can someone finally explain what the fuck he did wrong
Can someone finally explain what the fuck he did wrong
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>"You don't even walk like a normal person. You a fucking lizard on ice."
What did he mean by this?
What is literally nothing, Alex?
Doakes was a war vet and a damn good cop that was trying to bring a serial killer to justice. The fact that he ever even caught on to Dexter speaks volumes about his detective skills. It's unfortunate that Dex stuck his dick in crazy pussy and Doakes died as a result.
He did nothing wrong. He was the only character in the entire show with some goddamn sense and he dies.
Doakes? Legally he did nothing wrong. Morally he did nothing wrong. His attitude, however? Well that was ENTIRELY fucking wrong. He suspected that Dexter was a killer and went about pursuing the guy in an AGGRESSIVE way? That's just fucking stupid.
A better cop would have remained emotionally-neutral and went about pursuing the facts in a routine manner, instead of pointing fingers and yelling, "SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKER!"
Doakes' attitude got him fucking killed and that's the bottom line because I fucking SAID SO.
>grab a crayon, psycho, and scribble this down
He wasn't supposed to died. They made a huge mistake killing him off. Leguerta was actually supposed to die.
It would have been amazing... Oh what could have been.
Yo, you remember that time Deb tried to fuck Dexter?
Honestly, this. A good cop would have kept his suspicions to himself until all of his evidence was gathered and presented.
I get similarly annoyed whenever a character in a TV show is alone in a room with someone whose life they intend to ruin, and they fucking tell them what they're going to do beforehand. Might as well present your jugular.
Dexter Morgan, I'm Miami Metro PD
I imagine he's still popular with black people. Whities just have a different sense of humour and don't really pay attention.
Like, Madea is low-level black humour just like Ernest is low-level white.
He was arrogant. If he stopped doing the whole muh dik alpha male bullshit he would have been just fine. Otherwise great detective and one of the more morally upright characters.
>tfw no doakes x debra
Damn, what a horrible trade off we ended up with
I stopped watching in season 5 please tell me this isn't a meme I need to see that
He was a jerk to Dexter for no reason. Dexter being a serial killer didn't impact him personally until he decided to make it personal by constantly harassing him. It would've been a lot easier for him to catch Dexter too if he just pretended to be friendly or at least neutral while around him.
it's true and kinda sexy but they drop the plot immediately after Deb finds Dexter's blood splatter collection or when he killed the annoying female Latino police captain
coulda had some sweet wincest
he appeared in an awful tv series
Happened on the show, but she failed. Happened in real life, and she succeeded.
There should be a show about doakes, best character imo
I totally forgot they were hitched. Do you think they had some really freaky sex?
This show inspired me to become a serial killer
I can almost positively confirm that before, during, or after sex, they joked about how they're brother and sister during the day and lovers at night. They might have even called each other by their characters' names.
Prove it faggot
best part about it is they didn't introduce the incest romance plotline until the divorce papers were signed
I love Doakes, his interactions with Dexter was what made the first two seasons classic.
What was his endgame?
Remember how funny Dexter was? Always forget that this show used to have serious black comedy.
But, user, the only things Doakes did wrong was getting killed by the French cunt
WTF who ever said he did something wrong? He figured dexter out. Dexter just got him in the end.
Being born a nigger
Do you think Dexter would have killed him if the grill didn't? If not, how would have have handled the situation?
Dexter is literally me intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
Was it autism?
Tfw dexter could have been not shit
Honestly it tears me up worse than other good to shit shows just because it would be so easy to have it not suck ass.
Back before they got too serious. I guess you could attribute the change in tone to character development and setting up the series's end game, but we all know how that turned out, right?
>Who's your daddy?
>Uhhh Harry Morgan
The Code of Harry ABSOLUTELY would have prohibited Dex from killing Doakes. He was trapped in a dilemma. Knowing Dexter, he would've pulled a maneuver like he did with Paul (Rita's ex) and neutralized the threat without resorting to murder. But Dexter would not have killed Doakes in a million years.
He surprised him too hard
I think he's on the spectrum.
Season 2 > Season 4 > Season 1 > Season 3 * POWER GAP* > Season 6 > Season 7 > Season 5 > shit > Season 8
>even bothering to rank anything past season 4
Whenever I rewatch the show, I stop at the end of season 4.
He was a black man living in a white devils world
You're a big surprise
I think that's the main reason the incest plot was dropped, they didn't want to do any romantic shit after they divorced.
God this show was so good at the begining, the tone, the satire that stupid fucking latino music
Then it just spiraled out of control and started taking its self so seriously and never changing it's fucking formula
God that season 8 ending hurt so much more than if the show had been cancelled after season 2
It was weird how they spent like an entire season building it up and then dropped it on its arse immediately. Probably due to the actor's divorce.
The divorce thing must have been so fucking awkward on set
could've been some ebin wincest
Dude she ended up crying and saying she still loved him in an actor's interview.
In the book, Doakes gets his arms, legs and tongue cut off by some guy and Dexter comes to rescue him and kills the bad guy in front of him, so that's how Doakes knows Dexter is a killer.
Obviously he can't tell anyone so he spends the rest of the books being rolled around in a wheelchair shooting daggers at Dexter
Sidenote, the books are terrible, don't bother
The only thing that made the show worthwhile
Good thing they got rid of him, he brought too much toxic masculinity, and brought that out in Dexter too
Why the fuck would they kill him
They wrote it as they went, and they made Doakes get way too close to Dexter's secret at the end of the first season
Because they are bad writers, they didn't know how to release that tension and suspense, so they did it the lazy way, by hacking the character out, so that the rest of the show could continue
It was a sign of lazy proceedural writing right off the bat
We never got to see his final form Ghost Robodoakes.