>tfw Suicide Squad's critical failure has become the face of Sup Forums's embarrassing “ROTTEN TOMATOS IS FULL OF SHILLS" campaign
>tfw Suicide Squad is an irredeemable piece of shit but this doesn't stop them
>tfw they keep comparing RT scores between Suicide Squad and Ghostbusters as if this is supposed to prove a point
>they don't realize that one is an incoherent tryhard piece of studio-meddled garbage while the other is a passable popcorn flick made by a director that has proven himself more than competent in the comedy genre
>tfw neverthelsss Sup Forums mongoloids still believe some agenda is going on
>yfw actual technical film discussion doesn't even happen on Sup Forums anymore
>tfw everything is just political shitposting about liberals and their “agendas"
They're both shit, but Suicide Squad wasn't shitting on a much better comedy film from 30 years ago that no one cares enough about to warrant a remake.
>>tfw Suicide Squad is an irredeemable piece of shit but this doesn't stop them outside of printing money, where was it irredeemable?
>>tfw they keep comparing RT scores Most online reviews are paid for, let the box office numbers do the talking.
>>still believe some agenda is going on If that agenda is making bad movies and killing off a franchise..
>>yfw actual technical film discussion doesn't even happen on Sup Forums anymore You got me there
>>tfw Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums Are you implying Sup Forums was good before Sup Forums?
Carter Flores
This. SS didnt bomb. It did surprisingly well even with all that flak it got.
Levi Campbell
It's not a surprise that a movie that hyped up a new Joker in a post-Ledger environment did well. And it's not a surprise that it had a stunning profit decline soon after its opening when people realized the Joker was almost entirely surgically removed from the film.
Anthony Sullivan
Sup Forums was ruined before Sup Forums even existed you newfag spaz.
Josiah Perry
You are the first person I seen that complained about the lack of Joker.
I am going to take a safe bet most of us here rented Assault on Arkham where the Joker was not star of the show, but attempted to steal it at the end.
I highly doubt this is the last of the Joker in DC's new movieverse with Justice League coming up in a few years and all, and Batfleck's movie coming up soon (maybe).
They had to reintroduce people to the new Joker somehow, and Suicide Squad with Harley in it was the perfect time to do so
Brody Perry
>Most online reviews are paid for Stopped reading right there. You're obviously not to be taken seriously, take your tinfoil hat and go back to Sup Forums.
Zachary Martin
>stopped reading right there Which is not a bad thing, considering the hard number box office numbers were before it and you are unable to refute them in any way shape or form so you attempt to mental gymnastics your way out of this by thinking I have a tinfoil hat on.
Nathaniel Reed
>You are the first person I seen that complained about the lack of Joker.
People literally complain about it every day HERE, let alone on twitter and facebook and shit, and the dozens of news articles and comments on Leto's interviews. So, you can't be serious about that.
>I am going to take a safe bet most of us here rented Assault on Arkham where the Joker was not star of the show, but attempted to steal it at the end.
Assault on Arkham was a much better film. not only using most of the same cast, but also a lot of the same themes, and even succeeded in being a more "edgy" movie, despite being a fucking cartoon.
>I highly doubt this is the last of the Joker in DC's new movieverse Of course it isn't the "last" we'll see of him. >with Justice League coming up in a few years and all, and Batfleck's movie coming up soon (maybe). Considering how reactionary WB is about this shit and how often they scramble to "fix" things, it's entirely possible they'll push a solo Batman movie for next year or something.
>They had to reintroduce people to the new Joker somehow, and Suicide Squad with Harley in it was the perfect time to do so
Yeah, in theory. But a movie where the Joker is on screen for like 6 minutes and only 3 of those are with Harley, they failed. They failed in introducing him because he wasn't around in the movie enough to do anything. They failed in properly defining his relationship with Harley, and more importantly, Batman, even though they ostensibly shared a scene (the car chase). They failed in marketing the Joker so heavily if they were willing to chop him out of the movie almost entirely and fuck up the scenes they left in. They failed in giving Harley any conflict or character arc in the movie because without the Joker, there is no inner turmoil where Harley has to choose between him and the Squad, instead she tries to leave and fails and gets over it within seconds.
Elijah Ward
>critics say you should go see GB but not SS >SS is fun >GB is pure shit >box office reflects that without any shadow of doubt >clearly something fishy is going on >threads like this one pop up making fun of people noticing this simple, objective fact >obvious shilling
Cameron Ortiz
>it's /pols/ fault cuntbusters failed lmao
just face it, suicide squad was fun, cuntbusters was abysmal
Landon Cruz
A movie with Batman and Joker made money in it, quite a shocker.
