Cast the inevitable remake
Cast the inevitable remake
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Tom Hardy.
Xev Bellringer
probably some fat female comedian like Amy Shumer,
got you senpai
Attack of the five feet tall Melissa McCarthy.
Directed by Paul Feig.
>some fat female comedian like Amy Schumer
Well this movie gave me a horrible fetish years ago, it would be kind of fitting if the remake managed to cast someone so physically and mentally repulsive that it ruins it forever. Shit's gonna come full circle.
>entire movie is about mocking the original for being an oppressive male sexual fantasy flick catering to the patriarchy of the 1950s
don't mind me guys, I'm just here for hot giantess stuff
This would be better desu lads
who is that?
I mean, it was actually the opposite of that, unless you mean thats what they think it is.
She's got the feet for the job...
Lina from dota 2
It was already done
Daryl Hannah
There's been more than 1 remake of this already.
The one with Autistic!Elle Driver was pretty decent.
Get off this board you fucking child
yeah but not big budget remakes
Anyway Disney has already captured the market. Is there any fetish they WONT secretly use to covertly get pervert dollars?
oh please no
Fuck it I'm dumping
>this is a 10/10 in brexitland
I could see this
that wasn't really a remake of one particular movie though they took concepts from lots of different 50s movies and mashed them together.
What show is this? it looks shit yet hot at the same time.
Selfie. I never watched it and it got canceled in one season if it even got a full season.