Alright guys. It was funny at first

Alright guys. It was funny at first.
Now I want off this ride

Other urls found in this thread:

and i thought ww3 would be the end of us

I also only like scientists that refuse to change their hypothesis when new information is presented.

For FUCK sake, there's only two. Anybody who thinks there are more than two are just insecure about their ugly ass, and are looking for an excuse. I fucking hate this society.


He's a TV entertainer not a scientist. What did you expect user?

what new information? even the harvard law study that just came out is unsourced bullshit

Shill shill shill shill
Shill Nye the Science Lie

That picture alone is unsourced bullshit you moron. He never even said that in that episode. Go be fake news elsewhere captain CNN.

the age of men is over

What's taboo about a sex stew?

Idk. Herpa-syphilis-hiv-aids-i-titus?

This shit just triggered the fuck out of my.

Literal what the fuck Bill. You used to be cool. You sold your soul to the devil :'(



Move along, nothing to see here anymore..

i didnt post that bill nye meme
he was a hack before too honestly

i said there is no new scientific information to prove anything about a sexual spectrum or transgender-ism being a trait and not a mental disorder.

Literally fake news

Mental disorders can be traits too, dumbass

If you go back to the 1800 and look at reason why someone would be put into a insane asylum you would probably find one or two you will find asinine.

Unfortunately we still have a lot to learn about our-selfs as a species. It makes no sense to not be open to new ideas and theory's even if you don't like them.

Nah, man, things that make me uncomfortable shouldnt exist!

not just* a mental disorder is what i meant

but hey guess you have to take whatever wins you can get, huh?



That was fucking disgusting. I don't understand why that just happened. It wasn't good music, it was fucking terrible. It wasn't funny either. It was just vulgar for the sake of being vulgar, just like fucking Amy Schumer.

How fucked up is our society today. Bill Nye used to teach children science, and now he's hosting shows with retards who can't sing, singing songs about mental illness and sex and giving handjobs to strangers.

This shit disgusts me.


>being this mad

funny thing is, he never said this lol

Do we really need 3 of these threads? Can't you complain about Bill Nye in one thread?

>samefagging this hard
>trying to discredit an user's comment by calling him mad

Isn't it past your bedtime, kiddo?

Don't worry friend, the US and South Korea will be going to war soon with North Korea, let's just hope Russia, China or somebody else decide to side with the North Koreans. Then WW3 will happen, and oh lord I hope we all burn.

Sex is determined by chromosomes
Sexuality is demonstrated by behavior.
Gender is a part of grammar, not science.
Get it straight, idiot Trump-faggots. Now go back to Sup Forums and stay the fuck there!

As much as I would like to continue living, I honestly think our current society deserves to burn. The Earth deserves so much better than us.

>Gender is a part of grammar, not science.
>a part of grammar

Setting aside how retarded and nonsensical that statement is, gender has always been synonymous with sex. Do your fucking research.

Now, if certain people decide to start using the term "gender" differently than it has been used historically, fine, language is fluid and constantly changing, but treating people like retards or assholes for not agreeing with your new made-up usage is just plain idiotic.


Can we annex ourselves from these other people? Liberals and conservatives are just sucking the fun out of life.

If it's not liberals complaining that everyone is racist and we need to change the world it's conservatives complaining everyone is too sensitive and we need to go back to beating women.

Get a grip, there are some people that disagree with your opinions. Your job as a human being is to stop vomitting up your own rhetoric and actually engage with other people rationally. Use fucking science and literature to argue your points, not someone else's opinion about Bill Nye who really is just acting as a scientific foist to the Trump people, to maybe make sure we don't all die? Who knows right, but if you have an opinion, Google it. If someone else has already said it, don't fucking say it unless you're quoting them, in which case then do that, quote them and then ADD to the conversation, otherwise you're literally wasting your own time.

Litmus test: if your first thought when reading this is to assign a political agenda to it you've made a horrible mistake in judgement, and I hope you actually get trip and break your nose on a rock.

OP here

more cancer for you all

Op you're a faggot. If you actually watch the goddamn video and not believe other faggots online he never said it was defined by chromosome. Leave the real investigating to adults.

I watched the video. I'm aware he didn't quote what's in the image.

the point is it's still fucking propaganda bullshit cancer which he's being payed to be the figurehead of

I don't give a toss about bill nye but clearly millions of other people do. even if these aren't his beliefs, he still did this shit for money

>conservatives complaining everyone is too sensitive
Everyone IS too sensitive though....

There are valid criticisms of modern-day right-wingers, but that's one area where they are 100% right.

That's a totally fine belief to have, but don't tie it to a bullshit lie of your own. I agree his new show isn't that good, and he's basically just preaching to people the entire time instead of doing experiments and shit.

I kinda feel,this whole thing is a semantic problem.

A generation ago your sex and your gender were always the same. The terms could be used interchangeably. Your sex, defined by DNA, determined your gender.

