Fuck the janitors edition
Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): /fit/
Veto: mist man
HoH Nominations: Ian's future dominatrix and Zika
Most likely going home: currently the house is flip flopping
Fuck the janitors edition
Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): /fit/
Veto: mist man
HoH Nominations: Ian's future dominatrix and Zika
Most likely going home: currently the house is flip flopping
Other urls found in this thread:
What happened?
Don't forget to vote for Bridgette!
fucking mods this is Sup Forums
op probably deleted
i think it might have been related to the OP image but he doesnt know zilla is a character in our tv show
it was a Sup Forums janitor. An OP can't delete a thread once it's rolling
James is a cuck
That's why we ask you to watch the n-bombs
I made the last thread and no. Can we even delete? I once tried to delete a general i absolutely fucked up but couldn't
Since the feeds are boring, can we talk about Howie coming back for a legends season?
>Can we even delete?
>Since the feeds are boring
what? this is the best they've been in awhile...
>feeds are boring
yeah, no. watching James cuck himself is great
you cant delete the OP
he could have gotten banned for something else, all posts are deleted
Don't dodge the elephant sized Jedi in the room
remember when i said the tv show is on and anons replied with
>this is a feeds thread fag
i bet you regret saying that now huh?
When Paulie got exposed it was better
>Not watching for this master class damage control and seeing Nat's game blow up
Viktor needs to just confess and beg for a final 2.
Hey guys, I just wanted to say thanks for watching me on Big Brother 18. I know y'all want me to make a big move this week, but I've got to go with what the house wants, by which I mean to throw half the house under the bus in order to preserve Paulie's game.
I'd rather have Day.
This is not Sup Forums
To the best of my knowledge it's an online stream of people living in a house.
fucking lmao
>Paulie to Corey/James- If we want to go after Paul because he is stirring shit up, throw him up next to Bridgette
cuck james snitched
wow what a surprise
That's it, feeds off for tonight.
How did he make it this far though?
His comp game was awful and he's so unfit but hey at least he had the social though
Wasn't James the one that decided to keep Vanessa last season?
How bad do you have to be to actively fuck up two straight seasons.
James might be the worst BB player to get to come back in the house for a 2nd time.
paul didnt buy that
Bridge is in trouble shit
Day was smart she was playing like James the only problem is that her mouth was a bit too big and her webs got tangled.
>james season 9
so i see james is the cancer of this season
see this is why i dont like natalie, she says everything to james and james is a two face cuck who tells everyone.
this is fucking terrible. i might have to give up on this shit. that fucking faggot is ruining the whole fucking season.
The people voting Z out tomorrow are only going to reaffirm what Paulie thinks right now.
Bridge, Nat, and Paul's games are fucked
Really I see Paulie as one more so, becuase he has a larger ego, and I got pissed when Z said she wanted to get rid of paul and went and trough her right under the bus. You don't do that, that's your GF
paulie is so obsessed with his brother and derrick holy shit
What the fuck is going on in twitter right now with respect to Paulie?
As long as Bridgette makes it to friday I'm cool.
type thing
How is James "cucking himself"
By dropping Nat that is the opposite of cucking himself. She is clearly manipulating him and he isnt even getting a hand job out of it.
Riveting conversation about using reddit by Michelle.
paulie is now 100% targeting bridgette and natalie
paul is also in his hitlist, and then victor behind paul.
james just had to ruin everything, production snitched to make this show more interesting but now james just had to ruin it
now michelle exploding has lost its meaning and will not hurt noone.
hope production rig it to get james evicted
You are only saying that because you are in Bridgettes point of view. If you are rooting for the executives then this is a great move fore James.
Try to not look so one dimensional friendo
Honestly, James just fucked himself. He pretty much immediately blabs everything to Paulie - why wouldn't people think they're in an alliance?
im just so sick of fucking james not having his own opinion and spending days discussing with people to make a decision.
when james said hes in, i knew that faggot was gonna flip flop and snitch because he has no fucking confidence.
all nicole,z and james do is sleep and let their partner do all the work
im just sick of this lazy showmance bullshit
You are delusional if you think James will make it further with Nat than with Paulie
He's constantly bitching and being sexist towards women in the house on the livestream becuase he's better he got rejected right before he left or "I'll think about it"'d The girl Tiff is replying to is apparently the one he proposed to.
If Natalie didn't have that talk with Z we would have had a blindside this week
James is pussywhipped desu, for like the most super Jesus freak type girl in the house.
It's just sad becuase he's so ugly and can't get anyone outside the house. Like remember when he said "I got tons of bitches back home" last season.
Twitter is going to get misted when he gets out.
If James wasn't such a spineless worm too.
The Executives is not a real alliance.
>paulie is now 100% targeting bridgette and natalie
Paul too
so whats gonna happen?
is he gonna stay neutral and snitch for both sides?
or is he gonna be a executive?
whats so great about watching a bunch of chads and stacys
Paulie will get his shit pushed in by the girls from his real life, Natalie, the rando girls from this cast, Zakiyah's family - it will be fucking embarassing
>Paulie misting the fuck out of James right now
the mist master
theres pretty much no real alliance
maybe victor and paul could be a real alliance
bridgette victor and paul
Easy to mist someone as dumb as James.
IF this fucker says friendship one more time
Why is Derrick still lying when he's out of the game?
i'm here to watch a master of the game play the 100 day chess match
not to care about what people think about someone who probably doesn't even care others do
These threads are an elaborate joke, right?
Who's misting who when Z and paulie end up leaving tomorrow?
this could be the worst season of big brother.
i just hope tomorrow changes my mind because this is some dumb shit.
The question you should be asking yourself is "Who are these threads trying to prank?" and have you fallen victim?
This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill -- the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill -- you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
The viewer
>forgetting Sup Forums
For you______
We all chill sports bros that discovered BB through Sup Forums right? And the whole "we are girls thing" is for the lulz?
bridgette fucked it all up
What are the odds that I might see Paul go home in the next couple weeks? people are talking about backdooring him on both sides and he is my most hated player by far this season.
is it clear that our guy /fit/ is no fool?
i want to you to tell me if you think he knows and has a good handle on the current state of the game so that when the time comes, he will be cutthroat to advice his own game instead of getting cuckerinod
>to advance his own game
just woke up that's why i'm axeking
Literally who cares if he's lying or not.
Chances James uses the vote remover on:
Vote Michelle out side:??
Vote Zakiyah out side:??
Hey guys remember me?
He has no idea how to play. Guarantee you he never even heard of Dr.Will or Dan.
James snitched.
fuck off natalie deserves to get fucked over for leading james on. this bitch knows shes dropping him the second she leaves the house
i really dont think so, hes too useful. but hey anything is possible
dr will never heard of dr will either
think about it
>You are delusional if you think James will make it further with Nat than with Paulie
You are delusional if you think James has any chance at winning going with Paulie.
Frank could have been Dan
You guys want the blueprint on Big Brother Girls? I got you.
Never stood a chance
How in the fuck hasn't needed a drink or pee break
Just hours of secret revealing
>Derrick ruins two bb seasons
What a fucking f-bomb.
He was always an overrated fuck.
I will shit on her for disgracing the sanctity of marriage.
You want a final two? Devin should have won that season.
I'm ready for this fucking James and Paulie conversation to end so we can see what James tells Natalie.
Paulie has been calling Natalie stupid and saying things about Jersey girls, so hopefully that pisses him off.
They've been talking in circles for a full hour.
Did Reddit just confirm the Fatal 5 to Paul just now on accident?