Finally watch this

>finally watch this
>under the impression that it's weak garbage
>literally one of the most fun horror movies i've seen in years
>the kids are so fucking stupid
>the climax is the girl's dead father throwing tvs at her in a swimming pool

what's not to love here Sup Forums

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It's perfect. Only horror movie that focuses on the HORROR without a whole lot of nonsense. It's not like you can tell a proper story in a 2 hour movie anyways.

my only real gripe is that I wish we got a little more character interactions/depth from the main teens but it doesn't feel entirely necessary. i like how the movie just expects you to understand that she fucked those yacht boys and that her dad was dead


Go back and eatch again. Everytime they are in a public space that isn't indoors outside of the mall, you can see the thing somewhere in the background walking towards them

Why did they dress like it was the eighties? Why the eighties soundtrack? Why do they go on the rant about how Detroit is actually a totally safe place but have no major black characters? Why are the blacks in the city depicted as basically wild life?

it's white suburban kids who are afraid of black people and the actual city

it's the 80s because it's dream logic

Never been more genuinely scared than when le tall man walks into the bedroom. My fucking blood ran ice cold. Unreal.

>mfw in the scene where they look for the guy at the school there is a girl always approaching and everyone sits in the car for like 5 minutes and doesn't notice her closing in

this movie was a lot of fun in theaters

The production design of the film is a clearly conscious effort to seem "post-modern". Pulp Fiction more famously employed various anachronisms 20 years earlier.

Part of it is just that it's a hip thing to do. Another part of it is that directors with a little vision genuinely want their movies to last a bit, and so to give them a "timeless" feel, one strategy is to mix up bits from recent eras that moviegoers know.

The aesthetic is also clearly meant to invoke 80s horror as-such, and to insinuate itself with same. The two girls walking down the sidewalk together in the sleepy midwest is straight out of the first act of Halloween, for example.

So why didnt they just call the cops bros?

It's a 1/10 for me.

I thought absolutely every single element of the film was horrendously bad.

I honestly have no idea what anyone thinks is good about it.

It's one of those rare bad movies where I simply can't understand why anyone thinks it's good. Sort of like Speed Racer.

I can get why some people enjoy Transformers, for instance. But this is simply confounding to me.

Only other modern film that's had a similar impact on me is Dredd or The Raid.

It was fucking terrible and had not a single bit of horror in it. Felt more like a shitty comedy.

i guess they found a 7+ foot tall actor for that

but yeah, that whole scene was masterfully done- kitchen girl always pops into my head when im walking around my house at night, fuckin creepy

This movie either clicks with you and it's awesome or it doesn't and you ask a lot of questions that piss you off.

There is no inbetween

At times I just assumed that to be a possibility. Like it's not unusual for someone to walk at a slow pace.

Because the premise is a classic "the kids know the truth and the stupid (in this case absent) adults could never possibly understand" premise. It's a well-worn trope, which has an important filmic precedent in the sci-fi classic "invaders from Mars" (you should all watch this immediately for a movie education).

As a matter of fact, Invaders from Mars does a great job of setting up the premise as it has been used since: young people discover a horrible monster which changes the basic rules of society, and the adults for whatever reason refuse, or are not prepared to believe the truth. MORE SPECIFICALLY, IF THE KIDS TRY TO TELL AUTHORITY FIGURES ABOUT THE TRUTH, THEN THEY WILL BE EITHER DISMISSED OR WORSE, LOCKED UP IN SUCH A WAY THAT THE CREATURE WILL KILL THEM, AND THE ADULTS WON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT HAPPENED.

Variants of this trope play themselves out in both E.T. and Terminator 2, though in a less literal fashion. The Nightmare on Elm Street movies convey what I'm talking about, as does Invader from Mars (watch it!)

Most of the characters are really weak and shallow, and the guy who ends up getting with the main chick is such an unbearable pussy that it's impossible to believe he'd ever get laid sans a complete personality replacement.

She didn't fuck them what are you talking about. If she did she would've passed IT along to them and it wouldn't be following her

Right... that's the whole point of fucking them....

Which she didn't.

Maybe The Entity killed the yacht boys? Then it would come back to her.

what makes you so sure

..... Because the fuckinf creature wouldn't be following her after that scene? Are you serious? Do you think she fucked them with the intent to get it off her trail and then suddenly got it back?

Uh yeah? are you serious? you think it's impossible for it to kill the yacht boys and go after her?

Dredd is an easy 7.5/10. It does what it sets out to do perfectly, wich is showing Judge Dreddd fight crime and bring justice to the drog lord. There is no bullshit side story or forced love interest.

I actually forgot about that part. I only remembered it could be passed on not that it comes back


b8 or not?

Don't you give me that face Jon

>throwing tvs at her in a swimming pool

Why didn't it follow her into the pool, and why did it watch from the rooftop?

fucker cheats whenever it feels convenient

I wonder how many people the entity has been passed trough. I mean at one point after it has killed every cursed person in the line, it would then just vanish right?

Because The Entity is not stupid?