Now the sjw seem to have taken this to the other extreme. Gender can be anything and everything and they try and force everyone to believe someones sex is whatever made up gender they are using that particular day.

If someone wants to know your sex, they should be wanting to know what your sex chromosome is, which can be found in all of your cells DNA.

I can't see much reason to want to know anything more than that. I don't care what made up gender you claim to be, and it doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is that I don't want to hear about it because I don't give a shit. I'm not oppressing you, I just don't care what transnigger pavement-kin you identify as this week.

Good. They don't give a shit about you as well.

>N-no you
Hearty kek, user.

if they truly didnt give a shit they wouldnt be trying to force it down everyones throats and acting like massive fagots in general

If I go back to Sup Forums do you promise to kill yourself


Freedom of speech nigger. Welcome to America.

Global warming lol. more than two genders, lol.

Wew lad.

But a study found that trans people actually have different brain structures. Their brain appears more like their preferred gender than their birth one.

Well gender is more of a mental thing. While some people on the left say that guys and girls arent any different, they do think differently and have different brain structures and hormone levels.

Also, while I agree that some people on Tumblr are really retarded, most trans people are alright

Is this song actually trying to imply their should be new genitals

Imagine being the the retard who has to write those lyrics and then that dj.
I also kek'ed hard when they showed bill dropping the beat (pic related)

Its less freedom of speech when they try and censor the opinions they don't like and attempt to implement anti-"hate speech" laws.
That is the opposite of free speech.

I hope they dont care. People shouldnt care about what others do in private, provided it doesn't affect them.

I don't care if people fuck different sex, same sex, trees, benches, etc. I don't understand why people get so into preventing people from doing things that dont affect them just because they personally don't like it

It's all the puritans fault. We inherited a culture that's fucking terrified of anything the least bit sexual, with the sole exception of a Christian man having missionary position with his Christian wife to make more little Christians. Because the puritans founded Plymouth and informed the political and cultural character of the north, and the Norman Cavaliers founded Jamestown and informed the political and cultural character of the south, and because the south lost the civil war, now we have all these weird puritanical hangups permeating everything we do.

Transsexuality affects less than one percent of the population. It's no different from any other self-image disorder, but it's the only one that we treat by trying to make the body match the brain.

Cuz muh fambly valyiz!

Bill Nye is not a scientist

Yeah, but freedom of speech doesn't necessarily mean people are going to want to listen to you.

And homosexuality affects less than five percent of the population. Sexuality and gender are a spectrum in the same way that the angles a flipped coin can land at are a spectrum.

That's a really great point.

Also, while I agree that some people on Tumblr are really retarded, most trans people are alright

Like almost evrrything, only the loudest and most annoying tend to be heard. The majority good lot don't bother people so nobody knows they are there. Thus they assume all are the loud annoying assholes.

Thats your fucking problem. Just because you dont like it doesn't mean its banned. I dont like it, but i respect their right to screech

You want to censor their opinions. That's also oppressive

>become faux scientist
>educate children
>career slump
>use trust as an educator to push a thinly veiled political agenda
>get celebrated by the left

Seems like a good gig

Fighting words are NOT protected under the law, just like threats and slander

Freedom of speech does have limitations. Also, while you can say a lot of things without legal trouble, any person trouble is generally your fault

EXACTLY! This is also why I avoid and generally dislike the LGBT community as a whole. As a gay guy, some of them make me look bad

He can still call you an asshole


A group of people so rigid and proper that the ENGLISH kicked them out.

>not knowing about grammatical gender

And you'd know. Ya big winner, you.

The definition of gender changed you fuckwit. It used to be the same as sex, but now it's not.


No I don't, shitlord. I just want them to stop shoving it down our throats and stop trying to legislate it. They can ask me to call them a pavement dwelling otherkin bigender fag but I'm not going to do so if I'm required by law to do it.
Did you even read my post?
I said hate speech, which is bullshit.
Also, I didn't mean it like that, I meant hate speech meaning saying racist things or simple facts that they don't like would be illegal, not threats and planning to commit crimes, I agree those should be illegal, because they actually have potential for harm, but voicing your opinion No.

>gender has always been synonymous with sex
No wonder your wife has been so unsatisfied! I'll be seeing her next weekend.

I only come here for Sup Forums. I haven't been on Sup Forums in probably 5 years. I'm honestly not believing the comments in this post.

Is Sup Forums this cucked now?


My point is some of these people believe freedom of speech is equivalent to others must agree with what I say.

Just because they don't like that people disagree with them doesn't mean they can outlaw the different view points.

As you said, that's their fucking problem.

People are free to have different views.


You have a mental illness which makes you basically try to put the cube through the triangle hole, except with your adult equipment... and you think you're at risk of someone ELSE making you look bad.


you are a gay new fag go back to leafy and reddit

Yes. It's flooded with trap and cuck threads now.

Oh sorry, I must have misread.