Transformers films make money too despite being confirmed shit.
Congrats, your beloved comic brand is now the new Transformers franchise.
Bentley Hughes
>they don't realize that one is an incoherent tryhard piece of studio-meddled garbage while the other is a passable popcorn flick made by a director that has proven himself more than competent in the comedy genre The fact that you'd call Ghostbusters a 'passable popcorn flick' is absurd. Feig has directed one decent movie. That's it. One. He's not exactly proven. His only other accomplishments of note are directing a few of the okay episodes of The Office.
Yes, Suicide Squad was a jumbled mess due to studio interference, reshoots, rewrites, etc, but measuring it against the steaming pile of regurgitated shit that is the Ghostbusters makes it appear a decent movie.
Joseph Johnson
>SS is fun >GB is pure shit
You got those mixed up lmao.
Aaron Clark
Suicide squad is amazing. Harley is a 10. Couldn't have asked for bettter.
Joker is the best iteration that's ever been performed.
Dead shot carries the film.
Couldn't have asked for better.
Samuel Mitchell
oh and as an addendum yes, this board is the fucking worst. if i didn't have an interest in television and movies, id never visit this terrible shithole.
Robert Watson
>>tfw Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums Your tears are delicious.
Anthony Ortiz
Even RT can't hide it anymore dude, look at those audience ratings/scores L to the MAO
Isaiah Wright
How can you call Ghostbusters “regurgitated shit" while defending Suicide Squad which is itself the MAGNUM OPUS of regurgitated tryhard shit.
>paul feig only has one good movie
>what is bridesmaids >what is the heat >what is spy
Kill yourself.
Kayden Martinez
Oh yeah because a bunch of alt-rigt Sup Forums babbies totally didn't flood Ghostbusters' RT user score meter with low scores.
Gavin Wright
>Transformers films make money too despite being confirmed shit. >despite being confirmed shit.
Stopped reading right there. You're obviously not to be taken seriously.
Levi Cooper
Bridesmaids is his only decent movie. >the heat >fucking SPY Jesus Christ, man. And where was I defending Suicide Squad? It was bad, just not nearly as bad as Ghostbusters.
Suicide Squad was a good concept. There's an interesting movie in there under all of the reshoots and rewrites. You can see glimpses of it. No, it isn't enough to call it a good or even average movie but it's fucking there at least.
Ghostbusters is a god awful concept. It's poorly written. It's laughingly directed. It's horrendously acted. It's a parody of Feig's artistic vision that tried to turn a profit off of mostly self-contrived controversy. It's worse than a bad movie: it's a fucking abomination.
Kill yourself.
Anthony Taylor
>distorting the narrative that much >aimless flooding of tfw and yfw
both of those movies are bad
no one whos been on this board for more than a year or two really cares about any of this
your vertical as fuck family tree was the real mistake
and you have to go back
Joseph Smith
>So, you can't be serious about that. I don't go on about them fancy twitterspaces and mybooks ya kids keep talkin about, but I never once seen in Sup Forums and even Sup Forums complain about the lack of Joker until you came along.
>Assault on Arkham was a much better film. The only thing I missed was Jennifer Hale's voice. And Killer Frost as a whole I guess.
>Yeah, in theory. Without the Joker jacking the chopper, the Squad woulda been left to die and movies over as other heroes take down the old single never married no children cunt trying to take away the worlds applepods and tabletphones. Was clear that the Joker loved Harley, tortured people to hijack the chopper, "save" her from the chem bath and assaulted Arkham to get her back at the end. Was a nice introduction to a new Joker.
>instead she tries to leave and fails and gets over it within seconds. Eh I dunno how to reply to this, you are right, but it seems Harley-like to move from one thing to another like that. Like when she helped save the world and all she wanted was a coffee machine.
Ian Cox
Luke Reyes
>le pooping in street jokes >10/10 movie of the year
Joseph Flores
Ghostbusters and Suicide Squad both tried to be fun. Ghostbusters is not fun but Suicide Squad is, so one succeded and the other didn't. That's why one is looking at 70M net losses for its studio and the other is doing so good in the Box Office that it triggers the shit out of shills on Sup Forums
It's just that easy, nothing more
Colton Wilson
Suicide Squad is a trash capeshit. Ghostbusters is a shitty remake. Both are awful movies without merit. Shitposting is the only interesting thing you can do with them.
And btw fuck Rotten Tomatoes for becoming a politicized parody of its self.
