aids group full of aids opinions
also Chris Korda is more than a normal human being.
an-caps are the new fedoras
This is now an anti-capitalist / commie thread
Anything with Anarcho- attached to it, is pretty much autistic.
>any comprehension of economics
pick one.
what the fuck did you just say to me, you little bitch?
while I don't support ancaps, authoritarianism is pretty autistic too
Commies and Socialists in general might be the only political groups more retarded than Ancaps.
>tfw even the name of your supposed ideology is an oxymoron
It's funny because it's true.
Oops, I just the entire "roads" meme, shuld I be worie?
>1992: The Building of Anzac Drive
Reflective of the community spirit held by the company was the 1992 construction of Anzac Drive. Kalgoorlie badly needed a bypass road from West Kalgoorlie to Goldfields Highway, but for years the requests of residents and haulage companies had fallen upon deaf ears.
Out of sheer need and frustration, a group of local haulage, earthmoving and mining company executives decided to take action. On the weekend of the 18-20th of September, 1992 trucks, loaders, graders and scrappers were put to work along with a small army of volunteers. Working through the weekend, seven kilometres of well-designed and formed road were built, wide enough for the heaviest of traffic and far from the city’s streets.
With the road successfully in place and creating an effective bypass around the town, public support swelled in its favour. Forced to accept its existence, the State government sealed the road, and the roadbuilders of Anzac Drive, with the Littles amongst them, had changed Kalgoorlie-Boulder forever
Yeah, let the unwashed masses do it themselves, fuck building codes and safety regulations. Fuck having professionals do it.
Did you not get that the aim of communism is to completely do away with currency?
Your shitty meme doesn't change the fact that that is one of the ultimate goals of communism.
if we get rid of currency then we wont know how to reimburse ur mum for suckin dix m8
Typical ancap right here.
>supporting any kind of government society or community law rule regulation or ordinance
lmao @ ur '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''lyfe''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
True. But wont work.
>most replies are about communism
I dont know what I expected
With our current technology? And with our current manufacturing chains that are set up for a capitalistic society? No, you're right, it wouldn't work under the current set of circumstances.
Keep fighting, snowflakey
>implying communism isn't perfect
Too obvious?
This thread is property of Ancapball. Communists please leave.
>p-p-please g-go
kek this is gold
Have you, capitalist swines, played this cool communist video game?