>he watches Bojack Redditman
He watches Bojack Redditman
Dumb frogposter
yup, and I like it a lot.
hello r*ddit
I love my animal puns, I love my whiny self loathing monologues and I love how bojack is a broken piece of shit tha ruins everyone around him.
You mad
hello r*ddit
the content of your post should not be judged by whether or not a picture of a frog is accompanying it
I know you must be having a tough time right now OP. I know you just want someone to take notice of you. To acknowledge your existence. Well I see you. I see your pain.
You don't have to pull these stunts to get our attention. Just be yourself :)
thanks diane
hello r*ddit
The universally shitty content of frogthreads is why the "dumb frogposter" response exists.
If you judge frogposts on their content you cannot fail but find that they are categorically shitposts and rarely ever exceed more than 2 sentences. They're knee-jerk memeposts.
wow really made me think
t. r*ddit detective
Ive just started watching this show and didnt think it was that bad, whats wrong with it?
>he posts dumb frogs
Its fine dont listen to those fags
*slow claps* well well well... if it isn't reddit
I thought I'd see you here.
I hate popular things too OP. Let's get together and talk about how superior we are
>get girl's number
>find out she likes Reddit & Morty
>delete her number
well, guess I'll be a virgin for another couple years
It's a good show, fuck off. Reddit is a better website anyway.
>she watches game of plebs
I agree with you OP. watched a few eps and the humor was worse then family guy, the animation was sloppy at best, the plot was boring and the only people who think its interesting are "XDDD its so sad we all gonna die in the da end xDDD sad horseman is funny because its depression xDDD"
You people really pick and choose what to like and hate when ofen there isn't too much separating the two.
>start seeing nice cute girl for a few weeks
>she asks me to see civil war
>block her and never reply again
stupid bitch
Yup. Its good
Uh oh, a movie or television show that has *gasp* a fan base? Travesty! People should watch only David Lynch and obscure black and white foreign films recommended by Sup Forums!
This looks like a job for... CONTRARIAN MAAAAN!
sup reddit!
bojack is awesome xD
your reddit is showing
and they want you back there
Lets be honest. Outside of 9fag can the internet be worse than this shithole?