Shoe thread
Post what shoes you wear so we can judge you.
Mine: Salomon x ulta 2 GTX
Shoe thread
Post what shoes you wear so we can judge you.
Mine: Salomon x ulta 2 GTX
Nike Cortez. Own a pair in black and white also
Based on OP, I get the outdoorsy feel.
I'm barefoot 99% of the time. And cheapo flip flops when I need them.
>inb4 hobbit, hippy, or jiffyfoot
These because they are comfy as fuck
Suburban or the hood ? Some places you can't just walk down a street wearing those, regardless of what you look like
Forgot pic
I had those but the high version. Crazy comfortable but the sole eventually wore out
Dumb nigger
Your american i imagine
You just hurt me user
Cut me real deep.
Regular ass white guy from small city Va
These really a problem some places? I've had an Irish man tell me they love them there
The regular ones or the ultra version? I have the regular in triple black leather, they're nice and I can wear them through anything, but my brother has the ultra version. His are alot lighter than mine and crazy comfortable
I'm going to kill everyone in this thread.
You're Tom Hanks in Castaway
Judge away. I only have this colourway, super comfy, goes well with lots of outfit.
Wanna be skater . Minimal skinny jeans wearer
bruh whut
at least I look good.
Yeah, inter. these are popular, which they should be because it's a great show. But in the states these are heavily gang affiliated. I have a pair of the Dia De Los Muertos version. Usually it's the original white ones, black ones that get you in trouble here
Because I'm older than 12
How dirty do these get? I had a stripped red pair but the midsole got dirty pretty fast. I remember them being comfortable though
Do you drink whisky when you go out, even though you hate the taste of it?
More like I work on my feet all day so I need a shoe that can handle a lot of miles plus several times a day I may have to go outside into the rain or snow and the Solomons are completely waterproof.
Get a little dirty but are easy to clean, i've had mine for about 6 months wearing at least 3 times a week and they don't show much wear
And a British transvestite I see.
they are the best shoes comfort wise Iv ever bought
plus I get shit from black people either wondering why the fuck im wearing them or loving them since Gone Fishings weren't sold but at one store in KC so no one knows about them
Ultra, they still go through anything and it all just wipes off after, plus they look pretty sweet too
Wearing nothing is the most comfortable.
Just the classics
nigger detected
im not actually lol, only thing dark skinned in me is Cherokee
Foamposites in general are great because they're built to last. The material they're made of is really durable. The only thing that sucks is when they come out with new colorways like Gone Fishing because they look like but the material on top of the shoe that gives it that shean can wear away, like the mirror foams or the suede ones. Albeit that's only if you really wear them into the ground, casually it's not a problem
do you skate tho?
>Not getting the Sk8-Hi
Those are pretty cool. I've owned Cortez's for about 8 years now. Can't find another shoe I like as much.
Detroit Lions Game Day specific footwear.
iv seen some of those mirrors on ebay that look like they were woodchipped
I wear mine almost every day and don't have scuffs
"Rust" Timbos since "Wheats" are played out
those look conmfy as fuck, good choice.
nothing beats running and tracking shoes for daily wear.
Your lucky the tongue is black with hints of crimson, my foams have a white tongue and the mesh makes it crazy fucking difficult to clean. But I love the carbon fiber plating. Way better than AJ11s
how did you get over their ugliness tho?
i can only be utilitarian to a point. those look like you stepped in alien poop.
its the fish scales, I like them and alot do since they are trying to copycat my ass since I bought them
Its the same with the with the safari one, people think its ugly but alot of us like it
im wanting to get the shooting star ones but the white would be a bitch to clean so idk
Red Wing Chelsea.
Pic for example.
Got a pair for $35 from someone who has no idea how expensive they actually are.
Photos don't do that shoe justice, trust me
When you can't be unique in personality you have to fall back on wearing weird shit to have a sense of individuality.
Yes I like coke
Nike Air Max 90 waterprooff (img related)
Red wing shoes aren't super expensive but definitely not cheap either. Good work shoes.
Not anymore. Just like the way they look
Certainly more than 35 that I pair for them!
In my off time, I only wear $10 flip flops, rest of the time I wear Red Wing work boots
I would bet they go for ~$200
Just got a pair of Nike Nightgazers (my mum was so kind as to buy them for me) and I love them. Genrally, Nike makes great shoes for sport and everyday wear.
these to be exact
Yeah, that's why they're worth billions. Even niggers in their world countries have some kind of Nike shoes/sandals/clothing
What the hell are those?
Heeeey welcome to 1995!
Dad kicks
For when life's a bitch
Dr. Scholl's.
Comfy as fuck.
really nice choice, i was planing to buy them, but fuck 130 euros
I thought they made inserts? Not shoes?
ever heard of diversification, boy
I paid $150 American. My previous Salomons are a year old and completely intact but after a thousand miles even the best shoes lose their support. Never thought of them as a shoe company worth looking at but they proved themselves many times over. I'll never buy a pair of shoes that isn't waterproof again.
Wow I'm wearing pic related right now
Vans sneakers
Got them on recent release date sold the other pair I obtained
NB 530 but in an all black colorway.
These beauties. Got them for $165 resale.
Comfortable and simple.
I decided to take up running so I went to a store and bought the shoes with "epic speed" written on them
someone just posted these cheap, Im so tempted but alas im broke as shit
That royal blue right?
>comfortable and simple
Love them through and through, like walking on air.
Air Jordan 1 Royal, leather is kinda shit on them but other than that they are beauty
I feel like there could've been so much more. Maybe some reflective design mixed in, or chrome aglets, the color just looks air brushed to me. I mean it's a good colorway, but I've seen them in person and they look like customs to me.
I will admit the black tongue and black outsole is really nice, like these foams you can step into some thick ass mud and just rinse them off and they'll look like new