Sup Forums made an album

from X amount of days ago


>I moved on her like a bitch
>big phony tits
>grab em by the pussy


Best: 23
Runner-up: Tie between 7, 12, and 13
Worst: 22

>track 9 comes on
>what am I listening to Captain Beefheart or something, is this an unreleased track
>name of the song is Captain Beefheart can eat my bollocks

21 and 12 and 4 are the objective best tracks

Let's make another one!






Best: 5, 12, 24

I made 8


From the old thread:

Great work guys. This album flows outstandingly well for being intentional garbage:

Disc 1
> starts with two noise rap tracks, first one a banger second one more laid back
> the pop section, two hits with an interlude, frontloading the album with radio-friendly material but not launching with it
> more mature and developed, yet accessible songs from 6-8, a comedown that slowly transitions to experimental
> followed by a trilogy of experimental tracks, with high profile features like Jimmy Page and John Cage
> ending on "Haha Poo Poo pt 2." the explicit club banger everyone's buying this album for

Disc 2
> with the accessibility out of the way, Disc 2 bait and switches, and smacks you across the face with noise, backtracked vocals, sound collages, and intense 808s
> Shaq and Vektroid bring us back to reality
> we enter a dance pop section for three tracks, the last with heavy "ethnic" influences
> finally the high profile Alvin and the Chipmunks feature is the most esoteric, philosphical, and unexpected track on the album, surprising both fanbases, and setting the tone for the next track - the progressive 14 minute long psychedelic noise Abba cover jam - the album's climax
> the next track, another cover, is a synthetic antitode to the earnest intensity of the last track, an ironic celebration of how far the album has come
> finally, the album ends on an unsurmountable trilogy of laidback hiphop tracks, the first a warning of the end, the second a collaboration topping Kendrick's XXX, and the last a nostalgic story of regret ending in a gorgeous wave of cinematic reverb.

I still don't know what the core message is, but this is a raw epic of celebration and regret on the same level as Kanye's MBDTF.

Best: 7, 16, 19, 20, 24, 26

Runner ups: 5, 8, 12, 25

Did 5, 16 and 20, happy to be a part of this great work.



Did 12, 22, 23, and 25. The final product was pretty epic, good job lads.

thanks for making some of the worst tracks

no problem buddy, the goal was to make a shitty album and i think i really did my part

16-21 is the best sequence of music ever made



I made a track :3

my music actually made it onto an album

I wish he'd review it.

He actually made some of the best tracks.

only if you have brain damage


You bring new meaning to 'good shit'

let's go for another one lads


It's a saturdays thing

today is saturday isn't it

Fuck, what year is it?

heck yea

wait, today is monday
what the actual fuck

Some lines in Life of Phil Collins were legitimately bangers.

Dude if you wanna do another one just start a thread


This isn't Sup Forums, why do you keep saying bump.
Say something relevant to the thread.
Fucking newfaggot.






tracks 19 to 20 to 21 might be the best three song streak in album history.

>Starts out with an undisputed masterpiece with raw distortion and dirtiness everywhere, easily making it the most autistic song on the album. Just pure madness.
>The next track is fucking alvin and the chimpmunks mixed with GYBE! What more do you want? It combines edgy pretentiousness with an underrated meme. The alvin at the end makes this song perfect.
>This segways perfectly into the next track, the thirteen minute noise-disco piece using an old disco track sample, remade, as its base, it being distorted into submission. The song ends in a low, hollowing, scary drone, which the light-hearted song slowly grew into. Perfection. Also, "GIVE ME A MAN AFTER MIDNIGHT!!"


Thanks for the love on track 7, I adlibbed lyrics about sucking dick

Not my best work

This made me go back to track 19. It's growing on me. What a lovely freakout.