But still, intentionally offensive statements can be considered fighting words

Nah, I just like another guy and am happily married. Can you say the same?

I will admit I am in the minority and different from the normal.

I am inclined to agree with you. At first I thought the MuriKKKans were at fault. Then maybe the Rothschilds. Now, fuck it, burn 'em all and let god sort it out. Useless waste of existence.

Bill Nye is a fraud, a sellout a fool.
He would sell his own kids if Liberal media would give him enough money.

>gender has always been synonymous with sex. Do your fucking research
Failed in school, did you?

>Their brain appears more like their preferred gender than their birth one.

B-b-but gender is a social construct, it's totally created by society and independent of an individuals sex and physical biology...

Yeah, the good intentions of a friendly community appears to be co-oped by far left polital assholes.

Some will get angry when I say I don't want to see 2 gay men kissing, but it's true. I also don't want to see 2 fat people kissing, or old people, or ugly people, or really I don't want to see anyone kissing. (Maybe lesbos). Just take all that shit to your home.

god, liberals make me cringe so hard, I turn into Hitler.

ok good, as long as you're aware of that you make yourself look bad enough as it is trying to do life upside down

you already know it doesn't work this way, I hope one day your household will come out of the psychosis and start a real family

>it's no different from any other self-image disorder, but it's the only one that we treat by trying to make the body match the brain

Exactly. I don't deny that transgendered people or people with Gender Dysphoria really think they are the wrong gender and have chemical imbalances, I just very much disagree with the treatment.

It's unlike any other mental disorder treatment. You don't treat someone with BIID by amputating a healthy limb, and you don't treat a schizophrenic by forcing the population to play along with his delusion. So why is Gender Dysphoria different?

Instead of just forcing the condition to fully express itself and going the other way, why not treat it in the OPPOSITE direction. I can only imagine that they are conflicted because they don't TOTALLY feel like the opposite gender, so it's not like they are already there. It seems like it would be easier medically and mentally for the patient to just take hormone treatments for their biological sex.

I mean, if hormone therapy can allegedly help them feel their their preferred gender, surely hormone therapy in the other direction will help them to feel like their true sex and treat the Dysphoria.

just looked through the catalog, you people are fucking weird lol

Sup Forums used to be a place you fucked around on just for shits. not a safe haven for bronies and the chemically unbalanced so they don't kill themselves

So our brains are affected by social structures?

except he never said either of those things he's being captioned as saying.

stop putting words in his mouth.

Millenial by chance? The world existed before 1980, and yes, gender and sex WERE synonymous once


>You have a mental illness
No, he does not. He's just homosexual. You might have a mental illness, however, if you insist that everyone must think and act as you would. Bear in mind that you cannot live up to your own standards.

>I turned twenty-one in prison doing life without parole

It's called selling out in his old age to try and stay relevent and make money.
And it's always pretty sad.

Shut up, I am transgender because I was born this way


Yeah, the far left does miss a handfull of things like that

The far right is generally worse at science though

Every group has its fuckwits

I dont really like pda that much either. Most me and my husband do is hold hands

I mean, I think I'm mostly just an average dude. Or at least not to different.

I'm not saying gay love doesn't work, I'm saying its not the most common. We are thinking of adopting a kid and starting a family

No, son, I am 62 years old and I tell you in all honesty that gender is a grammatical concept. Do not attempt to apply it to life sciences at your own peril.

Why does this ruffle so many peoples jimmies?
Biologically there are two genders (in humans, if you don't want to get into chromosomal abnormalities) this is a person's "sex"
Recently, certain people (who have existed throughout history) have started to demand they be recognized for what they beleive to be their "sexual category" these are determined by psychological and cultural factors but mostly are reflected in brain physiology;
Transvestites, homosexuals, bisexuals, pedo/hebephiles, heterosexuals, etc. or any conceivable denomination of complicated sexuality or gender identity really boil down to brain physiology
(Eg the brains of homosexual men have morphological characteristics more typical of those seen in a female brain, and vice versa. Or that pedophilic brains can be diagnosed with significant accuracy in an fmri because of certain typical characteristics)
Why should these people that claim to be gender "XR43-Captain Picard edition" make you any more angry than the homeless man that runs down the street claiming that he is Jesus? What about them offends you? Is it the belief itself? Is it their demand to be agknowleged? Is it some perceived rudeness on their part?

>everyone must think and act as you would
Never said anything of the sort.
There's no use in trying to defend mental illness by pretending it's normal because we all know how life works and that's not it.
I'm open for the arguments that it doesn't hurt anyone but I think the psychosis of homosexuality should be kept behind doors as to not contribute to others dealing with various forms of the same illness.

Nobody likes bronzes here, those faggots get their furryfetish threads immediately purged and reported.

If anything the main problem for Sup Forums now is the 20ish hoMO threads and 20ish social media fap threads filled with 4/10s.

Bill Nye is not and will never be a scientist anything more then Man with Penis will be a Woman