does anyone else believe she'll be able to reclaim her prime peak of mean girls?
Does anyone else believe she'll be able to reclaim her prime peak of mean girls?
Do you?
Even if she quit drugs cold turkey, I don't think she would be able to get back into that fuckable peek of '05.
Literally no ass.
If she gets her life back together, she can come back in 10-15 years and play a mommyfu role in an artsy comedy-drama..
Jesus she looks like shes in her late 60s pushing 70, absolutely haram
Probably around the same time the Democratic party supports the 2nd amendment
i feel like she's had a couple chances of that but it's too late now
Why are claps such partisan shills?
Go away Canada
Actually she's pretty much an Irish beauty now.
loooooooooong gone
Is it weird that, while I have no personal stake in her well-being, that I mark the death of our glorious '00s with the decline of Lindsay Lohan and all our comfy afterschool bullshit?
Reality hit us hard when all our favorite things died. For her, it rotted her flesh and ate up her ass.
RIP, Alkaiser. You were a real dick.
She looks like Shovel ass Shake
She would be a 9/10 in Ireland.
Lumos maxima
>30 yo
>tfw I have a fetish for trashy washed up women
TIL meth turns you into a baggy fleshed zombie monster from the first Men In Black movie...
She's disgusting and despite being 30 continues to make horrible choices like a child who doesn't know any better.
Whos the bitch on the far right
Lindsey lohan.....that's why I posted it
that's tragic
her ass is so flat, its bulging out of her crotch
jesus christ why does her bottom half like twice her age
>tfw your skin is 30 years ahead of the rest of your body
alcohol and cocaine are a hell of a drugs
is sun exposure. she tanned like crazy starting at a young age. alcohol doesn't age skin like that
Meanwhile Lacey, Amanda, and Rachel are more fuckable than ever, those bitches pulled a hocus locus on poor Linds and held her down and drained her life force dry.
her whole look of shittiness right now isn't from the sun its from her lifestyle of doing bags of coke every day and fucking a different guy every night
She looks like shit run over twice but i would fuck her just because she was so hot at one time in her life.
Plus she's a hollywood drug addict so she definitely takes it up her ass which is a plus.
Why is her ass deflated and drooping
Because she has a naturally thick body, but she doesn't eat (no appetite thanks to the drugs), doesn't work out (no time thanks to the drugs), and is wrecking her body (thanks to the drugs).
So she's like a fat person who just stops eating she's a flabby mess.
It's a combination of passing out while sunbathing, doing binges of three or four nights without sleeping, doing worse drugs than cocaine probably (or tons of cocaine) and being 24/7/365 caked up in make up
Glad she still gets to be a high end escort for russian and saudi millionaires, but that won't last either
wtf happened in this picture? I'm guessing she probably was drunk as fuck and started melting down in public over something stupid
>Glad she still gets to be a high end escort for russian and saudi millionaires, but that won't last either
the magic for woman is that there will always be a man ready to commit to her needs, even after years of unhealthy habits by the woman.
ya thats what happened
Hold me
looks like my grandma
Hard to believe a gay Australian DJ was the last person to hit that before her body went to shit.
one of the saddest stories in hollywood Tbh. thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world for a while there
I want to fuck your grandma
What no way
She was given more opportunities than any other actress and history and she still pissed her career away.
She's been on a downward spiral since Georgia Rule
is there anyone else in hollywood whose body had 9/11 happen to it
this train wreck of a plastic surgery
what the fuckkkkkkkkk
>fucking a different guy every night
the fuck does that have to do with anything
quit getting mad you're not hooking up with girls
>transsexual iggy pop
That's why I posted.....Look at lindsey lohan everyone if you dare
too soon
>comparing a retouched photo with a real one
but yeah that tummy tuck is botched
shoulda just worked out and ate better
delet this
Her oligarch boyfriend, who is seven years younger than her and still acts like a child, saw her texting, got jealous, demanded her phone and then tried to take it by force.
And still she wants to stay with him, she has absolutely no common sense. If he thinks it's fine to do this shit in public it'll be worse in private.
Tried to tech out of a grab.
This. She'll never go back to that unless she finds a time machine. She can become something else entirely, but she's peaked and will never fly so high again.
That's just sad
She kinda looked hot in machete or something
2004 lindsay lohan was legitimately one of the most beautiful women in hollywood
don't do drugs, kids.
He looks more like a Picaso since he went around that tree.
otherway round, she tried to take his phone
As you can see from the photos you posted she clearly isnt the same person. Prime lohan might have been the most boner inducing woman ive ever seen though
She looks like melted cheese left on the bottom of an oven that hasn't been cleaned in way too long.
I can see her making a comeback. In what form I don't know, but I would definitely root for her.
I know she worked with Bret Easton Ellis on a shitty kino movie a while back, so she has some interesting aspects of herself it must be conceded
There are 80 year olds with better bodies than that out there.
If her ass is that bad now it was never good. Even prime Lindsey was an illusion anons.
No there isnt
Stop lying
I remember fapping to this exact picture in some shitty stripping game on newgrounds.
I used to love Lindsay but if I saw her today I'd honestly try to kill her just to put her out of her misery. She's like an old sick dog that you can't stand to see hurt any longer. She hates being a trainwreck but that's all she's got and she has to keep playing the character to maintain a living. Her rehab, the one chance of her following her dream of being a real hottie again, was a completely embarrassing disaster. She has a broken body, her ass is totally flat and the fact she's addicted to cocaine is all but confirmed. She's thinning. I think her father would kill her himself if not for the royalties, but with his wife's reputation I doubt it's even his decision in the first place. I'd just tell her I'm sorry and put a bullet in the back of her head.
Atleast Aguilera had the good sense to become fat and juicy.
Twins ass
Do drugs really make your ass concave?
Look up people with liver damage. They all have this body.
I honestly used to think she was the hottest person in the world back in her prime
rly makes u think...
she could potentially make a comeback in some kind of self-aware "washed up drug addict straightens their life out" role but she'd probably fuck it up
How could that possibly happen? People don't age backwards, and women becoming more attractive as they age, especially past 25 and if they started out attractive, is less than one in a million.
>Literally no ass.
negative ass.
And white, don't forget white.
gluteus negativus
Still hotter than a black woman
..... that's Stella McCartney....
because that is the one single issue where you can tell whether a man is for freedom or servitude.
You can't reverse aging even with the healthiest lifestyle so no, she can't.
no its lindsey lohan
Crock of shit from a slave keeping liar .
>freedom or servitude
Posts pic of slave owner
Also there's a shitload of other amendments small dick gunfag
t. slave owner
>prime peak
>not Freaky Friday