Late registration is the best kanye honestly


Wrong, 808's/Yeezus is.
Late Registration is definately up there though.

Correct. Would be better without the skits though.

Not correct.


I respect both of these choices, they're also up there. Especially 808s

Anyone who says Pablo goes into the trash though

it really changes based on my mood but i think i most consistently am in the mood for college drop desu


pablo generally a solid album but i don't think i've ever seen anyone put it at the top and i wouldn't blame anyone who puts it last. Ye's discog's so solid it's got a lot to compete against.

Pablo is better than Graduation

i agree

Power Ranking

1. 808's
2. Yeezus
4. LR
7. Graduation
8. WTT

CDO / Yeezus


>Would be better without the skits though.
Late Registration is a rare example of a hip-hop album where the skits are actually good and add to the album. What are you talking about?

>liking memekanye

For years I thought I was the only one that remembered Barnyard

I'm talking about literally any hip hop album being better without skits.

Take the skits out of any rap album and it gets better. Prove me wrong.

Biggie Cheese was the only good part of that dreadful cartoon

Anyone else deeply disturbed by Barnyard?

I liked the part when the cow fucked with the humans

I agree with this opinion

The skits on LR are funny sometimes, don't last for too long and they actually serve a purpose by leading into the next song


The skits on college dropout are legitimately hilarious