Aaron Robinson
>Congrats, your beloved comic brand is now the new Transformers franchise. That is quite the angry logic leap.
Also, you say Batman and Joker making money is a bad thing, its been like that since 1989, and probably maybe before that too but Burton's the only early box office smash cape movie I can think of right now without googling.
And two, you cannot have a Suicide Squad without Batman or Joker because Batman put their asses in there and Joker is in there. So, you are right to a point, a movie with just the no-name villains would have bombed because I would bet no one has ever heard of Captain Boomerang or Katana until last friday.
Josiah Edwards
>LE HONKA HONKA >le belly dancing final boss villian
Ethan Campbell
0 people wearing a cape in the movie but ok...
Luke Nguyen
>Without the Joker jacking the chopper,
Waller would've gotten on it and it would've been hit by the big orange black man in that scene instead of later in a different helicopter, and the movie would be 15 minutes shorter.
>was clear that the Joker loved Harley Which he shouldn't. >save her from the chem bath Which he shouldn't, especially because it's not fatal, he's living proof. >was a nice introduction to a new Joker It was a botched shitshow with the worst edits in any mainstream movie in ten years.
>but it seems Harley-like to move from one thing to another like that
Not with the fucking Joker, her entire reason for being. It would be more of a crushing blow than it would be for a Robin if Batman died.
Gavin Martin
>Any better than Suicide Squad
Ghostbusters was actually worse.
No memery.
Suicide Squad was utterly incoherent. But at least it featured SOMETHING watchable, like decent performances, nice production design etc.
Ghostbusters was unmitigated dog shit of the lowest order. Straight up, no hyperbole, worse than Pixels.
I don't believe there is an agenda to "downvote" Suicide Squad. It sucked. It was a fucking mess.
But if you don't believe there was some sort of mass hysteria virtue signalling that saw the utter garbage that was Ghostbusters crawl into Fresh territory, you're delusional.
Elijah Richardson
Seriously though, if you knew nothing about these movies and saw this picture- which one would you rather see?
Owen Perez
But Transformers make almost all their money in foreign shitholes and this is breaking records in the Land of the Free, shill harder
Brayden Hughes
>Stunning profit decline
>Literally holding up better than Batman Vs. Superman, Deadpool and Captain America: Civil War
You're delusional.
Aaron Diaz
Why do they keep blaming Straight White Men for the utter failure of Ghostbusters.
As the marketing repeatedly said:
You can't blame White Men for not watching a movie you don't want them to watch.
Blame the women and people of color you made the movie for, for not showing up.
Michael Reyes
Suicide Squad is the "our guy" of film
Andrew Jones
how is that even comparable to calling shitting in the street the pinnacle of comedy?
You could have gone to India to get the exact same thing.
Ayden Rogers
>both are shit.
Ryder Scott
cry more faggot. your tears are delicious.
Cameron Myers
>Waller would've gotten on it and it would've been hit by the big orange black man Maybe, remember Joker's crew was flying. Pretty sure Waller's crew might of been better or smarter pilots. Hard telling because I cant remember which way was what in that scene, if Joker's crew was flying TO the trash circle, or away or just not giving a fuck because gunfite.
>>was clear that the Joker loved Harley >Which he shouldn't. Oof.. Alright. At the risk of starting something new, EVERYONE in the new DCverse has not been "normal" Supes is not the confidant happy guy we always seen, even killed Zod Lex was not the stern bald chinman with a pet rock Batman killed and/or maimed due to the death of Robin Alfred was rather young and more than a butler and seems to be a mix of the old Alfred and Fox (designing and engineering) that we all knew before I was never a Wonder Woman fan so I cannot comment here but I dont recall anything about Amazon's in BvS The Flash seems to be an awkward teen instead of that alpha male thats about to start a family we all know King of the Fish seems to be something strait out of Fallout 4's Far Harbor, which might be a good thing I dunno Cyborg is also unknown to me because so little is shown
With those said, it is kinda natural to have a new take on Joker.
Michael Reed
>complaining about seeing a literal model belly dancing for him instead of robots dying like putties from the Power Rangers tv show in AoU
Marvelfags everyone
Brayden Perez
You're acting like any of what the final version of the Joker is in the film was intentional. It's just left overs of what was original exactly the alternative that I suggested, and a better story.
And just because it's a "new take" doesn't mean it isn't shit.
Austin Myers
Who said “pinnacle of comedy". There you go putting words in my mouth
Cooper Young
When Bridesmaids came out I was hearing that kind of bullshit
talk about over-hyping a movie.
