What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
Looks like an Oblivion character
He can't handle it
Please sell me only your strongest potions, potion seller.
You need to go back.
uh, you do know 90% of users here also browse reddit right? Have fun being part of the tiny minority that doesn't
I guarantee there are people on reddit talking about things you like. I will put money on it
>thread about grapes
>ah look r/grapes exist
>go back to grapeit you grape-eating cuck!!!
>being angry because he hates a particular website
>being angry because he believes that content is being "stolen" from anonymous posters of one website, and promoted by not-so-anonymous posters at another website
Here's how it is, friendo. You're not going to like it, but all I offer is the truth.
You can not stop the oncoming tide of what you perceive to be "le randum post-millennial newfag summercancer tourists" from coming to this site. Or any site. Or any nation. Ever. Our numbers are too strong.
What you CAN do, however, is this. You can take a giant step back from yourself and ask, "all this crying about the past, all this whining about the present and all this despair for the future - does it make me a genuinely happy person? Does my knowledge of the idiocracy enlighten me? Does it hold me and reassure me on a cold night?"
Chances are, everyone who desperately clings to the "good old days", the answers to these questions probably aren't what you would refer to as "positive". Chances are, you probably fucking HATE yourself. Why don't you do something that distracts you from your smug, arrogant self-righteousness, for a change?
Take up a hobby. Take a walk. Lift. Oh, you'd be surprised how much better you feel, after a few weeks of doing a nice, light weights program to get those joints and muscles moving.
Maybe then there'd be less of you insipid, whining cunts making posts like this.
We are memes. We are fun. We are the NEW Sup Forums.
The potion seller was reddit.
The warrior was also reddit.
Everyone in this thread is reddit.
>post a reddit meme made by redditors for redditors
I'm glad neither of you are denying being redditors though.
How does that make you feel? Be honest. Like, reeeeeally honest.
How does it make you feel that we have not only invaded your precious little secret club, but completely taken it over?
We are EVERYWHERE. Are you upset? Does that make you upset, little autistic contrarian elitistbabby?
Oh widdle babby must be SO upset.
Reminder that this is exactly how redditfags try to normalize reddit shit on this board. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
>>post a reddit meme made by redditors for redditors
but it isn't you fucking retard
>I'm glad neither of you are denying being redditors though.
50% of your vocabulary is the word reddit you mentally ill dope
Actually I was making a Shitty few good men reference. I hate reddit and potion seller is the stupidest fucking thing ever.
Especially when OP doesn't even deny being reddit or feign a topic
>first search suggestion is "potion seller reddit"
>first search result is the subreddit and some other reddit post
Good to see you don't have any arguments other than "NO IT ISNT FUK U". Typical reddit intellectual.
This just in, hot shot? Who gives a fuck? We're here. We're not going anywhere.
I'll repeat that. We.... are... not... going anywhere.
>>first search suggestion is "potion seller reddit"
you do realize google tailors its searches to individual users? you've searched reddit so many times now it comes up as a suggestion for you.
I fucked your mom last night, hombre
That was done on a completely blank slate on an incognito window. You can test it for yourself if you want to verify it.
Exposed for self hating redditors, you're like those anti gay pastors who go to orgies after church.
Nice try, but google search suggestions wil NEVER suggest the original search terms without additional keywords. Your picture is edited.
>you do know 90% of users here also browse reddit right?
uh huh?
You're a redditor.
>we're literally not allowed to discuss anything that has a subreddit of it
Welp, better get off Sup Forums then buddy.
holy shit you're retarded
Keep that MS Paint open, mad nerd.
reply to me if you're the 10%
Hey friendo, I browse reddit. What the fuck are you going to do about it
How very typical of reddit to pull numbers out of their ass like that. Less than half of 4chans traffic is crossposting scum like you.