Loses oscar to Alicia Vikander

>loses oscar to Alicia Vikander
>loses dragon tattoo sequel to Alicia Vikander
>loses Michael Fassbender to Alicia Vikander

so she's going to kill her right?

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I'll rescue this fair maiden from this unjust life.

She's just going to throw legos at her during the Tomb Raider premiere.

Her career has cooled off.


I want to fuck her tiny Roon anus.

the only thing she's gonna kill is some time playing with Lego

id watch a 2 hour movie of rooney and vikander playing themselves trying to kill each other

and having sex


They both bore me to death so whatever. Rooney is from a billionaire family anyways.

Really their acting is like someone forced a bottle of pills down their throats. Vikander is a meme though she might as well be an actual robot


instead the real star of the movie is kate, who is trying to keep rooney under control while also fucking alicia on the side

Why does she look like a female Tom Hiddleston?

idk krager why haven't you committed suicide yet

She's ultra rich, but she still gets her titties out in every movie she's in.
Roon-Roon is OK.

>likes kstew
>likes turner
>likes lawrence

>doesn't like mew
>doesn't like rooney
>doesn't like hathaway (ok this is borderline)

is krager LITERALLY the armond white of Sup Forums?


Still couldnt imagine her wearing daipies while playing lego.. its kinda cute but meh..

When did the sequel to "A Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" happened!? & Fassbender was dating Rooney? How do you know all of this ?

WTF !!! She hasn't been putting her boobies out in the every film, she has ever been ..., has she !?

All but confirmed at this point with the Oscar thewrap.com/alicia-vikander-early-favorite-to-replace-rooney-mara-in-girl-with-the-dragon-tattoo-sequel-exclusive/

Been in production since 2012 so Fass and Roon have been close for awhile. I'm sure OP is saying it in Jest however

promptly kill yourself

Ah-ha you do know "HOW" eh !?

There's gonna be a dragon tattoo sequel?

Tom Hiddleston looks like a female Tom Hiddleston

Hoooollly fuuuuuuccckkkk after that pathetic email to Amy pascal too! She's gonna go on a Jew killing spree.