What went wrong?

what went wrong?

>genuinely funny back in israel
>good criticism hidden underneath memes
>moves to usa
>everything becomes tryhard meme-spouting
>ethan himself is even more cringe than the shit he comments on
>clearly doesn't give a shit about "keeping it real" since he has thousands of people sucking his dick anyway
>openly shills for companies in the video descriptions/videos themselves
>makes deals with "cringe" youtubers and makes fake reaction videos

Other urls found in this thread:


omg i liaek totally LUVF youtoob throd!

when the fuck was this fat guy ever funny?

fuck off Sup Forums with your meme-tier youtube celebrities

they bought into their own hype

you're trying too hard anons

>just having fun with his wife and friend while they work real jobs

>trying to make a career out of it so shits out 2 videos a day about retarded shit like "HEY GUYS ME AND MY WIFE ARE GOING TO ORDER PAPA JOHNS!"
>makes a fuckton of money for autist looking for simulated company

Same thing that happened to RLM.

This has nothing to do with television or film. Take these shitty childish youtube celeb threads where they belong

H3h3 were never more than funny reaction videos and memes. would never put them on the same level as MDE or RLM even though they far outrank them in popularity.

All he ever did was react. Now ((((he)))) is able to cash in a bit.You surprised?

completely agreed
he was never as good as mde though

His wife is hot. not a popular opinion, I know

Literally WHO?

MDE and South Park aren't on the same level of youtube comedy


RedLetterMedia, movie critique troupe. is wrong, they've remained pretty consistent.

they are justified in their hate. this thread will be gone real soon. youtube cancer cuck

>not posting the song


His wife sounds like a retard when she speaks.

When he gained 2 million subscribers in the space of 2 years.

This has directly correlated with how funny and raw he used to be. Literally everything he does now is low effort reddit-tier trash. He's literally become "haha memes! xD".

when he was

>hey maybe we can quit our wagecuck jobs and just do youtube full time now that we're getting kinda famous

thats literally what happened


Haven't they? Explain why you think they've gotten worse.

That CS:GO video was fucking amazing dickface

what the fuck are you talking about?

memes happened.
I'm serious.
His 2part Adam Sandler rant is one of the best rants i've ever seen. Spot on, funny and fucking kills.
Then he realized you can make more money from the "i'm 16 and my humor is superior" crowd.
So he started creating memes and make videos with JonTron and Frank.

Being the internet police wasn't what he used to be. It's lame as fuck.

What the fuck are you talking about?

He talks shit about SJWs.

His schtick now is basically "man, being a foreigner in America SURE IS DIFFERENT, LOOK AT US TRYING TO HAVE A NORMAL LIFE"

Except people did that before him for comedy for decades.

"I loved The Force Awakens"

sellouts, you can't fucking destroy the prequels in one set of videos and then say TFA was a fucking great film despite the fact that it literally copied the previous film's entire narrative

they just say whatever their fans want them to say to earn money

Ethan did

Hila is still a real down ass nigga, she just has to stand by her man

man THIS fucking guy again

Nothing lame as fuck about destroying these scum fuck gambling sites, you are the fucking lame one

Here's your (You)

16 year old detected

Everytime this gets posted there is more shit, brevity is the soul of wit; you might as well just write "EVERYTHING I DON'T LIKE" at this point

>haha memes

kill yourself

the Richard Lewis videos on Phantoml0rd is the best entertainment I've seen in a long time, maybe educate yourself about what these gambling sites where doing (rigging pots to earn millions of dollars) and you'll realize how based the people are who make videos to completely fuck their reputation

So you're saying that they didn't think The Force Awakens was good, and were just saying what their fans wanted to hear? That's pretty fucking bold.


delete this immediately

exactly they review the movies the fans want and give the opinion the fans want

that's why they made a new series called re:view so they can look at movies they actually like rather then corporate schlock

when jews leave Israel they become pure cancer

even Israelis think that


The Romans should have built a giant wall around Israel to keep them all in.

hit a nerve there? shouldn't you be enjoying school break?

>monty python

Youre dumb.


>lil b there
>riff raff still free




That's not what he does at all. Are you fucking retarded? Have you even watched their videos?

thought so


You grew up mentally.

The trick is to live in delusion.

No, I didn't. He's just extremely different than before.

Hey! That's pretty good.

thats fine, id hate to be 16 again as well

16 year olds are the ones brigading youtube comments defending csgo scammers lmao

they get their bank accounts gutted and still gotta white knight their youtube vlogdaddies or face reality and come to terms with the fact that they're stupid incapable children

anyone with any shred of decency can see how important it is to expose these millionaire video gamers who exploit actual children through technicalities and loopholes, unashamedly even

They want to cater to the YouTube audience and these new videos are what they enjoy. Back in Israel they didn't even get enough views to live off it.

