see me pumping her body again
> can't take my eyes off this. This hardcore show, with me as the main star

> its brewing its brewing
> I'm ready
> those noises shes making are bringing it even faster

> and then i cum
> inside her
> so hard it truly feels like it has split my dick open in a rush to get out
> I don't even know if I cry out, I can't register anything other than her cunt. Its like its squeezing me dry
> I keep thrusting
> a little more
> I'm twitching inside her body
> slowing down
> still inside her
> slowing down
> huge breaths
> Im done
> fall in a heap on top of her
> can't do anything
> can't talk
> can't breathe
> just lay on her
> still inside her
> she laughs and wraps her arms tight around me
> 'oh boy what did you think of that?'
> can't talk sex coma again
> I'm going soft now, and feel it slip out of her
> just lay there, its like I weigh 200 kilos, I'm exhausted and can't even lift my head
> want to freeze this moment

> lose my sense of self
> only able to focus on her breathing, I'm rising and falling with each breath she takes
> I'm so relaxed, I realise I'm starting to doze, can't fight it
> come back with a jolt, that feeling when your body jumps but nothing actually happens
> with that she rolls me off her and spoons me, softly kisses the back of my head and neck. Can't believe how right this feels.

she might have had other plans for me. I doubt it. Besides I'm truly shattered. Absolutely beat. Four orgasms in the last six hours. After a day of cricket, biking, swimming. I've got nothing left in me for anyone or anything.

> i wake myself up with a snore. She gives me a nudge. 'Hey hon. Wake up.' We are still in the same position. 'you can't sleep in here. Let's get you into your bed.'

> Cue me being led out her room with a dressing gown around me. Like James Brown being led off stage

I don't remember hopping into bed. I don't remember her tucking me in. Didn't register a light going off. Have no idea if she even sat with a while. Or maybe she lay in my bed with me briefly. No doubt she put me in bed, looked at me and tried to realise the enormity of what she had done. What I do know though is that night i slept like Ive never slept before. Or since.

Hope you enjoyed reading my first sexual experience as much as I did living through it at the time and again now, by sharing it with you. Thanks for sticking with me.

I'm gonna read it myself again. Its after midnight and I need to bust a nut big time.

Fuck I miss that woman.

Posting in memorable thread

Bravo molestino from Italia



>in a way that made my balls tingle

I love you op. No wonder that woman couldnt let go of your cock. I want to suck it to now.

My favorite bit was imagining you hunched over her on the porch, pumping her mouth.

I would a paid a 1000$ to see that.

(Sorry if I've freaked you out, that was first class literature)

Someone please save this. I wanna give all my future sock babies to this tale

Bumping as am only half way through and I dont wanna close a tab and find out its 404d on me

Amazing OP, just perfect.

But please give us more details about the morning after this, did it happen again? how this affected you as a person?

Tell us more user

So is there more to this story? What happens after this cougar takes your virginity?

OP here's some feedback, like you'll care

> takes too long to get started
> its not US so I can't relate
> I'm still a virgin so I'm jealous and mad at you
> no pics of this MILF
> what was her ethnicity?

But I still fapped and came. ty

Thnx everyone for your feedback. Glad you liked it/ or sorry if it pissed you off

Next day. Nothing doing. She was real distant. Nice friendly but in a matter of fact way. She had a few wines that night which gave her the courage. Following day I think she regretted in and was shit scared of me saying something. I woke up, got my bag, and two of the other boys went straight to my place for breakfast.

As for later though...
We ended up screwing about 4 weeks later. And then a couple days after that. Before long we were at it lots.

Spent 3 years together but too dangerous. By the time I was 16 I has leaving school at lunch just to fuck her. Nearly got caught so many times.

Cool story bro.

Just finished the whole thing. Totally fapworthy. This needs to be screen capped.

Reminds me exactly my first time eating a girl out.

>1st sign, her breathing changes, short rapid breaths
>> 2nd sign, those legs that were lying on either side of me are now hitching themselves up around my waist
>> 3rd sign, moans just got a lot cuter, squeakier. And longer

Hey I think I know this girl.

Also applause. It was a long read but I'm glad I stuck with it. Any more stories with this woman you care to share?

God bless you op

Now this I can fap to.

Repeatedly. Lucky little shit