Hey B
Would you suck out a warm log of shit from Andy Sixx's asshole?
Hey B
Would you suck out a warm log of shit from Andy Sixx's asshole?
Hello OP, could you see your way in to designing this: Andy Sixx being used as a weapon to fire logs of shit at North Korea?
Absolutely not.
Andy can only produce so many logs, and while all of us agree his logs should be available for everyone, even the people of DPRK, his logs should a. Not be used maliciously and b. They would take it as a gift and use it to their advantage
Tell me Why, Love aint nuthin' but a heartache.
Tell me why.
Log ain't nothin but a fart ache
Kill yourself.
To think, me the log poster, knows more about Sup Forums than you.
Pathetic newfag
Log poster got some sass this morning lel
Infinite sass for Sixx's ass
i got 3 hours of sleep
super hungover
and recovering from lots of hard drug use
but nothing could ever stop the divine inspiration within to keep me from spreadin' the good word about biersack's turd
how long will you force this meme?
I hear ya user. Been logging for over 14 hours now, currently drinking some two hearted ale with a side of raunchy warm shitlogs
Kill yourself.
>also saged
you're doing god's work user
I have to pee but I don't want to get out of bed. It's too cold and I'm comfy...
Thanks for the log bump
singles of lying horseshit.
come to the love log n lose the hate
It's a quick trip, then you can get right back in your warm bed next to some warm logs
The log of peace
I actually do enjoy the log. Log poster creates OC and triggers faggots. I always get a kek from log threads.
Its amazing how well this meme is growing in popularity, well done OP for keeping up the Log of Shit campaign, /b has become pretty lazy, you provide more OC than anyone else here. I have never fancied eating a log of shit from Andy Six, however now I am on board. I hope you reach that log of shit.
want a warm n creamy, corn filled, log of shit straight out of andy's shitspout
is that too much to ask?
only an actual faggot would say this
These threads are fucking great. For me it isn't even the fact that they exist it's the angered responses of people who aren't doing anything but looking stupid and bumping the thread. It gives me a childish satisfaction to see something as immature as sucking a shit log out of the vocalist of a scene bands asshole absolutely infuriate the average Sup Forums user. Scrolling through he catalgoue, seeing his makeup riddled face I just know it's gonna be good. Slight keks rise inside me as I read the first few lines. "Would you suck out a warm log of shit from Andy Sixx's asshole? More keks eminate from deep within, these ones out loud. Then the responses, some dripping with anger, some trying to brush it off as lame and immature but triggered nonetheless. Then the confused response of the OP. "What, you don't want a warm creamy log of shit?" "What did Andy Sixx's hot logs of warm, cream corned shit ever do to you?" Laughing hard, I start to get a bone. This happens sometimes when I'm excited. Then the backlash. The rage that OP would even dare, would ever have the audacity to not only post more talk of log, but question the failing attempts to sage the thread. As more and more log memes are posted I realize I can no longer deny myself the pleasure. Taking my trembling cock into my hand, I begin furiously masturbating to the blissful thought of a pure, creamy, corn filled log entering my mouth and sliding past my uvula, shat straight out of the ass of Andy Sixx. As it enters my throat I gag, but the gagging helps the huge log of shit into my stomach. I haven't eaten in awhile, the creamy hot shitload fills my stomach as if I'd just consumed a large, awful smelling hunk of meat. Sixx meat. Then, log smears lining my lips, I orgasm, harder than ever before, knowing this special gift of Sixx Shit is resting peacefully inside me. Today was a beautiful day. I am become one with the log. I have sucked a log of shit from Andy Sixx's asshole.
Listen fucker I'm absolutely sick of these threads. Because of these shitty fucking threads my parents no longer talk to me, I've lost my job, my home I've lost fucking everything man. I should have never asked my parents or my boss would they suck a warm creamy log out of Andy sixxs asshole because they had no fucking idea what I was talking about. I tried to explain but the wouldn't listen. Now I'm fucking unemployed and homeless with no family or friends that want anything to do with me
we'll said user, well said
Strange, most people are immediately on board with sucking of the sixxlog. What was their immediate reaction?
i think the answer is much more simple than you're trying to make it look: you're gay.
3 months ago if Andy Six had come to my door and presented a log, I would have said go away, I dont know you. If he came today, I would gladly eat the shit, and document the event.
Every fucking day, man. Every fucking day I see these threads and the faggots who post them continuing to either post or bump them all day EVERY fucking day. Like seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you not tired? Since fucking October this fucking faggot has gone nonstop about how he wants to eat andy's shit! Just give it up!
Give it the fuck up. What makes you think people enjoy seeing this thread posted every single fucking day? Whag makes you think some queer singer of some shitty ass band would let some mentally handicapped psychopath like you within a mile in them, let alone eat their shit?
Just fuck off with this already. If it isnt a troll and youre legitimately hungry for some guy's shit, itll never fucking happen. Nobody, especially andy sixx, would let some autistic little faggot like you eat his shit... because Andy likes me better and im the only one whose actually good enough for that warm, creamy steamy log of shit being spat out of his delicious chocolate starfish asshole of his. God hes so fucking hot im going to suck so fucking hard on his asshole that food he hasnt even eaten yet is going to come out and your little pathetic ass is just going to stand there and watch and cry like the little bitch that you are because youll never be good enough for his hearty log roll.