Who's your favorite Hannibal character Sup Forums?
Who's your favorite Hannibal character Sup Forums?
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Ginger from Ginger Snaps.
Damn, I forgot she was even in it, I think I turned my brain off when the Verger arc started.
Abigail gets an honorable mention
but any other answers are objectively wrong
Who are some other actresses with nice lips like that?
my underratedfu
It still hurts famski
>that moment when Will goes back to Hannibal's house and asks to be left alone with his memory of Abigail
She's great in The Magicians, hope she returns for a second season.
>no margo posted
every one of you is pleb as fuck
Who do you think "Ginger, from Ginger Snaps," refers to, you simpleton?
Does she still have hairy arms?
maybe ginger from ginger snaps
i just posted margo, no need to be mad pleb
>hasn't seen Ginger Snaps
Literally the only reason she was even in Hannibal at all.
oh word
looks like i found the resident ginger snaps expert
>not a pleb
>anime picture
>upset at cartoons
oh look an autism rabbithole
>upset about anime on an anime image board
I want reddit to leave
Nice list, only a few have what I was talking about though, these really sharp and a bit oddly shaped lines bordering the upper lip.
Is there any straight female in this show? They all look like lesbians.
Only Margot and Alana became lesbians, and that was AFTER they each fucked a guy (Will and Hannibal respectively).
Season 4 when
they still dont have the rights to sotl characters and you guys would hate it because fuller wanted to make starling mexican
There are only three correct answers.
kacey rohl
Caroline Dhavernas
Or the redhead
Honorable mention to...
>married a Jew, divorced him and took all his gold
Is she a real redhead?
How do you know?
I did the sex with her
Nice, how was it?
Rug and drapes match.
Though her natural hair color is a bit darker red then in hannibal.
Red on the head, fire in the bed
Wait what, are there nudes?
She been nude on stage, not on film.
Which play, where, how, are there pics? I need to see this!
that arm hair though, kek.
This was before Hannibal...sorry user.
Guessing she has some first nation blood in her.
i would fuck any of the main cast of this show male or female and im straight
except fish burn
Will. But I love Alana.
You said like it was something negative about hot lesbians having hot caleidoscopic sex on network TV
>leads her college friends to her serial killer father like sacrificial lambs to save herself
bitch had it coming
my bellyfu
will never tapped this, even for a hate fuck
Katherine Robinson is forever my waifu (3d) so Margot
Otherwise bedelia because she is gorgeous
here me out
>has an interesting character arc/story, forcing will to the brink to catch killers and hating himself for it, but knowing the greater good
>2nd to alana for being the biggest dipshit not seeing the obvious killer, and when he finds out hes fully on board with will
>almost looses his job multiple times to catch hannibal
>travels to fucking italy to save will and beat hannibals ass on his own time
>the only one who can beat hannibal in a fight
>can wear a trench coat and fedora and not look ridiculous
His charatcer still was perfect, I wish somebody would fully flesh him out and show him for being the top FBI agent he is in the book and not needing his hand held, but his character felt the most real out of everyones. Like a regular person in that world
underused characters general?
One of my criticisms of the show (of the few, I fucking love it) is that fishburne didn't get development or was never shown to be capable or smart. He is a top fucking investigator and should have had a few strong moments of his own.
His incompetence led to all those 'Serial Killers? In my town?' being true
Is she still anorexic?
This will never stop being funny
>Im a fucking dog jack I don't even speak English
>It fucking rhymes jack
I always post this on a Hannibal thread
it took me ages and I adore Hannibal so it was a nice tribute.
I hope you like it too
He was an amazing Crawford and I wish they could do Silence to watch him paired with Clarice.
More like meme characters that were a total detriment to the show
Too many buzzwords saying absolutely nothing.
Who is robinson
There are no recent pics of her, this is around the time she was last seen in public.
eddie did bretty gud
he was ok in S1 when they we're doing the killer of the week thing
once he focused on the Chesapeake ripper he met his match
has there been any talk of it getting picked up again? Even by netflix or something
I know a lot of the cast said they were disappointed it ended and would want to come back but is it dead in the water?
Why would you want it to?
It ended perfectly
The two best, no question.
And nobody said to stop posting pics of her, user.
Yes, they talked about that almost in every interview. Fuller said he has S4's first draft even but they won't do a thing until Amazon drops the rights so Netflix or other company can buy it then they need to wait for the rest of the cast to be free, they all said they want to do it.
I thought it was cancelled.
I always thought he said "Shut up cunt" and that he was referencing Dexter
the lady that showed her sexy panty bum. mmmmmm
>alana will never be your stylish lesbian warden
>she will never take away your books and toilet if you're bad and let you suck on her toes for vague human flesh flavor when you're good