how do I become a filmmaker?
I need legit tips
how do I become a filmmaker?
I need legit tips
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At first, you need to start by making sure you go fuck yourself enough.
Who's the white bitch?
What did kubrick say?
"Perhaps it sounds ridiculous, but the best thing that young filmmakers should do is to get hold of a camera and some film and make a movie of any kind at all."
study, work on set and make friends
make films
I don't know who she is either, but you can use an image search on Google to get at least amount of information as long as you are cruising around the Internet. You ought to try THAT once in a while.
If you're not jewish it's not even worth trying.
what's the name of this beautiful boy
Whatever you do don't fall for the gear faggotry meme. The DSLR revolution has done nothing but make every other person a ginormous and insufferable gearfag.
If you want to become a filmmaker just make films, but don't get obsessed with what camera you're shooting on. There are more important things that go into making a good film like: a good story, production design, good cinematography (lighting), etc. That's probably the best tip you can get.
Are you the same person who's made 3 other fucking topics on this thread today, including one about what degree you should get at university to become a filmmaker?
couldn't he just add "berg" to the end of his last name?
nothing to it but to do it man
you just grind & grind and hope your work attracts people who can get your big budgets
I guess one tip is do NOT publish your early attempts in your real name, as they'll likely be shit... use a pseudonym until the quality of your works picks up to something admirable
keep your IMDB clean
go to films
I am... and you should get a life lol
make movies. Shortfilms.
Trust me, hollywood have eyes out looking for talent on the small platform. Just make movies using anything you got, phone camera, go pro, windows movie maker.. Anything.
If you can afford it, buy nicer gear.
But it's more about practicing, ideas, and how you tell a message.
If you're good enough, it will show.
>Is it cliché for a comedian to take her stage name from a practical-joke device? Not if you're Whoopi Goldberg. Born Caryn Elaine Johnson in 1955, the actress and The View co-host was less than shy about her bodily functions: "If you get a little gassy, you've got to let it go. So people used to say to me, 'You're like a whoopee cushion.' And that's where the name came from." Whoopi's mother thought that a Jewish surname would get her further in Hollywood, so she replaced Johnson with Goldberg. And just like that, a thousand bad puns — and a very successful career — were born.
This this this. If you can track down Tarantino's first, it's shit! It was probably a great learning experience for him.
Don't worry about the gear, just write a short script. Rule of thumb 1 page = 1 minute on screen. Beginning, middle and an end. That's it.
If you're trying to get into a festival, I'd recommend 5-15 minutes. Even shorter if you can, but otherwise, a tight, concise and coherent story will get you funding/awards and so on. Just write, write, write. I'm constantly writing, working on a couple of pilots, features and a few shorts. There's no money in shorts, but they're the equivalent of a demo EP or portfolio.
Look at
>Nolan's The Following
>Aronofsky's Pi
>Duplass brother's first short
Does anyone on Sup Forums even work in the film industry? I don't just mean as a director but CG artist, accountant, getting coffee for the director, etc
aлeкcaндpa гaйep
>I am... and you should get a life lol
Right back at you. You've been given all the answers you need and instead of taking any of the advice on board you've continued to make new threads asking the same questions.
Doubtful you'll make it.
go film some shit nigga
find a composer who's capable for writing memorable themes
film scores are becoming a lost art, lobby hard to find an up & coming composer to score your shit, it will turn shit into diamonds
I've done roles in transcribing, continuity, production assistant, production manager, digitising, sound recording and editing. I don't work in the industry any more. I can trace it all back to 7 years ago when I had the offer for an 8 week role that could have lead to serious career growth but carried a risk of no more work for a while after and I rejected it because I had a bunch of debt and had just started a full time wage slave role.
I really wish I could go back in time and do things differently.
She looks like a young linda blair, kinda creepy
She looks nothing like Linda Blair.
yo hol up
someone get this nigger some working eyes
Alexandra Gayer*
she does tho
2 of them are me because I wanted to really emphasise what a dumb faggot you are but at least one other person on this site realises you're stupid.
Write a script and give it to your rich uncle, thats my plan.
Except she does look like linda blair in the exorcist you samefagging cunt
You just samefagged to so don't be hypocritical and no, she does not.
Where did i samefag?
This. Maybe you won't make anything great, but at least you're expressing yourself through film.
She does tho
OP has nothing to say. If he did he'd be writing, especially considering he's been told that numerous time across 4 threads today and instead of actually deciding to write something he can film he's continued to make the same thread.
