>tfw going blind
What movies should I watch, Sup Forums, while I still can?
>tfw going blind
What movies should I watch, Sup Forums, while I still can?
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Who's gonna play you in your Biopic?
Un Chien Andalou
anne frank with her blind ass
>Anne Frank
user, I...
Speed Racer. Say what you want about the movie it definitely captures from the show. Plus I don't think you'll see as much color in any other movie
Sorry to hear that, OP. I'd recommend the Fountain for the beautiful visuals.
Also, my sincere sympathies on your plight. Have this exclusive super-rare Pepe as an expression of my condolences.
>Anne Frank
Hey don't kill yourself though, 10 years tops and we'll be able to cure any blindness with stem cells.
Not sure why but I laughed. Sorry OP, if that's true. Had a blind girl in my film class.
>tfw I just seen Clerks II for the first time 3 days ago
That Anne Frank and the porch monkey scenes are the greatest things I've ever have the pleasure of experiencing or watching.
El Topo
>Pepe says Do Not Save
>save it anyway
>tfw use to call people porch monkeys on xbox back in the day
>tfw dad talks about my "porch monkey" friends i play with online in a crowd of people ignorantly not knowing the meaning of the word
god bless clerks for the laughs
thank god one less dumb frogposter
gl learning braille you stupid bitch xD
>that part where he calls the little white kid a porch monkey
>that entire scene with the black lady from Old Christine and the black husband
Funniest shit I've seen in a long fucking time. I think the last time I laughed that hard was when that weirdo fuck from Everybody Wants Some told them to check under their pillows lol seriously why aren't movies funny anymore?
That only diminish their value
Only 50 minutes user save that eyeball time youtube.com
holy kek
> All these replies and nobody's mentioned Dancer in the Dark
Crimes and Misdemeanors