His popularity made him into what he used to make fun of though.

I call this the Gervais effect.

Why even respond to that faggot?

the only attention he deserves is being thrown off a fucking roof like the faggot he is


I'm so happy I have no idea who the fuck OP is talking about.

Getting older is awesome.



>mfw i will never be this triggered

lol you're STILL on Sup Forums even though you're older than 20? lmao at your life..

His wife is literally the Shelley Duvall of JewTube


He went from h3h3productions to r3r3dditproductions.


there's a limit to be on Sup Forums? lmao


Reddit get out

>18 years olds posting memes here instead of getting their dicks wet and getting drunk with people

Not to be that guy, but I remember when he made his early stuff, not the beginning, but the early reaction videos that were just him with a shitty digital camera and microphone. Now he's huge, hasn't made a good video in forever and I don't even care anymore. It's a shame, but the old saying, 'all good things come to an end' certainly applies.

He has made decent videos, but its very hit and miss and there is a lot reddit tier stuff in said decent videos as well.

>real jobs

also, they still doin it. the golfing video was good, so was the latest prank invasion.

lol im saving myself for marriage bro..

*coughs in wifes face*

Ah yes, reading reddit threads on the CS subreddit and getting mad is truly great content.

>words exclusively belong to websites now

how many places throw you out for using the word cuck lmao

how about raiding, is that better? storming? point is you understood what I meant

don't demagogue me shitlord

You just disproved your own point retard.

he moved to new york and has to slave himself just to pay rent. of course he is less funny and more appealing to reddit - he needs more videos and more views.
he should come back here to israel. earning dollars online while living in israel is much more efficient anyway

that marina joyce parody vid was a nice little crumb

I personally like their stupid vlog videos better though, watching Ethan walk like a fucking retard down the streets of NY while Hila meekly trails him with an iphone is such a funny premise to me

or that video where they went out during a snowstorm and Ethan laid in the snow and Jontron started to bury him, just retarded people shit, I don't care much about youtube personalities and e-drama myself

you're kidding right? he's fucking rich now.

it boggles my mind that someone got so salty about something that they sat there making this picture.

I'm just imagining some neckbeard giggling to himself while googling 'south park' and 'john cena' thinking he's really funny.

Reading Phantoml0rds personal skype logs in which it gets proven that he 100% rigged pots to win money is fucking fantastic content actually.

You dumb cunt

what the fuck are you talking about?

I'm pointing out the absurdity in claiming words, cuck is the stand-in for faggot since that's not as acceptable as it was like 8 years ago, of course other websites use it but everyone who reads it immediately thinks "Sup Forums"

I didn't know brigading was a reddit term or w/e I just saw it used by other people and figured it meant that stuff I said

if there's a glossary on the back of these websites please tell me thanks

theyre moving to la now

faggot is still acceptable unless you're some kind of faggot

>CS:GO gambling video
>researched and sourced video talking shit about faggots exploiting literal children to earn money
>haha memes! xD


>Phantoml0rds personal skype logs
That were already posted on reddit you dumb fanboy. Many youtubers already made a video trying to get bux from you people summarizing the very simple story.

Also 'Ethan XD' will NEVER be your friend, you are a customer in his eyes and always will be, cuck.

I rarely watch Ethans content but the CS:GO gambling shit is fucking amazing, the best drama to come out of the scene in years

still mad?

sam hates him so i hate him

>moving from "expensive to live in" city to a "more expensive to live in city"

are they retarded or something?

I know, I still call people retards and stupid faggots on the internet

but it's like using the word "gay" irl, people immediately go "HEY HEY WHOA CALM DOWN THERE FELLA"

you say this shit in certain mainstream websites and people get irrationally upset and derail everything. kind of how like, I'd call my friend a retarded faggot for doing or saying something stupid, but you can't do that shit in public you know or you got a witchhunt on your hands


like i said 16 year old detected.

keeps samefagging as well

why the fug would anyone move to newyork, it's like they want to be poor with that cost of living, also san fransisco

they havent asked for money in years but yes they are retarded. especially his ugly wife.

Yeah, South Park can actually be funny sometimes.

legit vid about gaben not batting an eye for a year until lawyers took a shit on his doorstep

they would be better off in texas if cost of living was an actual issue

but seeing as their channel is growing I think they're just moving to establish more connections and shit, it makes total sense to be fair, I think the whole "we're poor we live off papa johns" is just a long-winded joke

Still mad about what?