give me some more police kino films Sup Forums
Law films
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shameless bump
This one is cool !!
Raid 1 & 2
all the Dirty harry movies:
Dirty Harry (1971)
Magnum Force (1973)
The Enforcer (1976)
Sudden Impact (1983)
The Dead Pool (1988)
the most kinoist
thank will add to my viewlist
so is Dredd good or am i being memed upon?
Police Academy
that was bretty bad ass
I fucking hate this place
its 90 minutes of assholes getting terminated by Dredd. you get what you pay for.
don't listen to it was great, shame they didnt make a sequel
It's good dumb ass
but does he get banished from the city again?
Lethal weapon
No cursed earth stuff, just a regular day on patrol and evaluating a rookie
>The Dead pool
I agree.
Training Day
Is Cop Land any good?
Go kill yourself.
I hope a cop will make you his bitch some time.
Regards user
legitimate manletkino
don't listen to the memers
Dredd is brilliant, stylish unique and concise
watch it, you won't regret it
Cartel Land.
Documentary. But bad-ass as fuck and tells you all you need to know.
so you're an anarchist?
It's overrated shit. Nothing special at all. Just the usual bad taste in film on this site.
Watch the sequels at your own risk
Tropa de Elite 1 & 2
Pleb as fuck. Go end yourself.
Second one was alright.
Third one doesn't exist, besides the initial chase and Murphy to the rescue.
Pleb as fuck. Go end yourself.
Stay dumb you piece of shit.
read here
damn he was handsome back then.
Its OK. It captures some aspects of Dredd pretty well for such a low budget and it has slow mo scenes with pretty light effects to entertain the easily pleased. The reason its so beloved is simply that the Sly Stallone version was so bad. Of course if prop!e were being honest, they'd admit the worst thing about Sly's version was Sly. They najiled the look and the world, which New Dredd just replaces with South Africa. If you imagine Sly Dredd eight the tone of Karl Urban's Dredd, its a perfect Dredd film. But the newer film is just OK but loved more because it was an improvement on the last in so e areas.
I'm definitely older than you, kid.
And your taste is objectively shit.
>uses 'objectively'
>has shit taste in movies
>claims to be older than 13
fucking loser
This is objectively correct.
Is that the best you can do, kid?
How about the both of you cunts actually discuss the merits and flaws of the film?
What do you think of this !?
Cop VS Cop !! Inner struggle within the system. It gets my power push, user !!
Why the hell not !?
This one is excellent!!
This whole post is pretentious as fuck.
You sound like a real fedora loving hipster.
The reboot was pure kino you pleb
>Having an opinion on films is pretentious on a film discussion board
Sorry, I meant to say LOL BANED XD FROGPOST
>pretty light effects to entertain the easily pleased.
>easily pleased
You sound like one of those people who think they're smarter than everyone else
Tell me I'm wrong then. If you came away from Dredd awedby tjhe visuals, you didnt come away awed from the drab grey brown aesthetic for the rest of the film. And if the only reason you thought it was good was slow motion with rainbows, well, I'm sorry but there really are people smarter than you.
Sicario was interesting
The Shield m'sir
I play this every day as loud as I can in order to pump me up and get in that "mackey mood"
You are wrong.
The visuals were great. The slow mo drug provides a nice contrast to the actual gritty city. This symbolizes how actual drugs make the users get a high and forget all their problems and the world around them.
Impressive visuals on a tight budget, coupled with great acting from Urban, Olivia and Lena heady, made this flick a fantastic movie. Not just because the Stallone one sucked.
hard boiled is just a faggy watered down version of the killer
I'm not wrong, but obviously you understood the purpose of the drug scenes. That's something. Most people just say it loomed pretty and can't give a better reason.
>My opinion of this film exists in a vacuum separate to the the last Dredd film
Now you're just lying to yourself.
First time i've ever teared up at a movie.
The Year of the Dragon
Black Rain
The French Connection
He Walked by Night
Mad Max (the first one)
In the Heat of the Night
The fuckin' Untouchables
The first one is Kino personified.
yfw Verhoeven fought tooth and nails to include the part where Dick Jones suffers from Marfan Syndrom while he's falling down, because it's what happens irl but the exects thought it would pass over the head of the audience
That Scene where he shoves chicken in that snitches mouth and drowns him all while the kid watches fucked me up as a weelad
Robocop 1&2
End of Watch
The Raid 1&2
Police Story: Lockdown
As someone who hasn't seen the Stallone version I thought Dredd was 7-7.5/10
Desu senpai Street Kings is purest police kino
Keanu reeves
Terry Crews
Chris Evans
Forest Whitaker
Maybe the greatest cast in the history of police
It got some things right, the aesthetic, the characterisation, but the pacing of the film was bad and overall is an interesting watch but not overwhelming in anyway.
bad lieutenant
Can somebody explain to me the love for End of Watch?
I always see people saying how good it is, but when I watched it it just felt mediocre.
Point Break is also excellent Keanu police kino
Keanu = kino
The old one is a bit wacky, but the new one is really good.
Karl Urban has the proper frown-technique and plays Dredd pretty good.
Not to mention, he doesn't remove his goddamn helmet throughout the entire movie.
I wish the insane Indian man would make another Dredd Movie with him.