Daily reminder that if it wasn't for piracy, films wouldn't be so shitty today.
Daily reminder that if it wasn't for piracy, films wouldn't be so shitty today
>Daily reminder that if it wasn't for nepotism creating a society of privileged, mediocre "entertainers", films wouldn't be so shitty today.
Fixed that for you.
Maybe if they made movies worth paying $12 for, piracy wouldn't be a problem.
waka waka, jews and niggers, waka waka
>waka waka Jews are turning us against niggers and vice-versa, waka waka
Fixed that for you.
>spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a movie
>its shit
>"Its because of piracy!"
No. They're shit today because studios aren't putting in effort. They think they can just hype shit up with flashy trailers and then not deliver. They think globalization will allow them to recoup their expenditure even if it is shit. They're just shotgunning hoping one is a hit.
We live in a world where major studios no longer hold a monopoly on film. They need to step up their game and stop blaming others.
>waka waka, infogram fresh from my basement, waka waka
In a way you're right, if instead of lobbying for shit like sopa and claiming hundreds of trillions in losses due to limewire the RIAA and MPAA focused on better forms of delivery and improving the content quality of their media, the industry would be better.
Stupid movies are worth that to stupid people, its why stupid movies are getting made instead of good ones because smart people don't waste their money on smart entertainment when they can get it for free, its basically idiocracy on a cultural financial level.
The next time someone wants to debate this with you, and tell you why they think """"""piracy"""""" is wrong, all you have to do is reply with
>it's everybody elses fault but mine!
>implying I'm not a success at what I do
>lying on the internet
What for?
Yes Terry you're the finest grill cook the Tri-county Mall McDonalds has ever seen.
who the fuck cares. grow up.
hollywood died in the 80s
blame the original star wars sequels
where substance was thrown out and special effects was the main event
And always will be, son.
And always will be.
George Lucas literally killed film.
The main event in the first sequel was "I am your father" bit, though.
There's been shitty films since the beginning of film. I don't think you understand how it works.
Usually the most pirated media is already the most popular and therefore profitable.
Films are still amazing, fuck off cunt.
Summer blockbusters have always been hit or miss, and this has been a particularly BAD summer but that's the nature of the business.
one of the many reasons i hate the star wars franchise
the shit hit the fan when the death star exploded
then when people went to see the sequels thats what they were expecting
the "i am your father" bit was just supposed to be a shocking reveal but thats not why people went
get real
star wars killed real story telling
look at the films of the 70s
some regarded as the best movies of all time
then look at the films of the 80s
the exact opposite
>nepotists cunts that only employ themselves pick up good scripts from a pile of volunteering writers and copy them without paying
>Do CGI because paying some chinks to sprinkle your movie is easier than working 8 hours a day evaluating practical effects
>Hire a homosexual loser to direct the movie because his daddy went to the same synagogue as the executives
"It's all piracy's fault guise"
"You don't want to give them more shekels, that's why movies are so bad right now!"
Meanwhile, in some foreign shithole, some dudes make better movies with budgets that are so small they aren't even written down.
The death star explosion was in the original one and the last of the original trilogy, not the first sequel.
Fuck you faggot. If you wish to be ignorant that's on you but don't discourage others.
yea no shit
you missed my whole point
let me break it down for your simple mind
The 70s was pure exploitation garbage, most of the based movies that people still quote and the Jason's, the Freddies, BTTF, Indiana Jones, Goonies, all the John Hughes movies, and great comedies, etc were all from the 80s.
literally suck my dick nu-male
This. Come talk to me when I havn't just finished watching an excellent film or television show.
You said to blame the sequels (when the first sequel introduced bigger plot device and less effects), now you are saying it was the original star wars, maybe you should just learn to think ahead and word your nonsense better so it is at least consistent.
nu-male? where did you get that from? It would appear from where i'm sitting that you're the nu-male
those teen movies arent held to the same regard as
the godfather 1&2
the deer hunter
mean streets
apocalypse now
etc. etc.
im talking about the franchise as a whole you star wars loving manchild
go play video games you retarded faggot
It already failed you fool
You think knowing how to pirate makes your smart ? I cry for humanity.
The majority of Scorsese's filmography was in the 80s.
>im talking about the franchise as a whole
Again, the confusion is your fault for misspeaking since originally you specifically said the problem was in the 80s with the sequels.
Cry for you own reading comprehension.
Being smart makes pirating more trivial.
you can go ahead and twist my words
Its exactly what you said
well its ok if you got confused
stupid people get confused all the time
and i never actually said that the problem was solely in the sequels
reread the whole convo
I am not confused at all, I just spent several posts showing exactly how you contradicted yourself and were flat out wrong.
you didnt actually prove anything
and you didnt point out contradictions
you are the worst kind of arrogant poster
you can even quote where i contradicted myself
you have no leg to stand on
I reviewed the conversation and it looks like you thought they destroyed the death star in the first sequel.
where the fuck did i say that?
you are a delusional autist
If it wasn't for piracy I would have never seen kino like pic related you faggot. Go back to lebbit.
I pointed out the main event of the first sequel was a plot device and you thought they blew up the death star in it, but that was only the first and last of the original trilogy, they didn't go for the plot device because they didn't know it was a surprising plot twist, but it sure ended up being the thing people talked about and what drove people to the final film in that trilogy.
no you just misunderstood
i never implied that there was a deathstar explosion in the second one
what i said is that people went to the second one wanting to see another huge explosion
after all.. the first movie had two
so why wouldnt this one have some crazy explosion too
you came in and said that the reveal was the real reason people went to go see it
but thats just another gimmick
you got confused
and now did i make myself more clear
thats not even close to being true retard
No, I didn't say its why people went to see it that was never part of the discussion, you said the sequels of the 80s abandoned substance for style to kill Hollywood movie making and I said the climax of the sequel was a plot device and the people were more interested in the third one because of the new plot dynamic and the 80s were filled with great hollywood movies.
>people went to see it for a "new and origina and exciting" plot dynamic
>they didnt go see it for special effects and alien costumes
>plenty of great 80s movies
give me a break
That is what they went to the original one for, not the sequels, so your beef is with the original star wars and the 70s, not the sequels and the 80s.
you sound retarded
and im tired of talking to you
you can have the last word
im done with this conversation
it feels like im talking to a brick wall
>you sound retarded
Yes because we are having a discussion about your retarded opinion.
>and im tired of talking to you
Do you often get tired when you have to actually think and justify your misspoken text?
>you can have the last word
>im done with this conversation
I wouldn't exactly call it a conversation, both sides have to be consistent and make sense for it to be a conversation.
>it feels like im talking to a brick wall
You are getting frustrated because you can't justify your original stupid shit and you are getting sleepy and realizing you are just ranting and aren't making much sense.
youre fucking delusional and retarded
kill yourself
It looks like the sleepiness has turned into a headache and soreness, you are too easily triggered, don't be so mad, its bad on your heart and skin.
>he doesnt have a private tracker