Wat do?

wat do?

Smash her head in for being a degenerate gaming faggot.
Then fuck her lifeless corpse.
Then behead her, and stick her head in the freezer.
Only ever pull the head out for a chilly blowjob then back in the fridge it goes.
Burn the body and take the bones home, feed them to my dog when he behaves.


What's a matter bro
You wouldn't do this?

Nope, and I somewhat doubt you would either.

You remember the body parts in the freezer thread?

No, but I can see what you're getting at.
Anyway that just isn't my thing, ya know.

>this just my thing.
Sure smells like summer in here.

>Sure smells like...
That statement made me cringe, people should stop using it.

destroy Halo Reach and kick the homeless slut out on the street

What's that, summer lad? Want to go in my freezer too?

Why are you so defensive.
I merely made an observation and a critique on a long used meme statement, it was not a personal attack directed at yourself.

How long have you been on b?

Always good to get a taste of old Sup Forums

Cheers lad

I used to hang around here mainly for one kind of thread but I rarely ever come on here anymore.

>meme statement


Hate speech is NOT cool and will soon be illegal.

dumb fuck, you don't feed a dog bones.

yes it is and no it won't

Ask her to kindly step aside, then get my KDA back to normal.

Only bones you don't feed a dog is chicken