Who's your favorite artist?

Who's your favorite artist?

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MBDTF and 808s are masterpieces.


I'll be honest I think 808 is my least favorite (still like it a lot, just slightly less than the other ones)

Absolutely no bait, have you ever listened to him?

13 year old detected.


> X detected

back to plebbit

i like shiggydiggyniggy



How the FUCK can that man be your favorite artist?
Of ALL the artists in the world, that man is your absolute favorite of them?

Your taste is shit, and I hope you get hit by a fucking bus tomorrow, you little prick.

Yeah, I have, that's why I'm calling it bait.

Wow you're an angry guy aren't you? It's just my opinion why the fuck does that make you angry?
Who's your favorite artist man?

Is that so shocking that everyone doesn't have the same tastes that you have?

I personally don't get all the hate he gets, I figured it's mostly because of his public persona, and because he is extremely popular, but it doesn't make his music any less good

>Who's your favorite artist man?
Oh I don't listen to music.

I actually have never really listened to J Cole, I know that he dissed Kanye in his last album and that his most loud fans are pretty annoying so I've kind of been reluctant to listen to him. Any songs you'd recommend?

Then why do you come here talking shit?

DaVinci is hands down my favorite artist.

Because your taste is garbage.

Listen to: Dead President, Premeditated Murder, 2Face and Welcome

But i f i was you i would go to Datpiff.com and download his Mixtapes because If you listen to one you have to listen to all bro.

Also hes ''the one'' choosen by Nas himself

All right thanks I'll give it a listen.
I got spotify, are all of his mixtapes on there?

I dont know i dont have spotify. dont think there on it either but you can try and look it up or just go to the site or look it up on youtube


Kanye West is shit, and you have shit taste.

Kill yourself immediately.

He's great.
By your logic Kendrick should also kill himself since he likes Kanye as well?

>Kendrick should also kill himself since he likes Kanye as well?

No he doesn't.

Sadly he passed away recently

don't know about that. they made a decent feature track though

There isn't a single track on TLOP that's above a 3/10

strongly disagree.
ultra light beam and real friends are a solid 9/10 imo

Kendrick is no better then any other modern day rapper, he just acts and talks like hes some sort of rap messiah bringing back "real rap" when in reality hes a good rapper but not the rap revolutionary he claims to be.

Ultralight Beam, Father Stretch My Hand, No More Parties In LA, Freestyle 4, Saint Pablo, Facts

Charlie Harper

Definitely not this useless douche

This is why white people don't have the right to rank hip-hop

The media makes the hype.
But which rapper in the history released 4 great albums in a row? not many. He has his status for a reason

Ok that's what I thought you're a troll I'll stop giving you attention now

Corey Motherwell fuckin Taylor


this is why it makes no sense to discuss taste in first place.
just for ithe record: what's bad about these tracks?

I really hope Kanye gets cancer and dies!!!!!!!

The one and only Miley Cyrus

Honestly right now its kendrick, lil uzi, and xxxtentacion
And idk why the last 2 but fuck that shit gets me hype

Nine Inch Nails
Listened to them ever since high school. I know they're old school, but I'm fucking old.

Oh boy here we go.

So not only are the lyrics fucking atrocious, just like everything on Yeezus. The production is clearly sloppy, generic, and just flat out boring. Kanye is just trying to keep up with the hip-hop trends instead of trying to redefine the genre.

D'angelo and Curtis Mayfield I guess

I can agree with the lyrics, but I don't mind them so much, since my first language is not english and kanye was never about the lyrics in first place.
Can't agree with your opinion on the production, but who cares?

>i agree, the lyrics, which is half of what hip-hop music is, in this hip-hop/rap album are pretty bad
>who cares whether the production is bad, it's only half of what hip-hop music is


who cares that we have different opinions on the production i meant.
and on this album i barely care about the lyrics, so not the half for me.

I think the xans tryin to tell me something

what are you talking about, the hype surrounding him is created entirely by his fan base who listen to him saying that "hes the only real rapper" rap pioneers like tupac, wu-tang, and eminem not only had bestselling albums but their music was completely new and almost unheard of. kendricks music is good but his sales aren't anything special compared to other modern rappers and his influence among other rappers remains to be seen, and what do you mean by "great" if that refers to matter of media opinion then kanye, drake, and lil wayne have released well over 4 albums in a row that the media had given attention to so according to your logic (which i disagree with) they would all be on the same level


Bob Ross

Your favorite artist is some no-name trash that literally no one knows.

Any Aus hip-hop head here?

Gotta go with Doc Flea:


and Flowz:


This weirdo. Wish I could play like him.

>favorite artist is a nigger



If you dont know Zak Wylde you need to emerge from your shitty wub wub and rap hole in the ground. Hes far from a favorite and has spawned some of the ugliest fucking guitars ever, but at least the dude can play and has been in several notable bands.

His music is just a bunch of auto tuned shit that he didn't even write himself. Nothing original there.

Wow man your taste are so superior, I mean look! This person is white!!

Bitch please.


Yeah I guess you haven't listened to him

He used autotune in only one album, and he didn't use it to correct his singing voice he used it to modify his voice so it goes well with the theme.

Also he writes the vast majority of his songs

HAHAHA barely 2 million views!!

Are you kidding me?

>Also he writes the vast majority of his songs

Anyone who uses that as an argument is flat out ignant. Thats like saying "At least Da Vinci painted his own artwork." Yeah, its a step above the media pop music, but its a shit argument considering how many real musicians have written lyrics, vocal melodies, lead/rhythm, bass and drum parts. Not to mention the ones who create quality songs with that.

Oh, but your boy wrote a 8 word chorus and a couple verses about probably featured another artist so thats one less verse he has to worry about? How incredible, so much talent on his part.

I'm not saying it's an exceptional thing, it's just that said that he didn't write it

Also using the term "real musician" automatically shows anyone having a conversation with you that you are an faggot

missed my quoting

cause if there is one thing we have learned, its that views = quality.

Especially in old ass videos, cause you can be all but certain that they went out of their way to add clever click bait antics and other high quality video techniques used to amass views.

Johann Sebastian Bach

True its bad word choice on my part. By there is something to be said about actual musicianship dwindling and being extremely sparse in popular music. For every decent lyricist and rap artist there are 10 shitty ones who just rely on trend words (swag, bae, bling, etc. etc.) and the same old swag rap antics with auto tune and their "Image" as part of their artistry. Yet they feel and act like they are the pinnacle of musicianship.

That's not an artist. That's a douchebag


OP, you're a dumb fuck.

They are not mutually exclusives. John Lenon was a dick for example

Again not mutually exclusives. Also you are retarded

logic bruh

How can anyone think this worthless piece of untalented crap is even remotely good? I haven't heard one good song where he didn't steal half of it from someone else.


Kanye is a moron

Kanye is a arrogant faggot

Kanye can't rap

Kanye is annoying


fucking mastermind

good one

Yeah, Amous is a very talented person

I thought kendrick new album was pretty good.


I know

>kanye steals song

Are you serious?

Damn dude, you're so cool!
You don't like what's on the radio? Rad!


Rembrandt or Vermeer

His song writing is nothing crazy but what people like about him is his musical creativity. He started as a producer, he makes his own shit.



>tfw you actually appreciate Adolf Hitlers work and theres just a thread full of niggers.


It's not my fault they are so good at music


It is, you listen to that shit, you are the cause of this bullshit.

This is more respectable than nigger pop, faggot.

Deadmau5 what an easy choice

what about this youtube.com/watch?v=MYF7H_fpc-g

So that's a problem to you? In what way?
