What are they going to talk about at the classified briefing that Trump has called all 100 senators to the WH to attend...

What are they going to talk about at the classified briefing that Trump has called all 100 senators to the WH to attend today? Are we going to war, Sup Forumsrothers?

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Shudduhp fag. Go to /pol

pretty sure. n korea has primitive nukes and cannot bomb the u.s as they wod like. better for us to attack now b4 they devlope more advaced nukes. aqlso china is supportin us, they have stopped buyin coal from n korea which is one fo their few main avenues for money and r instead buyin u.s coal.

Unfortunately yes. There is a RN Trident sub off the coast armed with Trident ICBMs. Start stockpiling shit.



Too late for that. It is bigger than Trump you retard. It's happening. Prepare, prepare, prepare.


>What are they going to talk about at the classified briefing that Trump has called all 100 senators to the WH to attend today?

This happened two days ago buddy

>not getting that most political deals are made on the golf course
Fuck me up fam

don't give useful advice to petulant teenage faggots on Sup Forums, nigger.

Aussie Fag here, FUCK YOU ALL

If nuclear war starts our city Darwin is FUCKED. Your president won't even try to save us or our main trade partners which provide OUR FUCKING WEALTH!

Google translate can write better than you

People acting as if war will take place in US soil. Nobody could afford the devastation we'd put on them for coming anywhere near us.

Use a credit card to buy a gun, don't worry about paying it back

You are in Sup Forums, IQ isn't existent

USA are going to send an army of boars against ISIS.

Amerifag here, fuck you. Burn with the rest of us

Stupid faggot thinks most people in war die directly from weapons

Ppl don't die from starvation or disease, user. Don't worry

No, Their missiles will only fuck asia and us up.
Note Asia pacific being targeted.

Btw if they target china/Tokyo world economy will destroy america within 50 years.

oh so you thought it was fine when Obama did it?

"I''m voting for Trump because Killary would start WW3!!!!!"

Well done America. Hopefully my great nation will just bankroll criminals and hoard gold again. Though that won't stop those clouds of fallout from drifting over.

This and stockpiling food.

Drump and Killary are irrelevant in this. Start buying food and ammo and shit. Have a plan to exit the city if you are a cityfag.

If China won't covertly support PROK (it's more possible than you have been led to believe by recent events, view current events in the scope of history) then India will do it. India is a commie power that hates the Anglo world and especially the United States which it sees as the successful older brother who is the upstanding jock character where India is basically a rebellious dork. A PROK backed by Indian troops and technology is not a force to be underestimated. I know all the jokes, "watch out Los Angeles, incoming poos!"etc. but forget the internet for a moment and forget the obviously flattering national propaganda and news you read, and try to observe things from a studied perspective. Ask your congressman to be on the lookout for Indians.


Democrats will not leave their dense cities. Nobody would agree with them.

they just want to give NK the impression that they're taking shit seriously. it's sabre-rattling, and Trump has the best.. many people say... the best sabre, and the best rattle, believe me.

Hahaha. They are the first to die. Kek.

The more intelligent ones accepted the possibility and thought about it from the perspective of "who would you rather negotiate in an international war?" And i think we came up with the right answer. Which candidate was more like the one who handled the Cuban missle crisis? Which candidate was more like the one who got us into WWI (see pic related)

Die. Aus-fagllia never gave anything good to the earth anyways

"conservative Christian"

Neither is your proper English.

so why are cities are growing and rural communities shrinking?

We invented shit posting mate


I believe it was something to do with the radio broadcast that said "Trump April 26th" repeatedly last year around September.

because america is dumb

No. No you did not.

>makes claim using "we"


The same thing they would've talked to the senators about if they were at that Capitol.

The only huge difference is the change of venue; that they're being told would've been the same no matter what.

freeing the American slaves maybe?



I think I am set up pretty good. I have guns, bow, chickens, horses, 30-40 miles outside of a city. Most out of shape shitlibs wouldn't make it 5 miles before collapsing. Plus its going into summer so a garden is definitely on the table.

Enjoying your wifi faggot?

Kek, it is almost unbelievable that Trump still uses Twitter. Dude sounds so unprofessional and moronic in his tirades. If he closed his twitter account his approval ratings would shoot up.

Enjoying your fridge mate?

keep stroking that juvenile survival hero fantasy user

Enjoying using mate, mate?

smartest thing his campaign did is take away his twitter in the weeks leading up to election day.

Is it running mate? you should catch it, mate.


it's a photo op. nothing more.

Australia invented boxed wine go get fucked French fags

WI WIIIWIWIWWIIWIWIIWIWIIWWIIWIWWIIWI oh huhuhuhhhuhhuuh wwiwiiwiwiwiwiiwiwiwwiwi i i w


The weird thing is you can tell it is actually him tweeting too. Obama was far too busy to use twitter and just had some staffer do it for him. He and George W Bush put in like 18 hour days everyday for months.

Well done. I am going to laugh as all these unprepared faggots die. I will literally shoot any libtard that comes begging.

Fucking idiots arguing about Shillary and Drumpt and not preparing for whats coming. Well none of you will survive, which is probably a good thing.

Underrated post

If a foreign was smart they'd target the rural areas where all the agricultural work is done. It's what I'd do. Then the cities would starve and everyone would be dead.

I'm in London for work at the moment but I'm going back home soon. I live in the mountains but Switzerland is a (relatively) small place. If anything happens I'm fucked regardless. Oh well.

Only my girlfriend and your mother.

*foreign military/government

I'm tired

it rattles so loud, all my friends all over the globe (I have so many friends, I'm loved all over the world) will hear it.

According to Sup Forums, this is the 3,452,629th time that "its habbening". Nothing to see here. Nuke war is bad for business, plebs.

Heh heh..mad Aussie ..enjoy that Fosters while you can dip shit!

That only works if you are Cyrus The Great conquering cities, and even he had to drink up the whole river.

Now that the enemy's food is gone (good luck) how do you stop him from digging a hole under your country and coming up and eating all your civilians?


Nuke war against a nation that can shoot back is bad for business.
Best Korea's nukes can only hit Worst Korea and possibly Japan, and any US fleets within range to strike Best Korea.
They are not a threat to business as usual, and in fact may be beneficial if they ruin Asia's markets when the US is attempting to return to a protectionist economy.
There's a very real, non-zero possibility that the military men in charge will recommend a war.

Pol is a reddit shit hole now

In retrospective thought b seems to have inproved some by that i mean b has become new pol

Fosters is english...

about how stupid americans are for continuing to vote for both republicans and democrats and lolling with all of their campaign donors since both parties are the exact same thing except when it comes to gay rights (and once abortion but democrats are able to be anti-abortion now too)

its basically conservative reddit, they are just as bad as tumblr if not worse, so much cringe, so many fedoras

I always wanted to visit north korea. Sad I don,t think i will have time to. USA will crush them in about 15 minutes.


It wasnt always like ot is now it used to be nazi's and libertarians and anti zionist librarians