What are some films/tv series with unusual mother/son relationships?
What are some films/tv series with unusual mother/son relationships?
Bates Motel
I've watched not one of her videos and have no desire to ever do so.
womb with eva green
>its a mom bought you tendies and didn't deduct any GBP episode
>it's a that nigger Krager gives his worthless opinion on something thread
You don't know what you're missing my tripfag friend
>tfw someone actually sent her a script and paid for a customized video
Fuck off, humbert.
Maybe they could make some black father vids for you?
Does this whore ever show her hairy pits or pussy? Looked her up and shit was boring as fuck, she was barely topless.
>Looked her up and shit was boring as fuck, she was barely topless.
>its a "teacher makes you jerk off in front of the class" episode
Maybe I confused her with the other whore that gets posted on Sup Forums, they look the same to me.
me neither, i feel she is too young for that kind of roleplay. looks like she is in her 20`s
"we need to talk about kevin" not the we want to fuck relationship but fucking creepy.
shes better playing the older sister
Spanking the Monkey.
Mistress T - Peru Trip 2013 (Vacation video. Not porn and is Safe for work)
Oh my fucking God.
I'm just waiting for Xev on BLACKED
incest really ain't my thing..
She's a disgusting pig.
But beastiality is?
Yeah but her video where she wears the black wig and fucks her son in front of his father while berating him about how tiny and pitiful his cock is and then makes the father take the son's cumshot on his face is one of the best films made in the past decade right up there with Batman V Superman and Ghostbusters.
im beyond confused right now
Will she ever take a dick tho?
Custom videos son
She has several times and has been doing threesome scenes with Princess Leia. They're really good.
whats the name of this scene? asking for a friend
any blacked?
>that Brazzers (?) vid with "It's a big cock" "For you"
>Meme Lover 1 & 2
>now this
This is honestly getting really unnerving
name ONE scene where she takes a dick
protip: you cant
Hell no, she's a dirty disgusting whore but she's not a barbarian.
I don't know it was on m less.
>Her crossover videos with Princess Leia
fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeee
I've honestly never seen any videos that give me such a raging boner
Protip I can you fucking homo, look up the mother daughter scene with Princess Leia where she's teaching her how to fuck her dad.
>tfw did a CEI video
>there's no wifi in grandmas house!
Xev looks so much well built compared to that ugly bitch.
Leia is pretty much my perfect pornfu. She looks like she smells a little bit and has a nice tuft of hair on her crotch, plus the braces
no you can't you faggot
i got that one. its all POV simulation when it comes to the sex
>still hasn't taken dick
>will blow someone on camera though
That movie were Julianne Moore fucks her gay son
I wish her vagina wasn't Arby's tier but other than that she's pretty good.
Does she have any CEI vids?
she takes scene suggestions and someone from Sup Forums or /gif/ sent her that
they all get blacked eventually.
only a matter of time..
Did Xev allow her boyfriend to fuck Princess Leia?
Any CEI vids?
1 senpai.
Bratty Bunny (going on looks) > Ashley Alban (shame about the bolt-ons) > Xev (repetitive)
No fuck off sicko
>Civilian Employment Information is "sick"
The chick on the rights pussy looks like roadkill
fuck the looks. its all about the performance.
>chicken tendies
Who would you recommend? I need some new JOI in my life
what you after? some quick dirty shit, or a deep, elongated, emotional experience?
Just change my life senpai
I want someone who looks like my mother, I'm not going to post a pic of her but I will post a pic of myself for comparison.
try tara tainton's "it can happen so fast when it's your first time". buckle up, its a long ride. heres a taste:
I recently started following Janey Jones but there's barely anything of her out there.
that ugly dick ruined the video
How do we stop this rampant degeneracy?
For real though, Savage Grace.
what a time to be alive
is that the name of the video/starlet? do you have a link?
I saw a video with a chick named Princess something where she had her cuck boyfriend locked in the bathroom and she was having a party and would fuck guys in their bedroom and then walk into the bathroom and make the boyfriend lick their cum out of her over and over. It was pretty hot in that I wish I was one of the guys at the party fucking her and jizzing in her but the cum eating guy was pretty nasty.
Because we have a generation of men who want to fuck their own mothers and eat their own cum.
With gynoids but meanwhile take a site and enjoy the ride
Oh please. No one here except Krager wants to actually fuck their own mother. It's the taboo of imagining some other woman fucking her son or some other woman roleplaying as your mother.
Just embrace it Travis, it gets easier.
Yeah, because those people didn't exist before now or anything. Go be a self hating conservacuck somewhere else you closeted homo.
>we have a generation of men who want to fuck their mothers
Not familiar with Ancient Greek mythology are ya, bud? I swear, kids like you don't learn anything in school except buzzwords.
Gonna need sauce on that.
I admit it. I also want to fuck Krager's mother.
>its a Tara cries over her dead husband episode
Nah we just want a waifu 3D who like roleplay
ive got a thing for milf's and my aunt, so this works into it. Not to mention that when I was a teenager, I lived with an older cousin and she would tease the shit out of me, plus walk with bare feet, plus oftenly would walk around in panties.
How were her feet?
>It's ok because it happened before
We're supposed to learn from the mistakes of the past, not follow them.
>tfw have an Aunt that is named Diane and every single time I see her the first thing that pops into my head is that scene
Don't Jimmy!
Yes I'm familiar with the story of the one autist Oedipus, how did that work out for him again?
Did I say it was okay? Reading comprehension much? I was stating this isn't anything new, moron.