Is Jared Leto the biggest douche in Holywood?
>Sending used condoms to people? Check. (cast of Suicide Squad got sent his used condoms
>Cheating on girlfriends? Check.
>Best buddies with Uncle Terry? Double check.
Will he ever grow out of it?
Is Jared Leto the biggest douche in Holywood?
>Sending used condoms to people? Check. (cast of Suicide Squad got sent his used condoms
>Cheating on girlfriends? Check.
>Best buddies with Uncle Terry? Double check.
Will he ever grow out of it?
Other urls found in this thread:
He is the most dedicated actor ever
>Sending used condoms to people? Check. (cast of Suicide Squad got sent his used condoms)
That was fake.
>Cheating on girlfriends? Check.
Literally who cares.
>Best buddies with Uncle Terry? Double check.
Who's not in Hollywood.
Dedicated to making a fool of himself.
No denying his dedication,. I Loved him in Requiem for a Dream (probably my favorite movie). He seemed like a bro then, but as the years go by somehow he keeps getting douchier
cheating doesn't make someone a bad person. Literally everyone in Hollywood even your waifu and favorite actor is cheating on whoever they are publicly with.
It does, and the fact that many people do it doesn't change that fact
I only remember this guy from requiem for a dream and since then he dissapeared off the face of the earth only to re appear cast as the Joker?
Was he actually doing anything in between ?
won an oscar in 2013 for Dallas Buyers Club
His filmography isn't that big though, due to his music commitments
I heard he has an enormous hog.
why does he do that tho?
Let's see Paul Allen's dubs
>harasses cast mates
>has all scenes cut
>hardly anyone likes him as joker
look like a big fake cock, similar to one used in boogie nights
how many guys have to cum in his hair to make it look like that
not even close.
Literally HOW.
that's gotta be fake
Fucking kill me already
he's like 5'8
thin bones, small hands
2 layers of clothing
bad lightning
nothing's fake about it
Literally plastic surgery. Nose, hairline and cheeks have all had work done.
People who don't think celebrities have plastic surgery are so gullible it's insane.
>has millions of $'s
good plastic surgeon who understands that less is more. just keeping his face smooth and wrinkles filled in
and? 8 years isnt much
He's a vegetarian who doesn't drink alcohol and does intense yoga.
Plus him mom looks like this.
I mean he doesn't have pixie ears so it wasn't facelifts.
>this guy is 44
dude is now into wall climbing ffs I swear if I see him in yosemite e better watch out mate
He's the brother of Nicolas Cage.
>he could literally be her father
>There are actors and producers who have got away with murder and raped children
>Jared Leto is worse than them for being a bit of a dick
Are you the gf he cheated on?
Being in a band. Fairly successful but not major huge commercial
>Leto is older than Affleck
>Joker is older than Batman
Is this thread just because he endorsed Trump a few months ago?
Are you Correcting The Record™?
Really makes you think.
He never endorsed Trump. Try to find a reliable source, you can't
Yes it does
>cheating doesn't make someone a bad person
Serial cheater detected. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? It's a betrayal of trust, we're not talking about some hippy dippy open relationship here that's a whole different kettle of fish. If you promise you'll be monogamous you stay monogamous and if you can't handle that you should tell the other person, being a cheater is looked down upon because it's a sub-type of liar, we don't judge people so harshly for breaking up with people so they can fuck other people do we?
the homos did a maga thing? sounds unlikely
>christian bale
There's nudes of jared. It isn't fake. It's ridiculously huge.
Post them
>mfw I just googled "jared leto nude"
>Cheating apologist who got cucked to death by his "gf".
I almost feel sorry for you.
Why would you do that do yourself bro?
Fat Leto is best Leto
put that energy to use on the real problems of the world instead of wasting it on celebs.