The actress pro beard who actually makes a lot more money acting than bearding has reached her limit...

>The actress pro beard who actually makes a lot more money acting than bearding has reached her limit. There is no way she will get her name dragged through the mud as some kind of scapegoat for family drama. She will walk away in a second and let everyone deal with the fallout. Oh, and by the way, she never signed any confidentiality agreement so I would be really nice to her. Olivia Munn/Aaron Rodgers (brother Jordan winner of "The Bachelorette")

So what's next for her career?

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I never liked this ugly hapa who pretended to be a gamer grrl then stepped on nerds when she made it mainstream.

>The actress pro beard who actually makes a lot more money acting than bearding

Iron Man 4
Newsroom 2


>>Beard is a slang term describing a person who is used, knowingly or unknowingly, as a date, romantic partner (boyfriend or girlfriend), or spouse either to conceal infidelity or to conceal one's sexual orientation.


>she got de boob job

at least they're decent

Aaron's family disowned him for being gay in college. He didnt leave them. How does no one outside of Cal not know this?

wtf happened to munn's face? she looks like megan fox now.

She didnt like her hapa eyes

What is going on?

wth is this true?

Caden Moran

literally everyone on attack of the show was a normie bro tier "nerd" who stepped on real nerds.

get off my board

yeah his ex is Kevin Lanflisi

wew lad

Do you think he closed his eyes and thought back to his college days?

no way

Too cute to be Munn

>epic autistic faceblind retard post

Olivia Munn gives her agent the ok to leak these so she can get more media exposure for her career.

wew lad.. didnt know this. why do you think they broke up? kinda sad :(

Kevin is a legit bro nerd though.
Man knows his shit when called on things


Olivia Munn talks about circumcision


>So what's next for her career?


Olivia Munn, from what I've seen of her, is a gigantic asshole. I'd also heard a bunch of rumors about her basically sucking and fucking her way up the chain, of course started off at G4 and all that.

I honestly believe all of it purely because she IS a dick (Seemingly) and her general attitude seems right.

kevin probably wanted more and aaron didn't want his legacy to be "the first openly gay nfl player"

>those are big boobies
for her

those are the eyes of a man that dreams of cock, and has smelled OM's jizz filled ham wallet inside the enclosed area of a limo.

>first openly gay NFL player amazing at tossing balls to other men
It would have been poetry

She use to be one of my celeb crushes until she fucked up her face.

Dubs comfrim
Hes not even hard


she reckons that change occurred merely due to dieting. do you believe her?

She wouldn't want to offend the guys she was trying to get a job from at the time.

dudes she's already been so BLACKED, that her shit is only properly described as PAVED.

i read that shitty book she had ghostwritten for her, and she yelled at her dead grandmother who died waiting up for her, as she whored around. i never had a granny live long enough to disapoint them so much they gave up the ghost.

>my forced excuses

JUST beard my shit up

You watched her say that and you're suggesting I'm the one forcing things?

Oliva is legitimately an asshole, stupid and ditzy, but a 100% asshole.

Just off the top of my head
>met a fan of AOTS a few hours before a show
>guy was in dressed in animal skins and shit
>was nice and posed for pictures with him and everything
>proceeded on live tv to show em, just constantly making fun of the guy
>even when the directors were telling her to cut the shit out and Kevin was trying to get her to stop she just kept shit talking the man

>AOTS had a fat suit episode
>at some point in the episode Olivia just went into a straight up rant about fatties being disgusting human beings that shold all be killed
>G4 had a shitstorm on their hands from it
>she refused to apologize for it
>Kevin had to apologize at the beginning of a show an episode or 2 later and they weren't allowed to use fatsuits again

>last E3 before she was finally free of her contract with G4
>on all accounts a complete cunt to everyone that encountered her
>wanted to talk about dicks with Jaffer when he just wanted to talk Twisted Metal
>stole a guys bookbag fulla shit when he was to busy playing a demo he waited over an hour to play instead of talking pie with her
>refused to apologize or take the shit back and Adam Sessler and Kevin were both having to repeatedly apologize to people for her bullshit

Why can't he just come out of the closet? It wouldn't detract from him being one of the best QBs of the last decade.

watched what? im not the same guy you retard

>be 11/10 woman
>want to become 12/10
why would you want to become a 12/10 when you're already 11/10?

What exactly would prompt this desire? In any case, she failed. And lost a few points.

Real talk, if I was a cute girl trying to make it in Hollywood I'd fuck my way to the top too. If fucking a handful of jewish producers is all it takes to become rich and famous then sign me up. It's better than having to work your whole life.

Women are stupid and very superficial.

are you delusional

her face is passible at best, no tits, no ass, great legs

solid 7 at the most

Did she get her jaw sanded?

>tfw she's publicly against ant eater dicks
based waifu

At the very least, she botox in her lips. They've clearly been fucked with.

The rest could be due to a lot of weight-loss. Her nose looks the same, and slimmer jowls could be accentuating her cheekbones to make them look so different. Based on her freckles just disappearing and how much eyeliner she's got on, she seems absolutely drowned in makeup in the second picture.

I'd cautiously believe that she hasn't had any "big" work done, but she's absolutely lying to pretend like her diet magically migrated some fat out of her cheeks and into her lips.

Blame sjw's people are more obsessed with this shit now than in the 90's

If you haven't seen her comments why are you even weighing in, you stupid faggot?

Looks a bit better on the right, if im being perfectly honest with you

Yep, must of took a trip to Korea.

Terrible taste

I would eagerly glaze either.

She looks uncanny now.

>This foreign born Academy Award winning director says he decided to marry his wife after he beat her and she didn’t run away. .

Alejandro González Iñárritu/María Eladia Hagerman

>believing a rumor started by a Sup Forums namefag

Lots of homophobes in the NFL. That place is filled with guys who are in closet but mask it by hating on gays.

enough adderrall and anyone can be anything they want to be.

youd have to be kidding yourself

>Beaner beating his women
That sounds like most Latins.

>having an ugly crooked dick


is dis real tho

I just got back from my favourite website. They told me this image is fake.

That's Tiffany Doll

She is box office cancer. No one wants to see her in anything because everyone knows she is an obvious star-fucker who slept her way to where she is.

Would totally smash with the fury of a thousand suns nigging out though

Every one of those little "stories" you've concocted actually makes her sound based as fuck.

underrated comment

saw her naked mate she's average af 6/10 at best

someone post the slutty pics she sent to Chris Pine. Shit cracks me up and gets me hard at the same time

She used to be cute then turned into Melissa Gilbert

Megan Fox-ication

Please women stop with the botox in the lips, god help us