Kevin Smith really is capable of decent filmmaking.
Did he just get lucky?
Kevin Smith really is capable of decent filmmaking.
Did he just get lucky?
Less yes men, more people telling him what he could and couldn't do
>when ben afflek could lift his eyebrows
He's a good filmmaker but he just doesn't have anything interesting left to say anymore. He should just hold off on Clerks 3 until his wife divorces him, that's the only way he'd have any decent material to make it work.
I think he just got lazy and decided to milk it
I mean look at him
How the fuck did they get Alan Rickman in this? He was great and it needed more of him
This was Smith's first real script, done before Clerks, so it makes sense it's his best and most honest one. It was written when he was still creatively rich.
Pretty much Alan Rickman, Chris Rock, and Affleck/Damon carried this movie.
just don't let him direct an action scene
Between Clerks, Dogma, and a few other scenes in other movies I think he only had enough ideas for about 3 movies. He's been scraping the barrel for a while now though.
This movie is fucking trash.
>creatively rich
Thats a fine line user
Other than these and Chasing Amy, what else has he done well?
Took the words right out of my mouth
RIP Alan Rickman
You mean other than Clerks, Dogma and Chasing Amy; other than 3 decent movies?
First of all, what the fuck have you done with your life, 3 decent movies is enough to qualify as "creatively rich"
Secondly, Mallrats
Third, I'm not that poster you replied to
Clerks 2, Mallrats to an extent (it's not a great movie, but it's a fun late-night comedy), Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back...
That's just about it. Most of his one-off movies weren't very good.
He just doesn't try anymore.
I saw a thread about Clerks 3 sometime ago
Ill be watching them later, but Clerks by itself was just fine
I never got into the whole JayandBob thing, I loved seeing them in the films, but then they became a comic and cartoons and it threw me off
I miss Alan Rickman
>Chris Rock
>race politics the comedian
>Jay and Silent Bob
That movie is fucking awful. I will never understand the love that movie gets on this board. Is it the same kind of young person irony that makes some of you guys say you like the Star Wars prequels?
at least the prequels have tons of dank memes, some "cool" scifi shit and the fall of a hero thing is compelling even though it wasn't done well
It's a really fucking fun movie.
Also, it exists purely because Kevin promised Jay he would write and direct a movie wherein Jay and Bob are the main characters, if Jay promised to go to rehab and got clean.
It's a fun road trip movie if you understand the context and get the references, no one said it was high art.
It's a live action cartoon. What's not fun about that?
It's pure fanservice, you have to really like the Jay and Silent Bob universe and have been following it since the beggining.
It's the only explanation I can come up with
Delete this.
It triggers my feefees
Red State was a good idea that fell apart
rip in peace
No he's not
Daily reminder that Clerks 2 is Kevin Smithkino