>When Beach was eight years old, his mother, Sally Beach, eight months pregnant with a baby girl, was killed by a drunk driver.
>Eight weeks after his mother's death, the family, stricken with grief, discovered Adam's father, Dennis, drowned near the community. It is unclear whether Dennis's death was an accident or if he committed suicide.
>In 2006, Beach portrayed Ira Hayes in Clint Eastwood's feature film Flags of Our Fathers. During the filming of this movie, both Beach's grandmother and his best friend died.
So he's pretty much the prairie nigger Keanu Reeves
When will he catch a break ffs
Charles Cox
>prairie nigger That sounds stupid t.b.h
Logan Butler
reddit tier
Brody Lee
Redskin just isn't offensive ;)
Jackson Ortiz
>Eight weeks after his mother's death, the family, stricken with grief, discovered Adam's father, Dennis, drowned near the community. It is unclear whether Dennis's death was an accident or if he committed suicide.
What a fucking cuck. What type of sore pussy dies right after his wife dies. It's fucking reddit tier autism to make viewers feel bad. fucking shameful.
>Clint Eastwood's feature film Flags of Our Fathers
LOL Eastwood is a fucking American Fascist and a Reddit.com/r/the_donald assfaggot nigger. Seriously WHAT THE FUCK has this board fucking become.
Henry Thomas
Fuck off to tumblr faggot
Owen Roberts
>using reddit as an insult
Kill yourself nigger
Henry Walker
Jack Kelly
Go back to fucking /lit/ you commie
Jaxon Wilson
>this post
Alexander Hall
Jaxson Flores
>this fucking post
Carter Hill
quit getting baited so hard you lords of reddit
Aiden Reyes
at least he's starring in movies and shit
Mason Turner
Brody Jones
Here is your (You)
William Ross
for 2 scenes, yeah
Ayden Russell
>being this much of a faggot
Hudson Turner
>assfaggot nigger.
My sides, for some inexplicable reason, have left me.
Grayson Hall
You need to go back.
Colton Jackson
Benjamin Davis
>What a fucking cuck
>What type of sore pussy dies right after his wife dies. It's fucking reddit tier autism to make viewers feel bad. fucking shameful.
It's called fucking writing you asshole. No one would be enticed to watch the show if it was shit or uneventful.
>LOL Eastwood is a fucking American Fascist and a Reddit.com/r/the_donald assfaggot nigger.
Go fuck yourself and take your (You)
Owen Anderson
This is so fucking cringey. I'm embarrassed for you
Justin Butler
gr8 b8 lad
Ian Sanchez
9gag tier
Justin Mitchell
This is your IRL you cunt
Jose Myers
Isaiah Hernandez
>assfaggot nigger
Luke Perez
include me in the reddit screenshot!
Aaron White
Brody Torres
You're all just salty as fuck I am 100% right. From now, I will respond to each and one of your posts in a kind manner :3
>Kill yourself nigger.
Not an Argument.
>Fuck off to tumblr faggot.
Not an Argument.
Not an Argument.
Not an Argument.
>this post
Not an Argument.
Not an Argument.
Not an Argument.
Not an Argument.
Jeremiah King
>Here is your (You)
Not an Argument.
>being this much of a faggot
Not an Argument.
>My sides, for some inexplicable reason, have left me.
>You need to go back.
Not an Argument.
Not an Argument.
According to my reliable sources at reddit. This entire post, is fucking /garbage/. Not an Argument.
>This is so fucking cringey. I'm embarrassed for you