Just lost my virginity Sup Forumsros nigga we made it

Just lost my virginity Sup Forumsros nigga we made it
Hows u guys journey to the hidden Valley going? Its a long hard road but its worth

Did he come inside you?

Congratulations, you did what every normal human does in their early teens.

Riggity Riggity rekt son


Lost my virginity when I was 16. Pretty sure that's cause I live in a country town in Australia so all we do is fuck and do drugs

This offends me.

then kill yourself faggot

yea but normal humans don't carry around copious amounts of spaghetti

pretty much this

This offends me even greater. Please stop.


Pussy is over rated

I'm offended by your being offended, i should be able to offend freely

You fucking faggots don't know when to shut up. Fuck off with your stupid facebook humor you fucking normalfag.

i really like those minion ones, those little guys just get me every time!

This one cracked me up. Save it, it's all yours, my friend.

Where did you find this one?

Oh, somewhere online. Thanks for joining our thread today.


said the faggot who got lost on his way to tumblr.