Total loser.
that's not samefagging retard
It's so important to have something to say. If you don't, your script is shite and has no soul.
>It's so important to have something to say.
Honestly why 99% of filmmakers under 30 suck. You need life experience before you have really have something of value to say.
You're a faceblind autist.
there's a lot of great advice coming through these threads and I'm taking notes on all of it, in-between that I'm doing much work & planning on my future
you'll probably see another thread like this tomorrow, deal with it famalam
That's a huge issue with younger filmmakers. Not all, but a lot. Especially those indie filmmakers that make those hollow 'niche' comedies. They don't leave me feeling anything, just cold.
Read as MANY scripts as you can. If you're a decent reader, you can read a script in one sitting. I'd say one of the best scripts I've read has to be Malick's Badlands. The structure and flow is so impressive. The man is incredibly talented.
If tomorrow you are making yet another thread instead of actually doing what was suggested to then you should start learning to deal with failure.
So I should call myself David Goldbergberg?
say whatever you need to help you cope with a single thread taking up your catalog feed
Don't go to film school unless you believe it's the only way you'll get contacts in your town.
Join every arts facebook group in your area, film, theater, performance art, everything, folks shill their projects there constantly, work on every single one you can get your hands on.
Don't get into it expecting to be a DIRECTOR or CINEMATOGRAPHER, those titles are earned, you are a filmmaker.
What department do you want to work in?
Play mix and match with Stein and berg
It's not even about that. I don't need to cope with anything, you're a minor irritation at best. I can filter you if I need.
I'm trying to insult you into action. This is the advice you need, you fucking faggot. STOP PROCRASTINATING AND START CREATING.
Like I've told you numerous times today make your own shit. No one will give you a career and degrees in film are worthless. Make your own way.
I'll bet you haven't even written a thing in the 8 or so hours it's been since you started making threads.
this dudes got a point, just start pointing your phone camera at things and you're one step closer than this thread will ever get you
Buy a camera, make a film.
Thats how herzog tells us to do it.
Oh and read lots of books.
What camera should I get, I'm thinking one of these or some DSLI. Not sure which would give the best picture though.
go to films
It's incredible how much you learn by doing. This is part of a wider issue though. Anyway, I had to shoot a horror short in a small amount of time and it was an incredible learning experience. They can't teach you time management, keeping a cool head, people skills, disaster mitigation and so on that you experience on set. You have to learn experience to grow. I learned more than I ever have directing that 2 minute short than I did at school.
>pacific rim
Behind this, make money anyway possible (without committing to a full-time job if possible) and save save save for a budget for your first film.
Once you're confident you can do feature length film, and you have the right script, do it as big as possible and hope you get noticed for your effort.
>What camera should I get
The answer is always the best you can afford or the one which you have immediate access to. Any other answer will put you on the road to gear faggotry.
Make a decent short with your iphone if need be, trust me, 6s has great video quality. Focus on having a good story that is well written, framed well with shooting and has sufficient and creative lighting. It will knock the doors or some aimless experimental shit shot with an A7s. Submit it to a festival and use the cash you win to purchase something better if your story absolutely needs it.
Get that cheap lens kit thing for the iphone - whatever Tangerine was shot on - which gives you an anamorphic frame. Fuck spending 2000 bucks on a camera. 2000 is a huge budget if you're shooting right.
>do good small stuff, get noticed by the studios
>become their bitch for 15 years and beg for scraps to do your own stuff
>if you're amazing, get to do your own vision after that
To be honest I don't even think that's necessary.
There's a sensational keynote speech from Mark Duplass at SXSW a year or two ago where he says how, "the calvary ain't coming" in advising film makers to help themselves. I'd summarise it more but honestly he articulates in a much more comprehensive sense than I ever could over the hour he talks. I'd advise anyone considering wanting to be a filmmaker to watch that, wake the fuck up and stop making threads on here instead of doing.
Also, I'd recommend doing your research before buying a camera. I bought a 60D for filmmaking and it handles low light like a cellphone. It's awful. Digital noise and artifacting at anything above 200iso. I'm sure it's not the case with all DSLRs, but I was gutted when I found out that 60D is apparently notorious for struggling in low-light conditions. And by low-light, I mean interiors. Everything is soft and awful.
Here's a screenshot from an on-the-fly live performance I shot. I don't even feel like releasing the footage because it's basically noise.
That sucks but honestly once you realised the limitations of the camera you should have compensated through lighting.