Can someone explain the ending? I only remember it vaguely. So they "kill" it, the two kids fuck they hold hands and walk down the street. Is that one person in the back supposed to be IT? Or is it just left to be ambiguous

ambiguous pham

Gotcha. I like it that way

Wasn't the entity following them at the end?

No it's ambiguous, Director said so.
The person at the end was never intended to be the entity, but after it was released people began to hypothesize that it was so the director said it could be or it could not be, you decide.

>others that haven't had it passed on to them could attack it/be attacked by it
It was shit.

>never intended to be the entity
source for this pham?

>The movie ends with Jay and Paul walking home. A ways behind them, we see a teenage boy walking in the same direction ... it might be the monster, or it might not. Was that always the final shot?
Yes, for sure. We had a couple variations on it — I think we had some where he was really far back, and then some where no one would ever miss him — but we settled on the one where he’s there, but not too close. It allows people to make up their own mind of what it means.

vulture com/2015/03/it-follows-director-the-spoiler-interview.html

That's not the point that removes the feeling of helplessness and panic a teen would have in that situation. It's a horror movie, common sense doesn't exist in that universe

It was 2 hours of a guy walking around cheap sets shooting anonymous extras shot like a cheap SyFy movie.

Complete waste of the source material.

>Complete waste of the source material.

It fits the source material perfectly. Go back and watch stallones piss-poor attempt if you want more disappointing capeshit.

loved this movie,

I really enjoyed casual sex fags getting btfo too, the whole movie was fucking scary as shit

>casual sex fags getting btfo


the boys on the yacht, the ex boyfriend, the girl in the beginning etc

I fully support the entity 100%

>fly to Thailand
>bang hooker

That would keep it busy for a while. If it did come back it would have to walk halfway around the world.

>the entity is really a /r9k/ poster who transcended his mortal coil through meme magic to exact his revenge on normies


>fuck an Astronaut
>they go into space, won't be able to reach them

I actually have a gf who's virginity I took

but yes, I am that bitter /r9k/ poster

that would be a good premise for a sequel, people trying to escape the monster, and perhaps it would be working it's way back to them

>be astronaut
>blastoff sequence literally had the entity metres away from me
>6 months pass
>due for rotation back to earth
>go insane and attack others on the ISS
>eventually have to get sent back
>make complex plans to escape quickly
>co ordinate with a friend on ground control
>he betrays you and makes an appointment with a doctor
>as you touchdown, you see the entity outside
>you beg for the hatch to not be opened
>alone in the ocean, the entity breaks open the hatch
>recovery crew never find your body, assume you fell into the sea
>the entity goes back one

If you consider a John Carpenter homage to be "nu" you are an idiot.

The Stallone version is closer to the source material than the remake.

(which isn't helpful, since it's also a bad movie).

Christ that's even scarier. I hope we see a second one. Wasn't enough of the creature shown too many wide shots of nothing

I think it was absolutely brilliant
right up to the moment the demon-thing decided to just mess with the main-characters hair (even though it straight up snapped bitches' shit up in a split second every time before) and everyone started hitting the invisible man, after that it just got fucking ridiculous and a pain to watch.

>It does what it sets out to do perfectly

Get RLM's cum out of your mouth.

it meant that she was the kind of slut that likes to be grabbed by the hair during sex. I mean, that's how the creature kills them, via some sort of sexual whatever, and it's intelligent.

maybe having a few subplots of various "sinners" being picked off would be fun.

>rich guy ($100k net) tries to trap the entity, it goes wrong, and finishes off his young female secretary that he fucks(he doesn't know how it gets passed on).
>pimp notices his whores getting brutally murdered, he thinks it's competition, but he figures out the truth and accepts death

The hero of course, would HAVE to be a girl who was raped, as it's not her fault (so that means she dresses conservatively)

how would she defeat it?

>Hateful Eight created as a homage to Carpenter and The Thing in particular
>features a forced interracial gay scene
>not "Nu"

I understand and agree 100% with your statement but we're both technically wrong depending on how it's viewed.

>i need to have things literally spelled out for me on screen or i can't believe it. i think she just swam to the boat and swam back and said hello to those boys, and didn't set them up to be murdered just to buy her some time

pleb: the post

I watched it high and drunk and still felt like its total garbage.


I mean okay if you just don't want to try to interpret the movie

the point of the monster is that no one can escape it. sooner or later it comes for you. it's an awareness of your own mortality, that your relationship can fail, that you can lose your friends and loved ones, it's the inevitability of tragedy and death. the best you can do is hold hands with someone who's in it with you and trusts you and try to make the best of it.

that's why it doesn't die at the end -- it just fucking fills the pool with blood. the entity eventually encompases everything

and also you could maybe just guess that they fuck yacht boys and prostitutes all the time to keep the entity busy, but it's never going away

>dude lmao i was so fucked up when i saw this movie dawg it didn't make sense it must suck shit hey bro lemme hit that bong real quick ;^)

i loved the ambiguous setting/timeframe

people are saying 80s but it really seemed more like 70s

It's more of a timeless dream like atmosphere