Parker Murphy
I'll never understand the Israel part
Oliver Richardson
>You're acting like any of what the final version of the Joker is in the film was intentional. His personality, affinity for Harley, steak of "not normal stuff we are used to" string of movies before him.. yeah im going to say it was intentional.
If that is not what you meant (promos, ads, etc VS his actual screen time) then yeah.
Jose Williams
Just Marvel things
Matthew Hernandez
But it literally wasn't. It wasn't what they filmed. It's what was left when they edited everything to shit.
They filmed what the Joker and Harley relationship is, and then they edited it down to a normal boyfriend-girlfriend thing to make way for more killer lines like "THAT'S WHAT I CALL A KILLER APP!" and "THAT'S GANGSTA!"
Carter Adams
I wish you had proof to that because I want to believe.
Joseph Parker
You mean like the scene where the Joker slaps her ass that was known about for the past 6 months because they filmed it out doors for people to see? Or the abysmal editing on the "I'm not gonna hurt ya" scene that made it less cohesive than it was in the trailers?
You're a fool.
Mason Perez
>"I'm not gonna hurt ya" Wasn't he torturing the guy for info on Harley's whereabouts?
Landon Gonzalez
Trying to prove that RT correlates with anything that affects a film's quality, rather than people's opinions, is a horrible waste of time because it's impossible. RT measures reception. There is no logic or consistency to be found that can be applied to film criticism.
The less you check RT the more you will enjoy film as a whole.
Hudson Gutierrez
>tfw Suicide Squad is an irredeemable piece of shit but this doesn't stop them You need to fuck right off. Suicide Squad is one of the best modern day super hero films. It does an impressive job of having emotional drama, great character backstories.
All you haters are fucking idiots
Liam Robinson
Nope. In that scene he says "All that chit chat's gonna get ya hurt"
In the scene where Harleen is laying on an operating table and the Joker is above her and says "I'm gonna show you my toys!" (not in the film) and then shines a light on her and grabs shock pads or whatever they are, and says "I'm not gonna kill, I'm just gonna hurt ya" or whatever (which in the film is edited to be choppy with effects added to it and is shorter than it was in the trailers to lessen the brutality).
Nolan Lopez
>Or the abysmal editing on the "I'm not gonna hurt ya" scene I actually liked the way they edited that. One of the scenes that made sense showing what must have gone through Harley's mind. Also that little reverse shot was creepy and reminded me of something that David Lynch would have done.
Isaiah Anderson
Did you also "like" the way they edited the end of that cuck scene where it literally cuts in mid-dialogue to an insert shot of the Joker with an instagram filter and him shooting at the camera with his gun?
Liam Kelly
I was going to also list how my main problem with the film was the other parts of the editing which during the club scene you notice a massive lot was taken out.
So no I am not praising the editing 100% but in the "I'm just gonna hurt you really really bad" scene it made sense.
Oliver Williams
He isn't wrong.
There was a major fiasco with viedogame companies paying for positive coverage on youtube channels, and it was undisclosed.
If you think it is limited to videogames, that is foolish. Political astroturfing online is well known. (CTR most recently)
Caleb Evans
>tfw Sup Forums ruined Sup Forums >This is my only argument now
Luke Turner
The only people to blame are those behind the production.
It was a shitty movie and it was marketed in an offensive way. Offensive is fine here, but for a silly movie like that you need mass appeal.
Had they been trying to sell the movie itself and not 'manbabbies', they may have had more people turn out just to give it a shot.
Connor Clark
I Can't Wait To Show You My Toys was in the scene where he's interrogating the guard. They cut it out for some reason.
Nicholas Hall
do you even understand what "critical failure" means?
Jeremiah Hall
>a summer movie has a higher tuesday bo than 3 school year movies
>proof it's a winner guys!
Dylan Ross
Yeah the Flick Filosopher got triggered because there were hot chicks on the screen and we need to take that into account somehow
Wyatt Morris
>they don't realize that one is an incoherent tryhard piece of studio-meddled garbage while the other is Suicide Squad
Lucas Perry
So a movie gets critical praise and sells poorly.
So another movie is panned but makes much money.
Are critics wrong? Is the audience? And given these two cases, what influence do critics wield if any?
Blake Wright
>SS will easily sell over 400 million dollars worth of tickets
Critics btfo
Ian Barnes
Yes. Also yes. None whatsoever.
Jose Wilson
Guardians Of The Galaxy had the same release window.
Do Americans chance their school holiday dates every year?