A poor workman always blames his tools.
It might not be neccessary, but you'll be on your way with the 'filmic' look. It's amazing how different a frame is at 19:9, compared to 1.85:1, even 2.35:1. You can go from amateur shite, to a 'professionally' shot frame.
Yeah, I'm the first one to admit I was at fault. To be fair we were in a dark studio here, and I had come in with the notion of taking some photos of a band, but I started shooting and it looked great on the LCD screen. When I blew it up on the screen it looked like ass. Since then I've been autistically studying the histograms, exposures, f-stops, what have you and have learned from my mistakes. I still can't shoot inside without studio lighting though. I don't know enough about lighting.
Some shots came out alright though
I'll concede it may look better but it's far from essential, particularly if you're doing your first film. At most your first film should be a learning experience. Anyone expecting to make something great, or even great looking, will inevitably be sorely disappointed.
I got a used sony a6000 for $499 off ebay, it's really nice
haven't released anything yet but here's some footage:
Learning from your mistakes is natural progression. The best thing is you understood and desired to educate yourself further.
You'll be okay, man.
Keep shooting. Looking forward to seeing your first success. Post a link on Sup Forums so we can all enjoy it.
fuck, forgot pic.
Yeah, obviously I have little experience with shooting on an iphone. I'd tell OP that sound is SO SO much more important than picture. A viewer will be more forgiving of a noisy picture than tinny sound. Trust.
I need legit trips
>check 'em
Fucking shit. Off by two.
Thanks, senpai. While I've been tripping up with actual shoots, I've filmed a few shorts that have been alright (~2mins). But more importantly, I've been writing and writing. If I ever make it, I'll be making obscure references to Sup Forums in my films. Don't forget your roots.
Glad you're writing.
On referencing tv, honestly don't, your own life and opinions is more important than this shithole. The best way to honour Sup Forums is to make films with good stories that aren't dependent on exorbitant budgets.
Also did you play around with grading? Perhaps you posted your best shot with this reply but it's framed well and the darkness actually works here. If this is your baselines you may be able to manipulate the existing footage into something similar with grading and get a consistent aesthetic that works and doesn't look like ass.
That was just a random screen grab. It does look bretty good. Some are shit, some are actually pretty good. I'd never want to be linked with this place, true.
I've got a few plugins in Premiere that can add film grain to projects. I suspect that when I bounce a final copy of this, I'll use that to mask some of the noise and artifacting. I can boost the exposure slightly, too much and it looks nasty and artifacts.
you already have a camera, somewhere, your phone, buried in the garage, whatever
don't get bogged down looking at kit cause then you'll suddenly by 20k poorer and have no experience
Best of luck with everything, mate.
and dont buy a fixed lens camera you fucking nigger, you really are new to this arent you
I've been the guy adhering to not spending but if you are going to buy a lens I hope like hell it's going to be prime. Zoom and kit lenses are meme tier.
Regardless both aren't essential for beginners, story should be paramount. For intermediate and beyond though using anything other than primes is just strange.
Yeash I am, thanks for the tips'
I have a £60k budget to make a film.
Hell if dark star was made on less
Make short movies in your freetime as much as you can.
Make music videos FOR FREE for your local bands until you can make something passable.
After making a name in music videos you can try commercials.
All the while you make movies of any kind in your free time.
Repeat and rinse until someone bigger notices.
consider renting or buying an a7s2, find a dop with his own kit etc, if youre producing for yourself avoid spending unnecessary money, all of that 60k needs to find its way onto the screen
I'm planning on directing myself, yeah it's going to be spent very carefully
>I have a £60k budget to make a film.
If that actually is the case and you're asking anonymous posters on a Malaysian tapestry forum for advice then I pity your investors.
Fly me over to Bongistan and I'll DP your film for you
do you even need to go to
>film school
to learn at least the technical aspect of film making?
and dude, these few lines of advice span across years, not 6 months, not a year, years, plural, youre in it for the longhaul
so you're director/producer? are you wanting to shoot it yourself too?
Whats the wages of a DP or do you go on percent of the movie
Senpai, you're going to waste your money
Yeah pretty much, just need to assemble a super team
Jesus Senpai. Good luck
Take it from someone who has learned the hard way, 999 times out of a 1000 this is due to narcissism and it will turn out shit. Become skilful in one facet first.
quick question, all classical music from the 1800s is free of copyright correct?
I can use it all I want in my films and not worry?