Star Trek Discovery to have a black female lead
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there goes the franchise
The ride never ends
>DS9 - black captain
> VOY - woman captain
It was only the next logical step
personally I was hoping for an obese trans hispanic
when will they finally get the representation they deserve?
This is old news. Rumoured to be Gina Torres.
lel I'm sure that will go down well with the core fanbase, way to destroy the series before it even starts lads, it's like they learned nothing from the ghostbusters remake
>she gets with a white guy anyways
Did Suits get canned?
Also, how are they gonna work the forced race and sex issues when it's meant to take place when there aren't any?
they already had a porch monkey captain aaaand a woman captain. why not an asian or something
Fuck shes not even attractive.
Why is Hollywood trying so hard to please SJWs and eliminate fan bases? After Ghostbusters you'd think they would have learned their lesson.
Why does her hand look like it's covered in dead skin. I want to peel it off.
I see it. Not a bad choice tebehe.
>lel I'm sure that will go down well with the core fanbase, way to destroy the series before it even starts lads
what? this is one of the few franchises where a move like this is in keeping with the spirit of it. star trek has been known for progressive casting ever since the first series.
ad if that isn't enough they literally did this before with captain janeway. this isn't anything new.
Black leads in Trek have been done before in all series. Nothing new here.
>those luscious lips will never touch my cock
>Star trek is based on a world with no racism and sexism
>The fans won't like it because they are sexist and racist
Makes ya think
Isn't she Latino though?
Black girls give god tier head.
What gave her away, the fucking name?
seriously the user hating this are just typical alt-right assholes who resent anything female in general.
they are just as bad as the misandry loving tumblrinas.
anyone have the rest of the cast for that photoset?
the average star trek fan is a white male sci fi neckbeard, he's not going to relate to some LGBT black woman
most diverse trek beaming in
>black woman captain check
>indian/Pakistani male captain check
> sjw message check
>save the whales check
> climate change check
really makes you think
And none of them have seen one episode of any Star Trek. I assume the tumblr crowd at least watched some Voyager.
They should have gone with a feminist for captain.
>She never attended the academy or learned starfleet codes of conduct, she just complained about them not having any women in that field so they gave her the job. Years of bad diet and no exercise has reduced her to a pre-walk state, only able to get around ship by anti gravity scooter. Constantly bitching at her crew and petting her cat is all that sustains her. Yet, I feel like in her own Cunty misandrist way, she fits in well.
Star Trek has always been progressive you dipshits, the new show will likely blow but stop pretending this is surprising.
She's not very attractive but is a solid actress. I don't see why not, I guess...
Yeah, thread dead, Sup Forums is literally tumblr now.
and i bet they wear their underwear backwards and probably didnt stop wetting their beds until fairly old ages
Goddamn, he looks like shit with hair.
>watch Voyager
>actually think another female captain is a good idea
why is the left so retarded?
You do know the core fanbase is pretty left? In the show the federation itself is communists.
A black captain?? Fucking SJWs with their forced diversity, what has the world come to?
It has been progressive, but at the end of the idea it's just another white people: IN SPACE show.
weak bait
Yeah, Kate Mulgrew is a fine actress the writers and producers dropped the ball. But you would know that if you actually watched the series you dolt.
Not USSR-commies tho, literal Marx Idealistic Commies.
>She's not very attractive
That's what you get for getting rid of the pedos. Did you know that here in Canada 9/10 of people arrested for CP also have Star Trek collections?
Television is dying. They'll try anything.
I'd rather take pedos over stormfags
>in Canada 9/10 of people arrested for CP also have Star Trek collections
new captain beaming aboard.
DS9 only had one white male human main character, same as Voyager.
That's 4 lad.
why not an asian captain or a hispanic captain?
oh right, no minority exists besides blacks
Star Trek is probably the whitest show on earth both conceptually and in regards to its fanbase
I did watch Voyager dumbass, and hated it all the way through.
None of that schlock was remotely redeemable in any way, certainly not Janeway.
Shit I realized you said white. Well, yes. And he's Irish, barely white
I only like the treks with the red uniforms, where do I fit it ?
the obsession with kissing black ass is getting hilarious. non cable network tv will just be black and white woman in 5 years.
She's a Latina you cretin.
>watching star trek
>caring about race
Gene would rape your mother in front of you and then shoot you in the knees.
The Federation is post-feminists, everyone is now equal.
>Not USSR-commies tho, literal Marx Idealistic Commies.
Yep. I don't know why people are complaining. Star Trek is basically Leftist Utopia: The Show.
Does the alt-right even watch this show? If so why? To identify with the Cardassians and Faregi?
Who gives a shit? You sound fucking retarded.
Besides, O'Brien is worth ten characters for how good he is
Stardate today, just saw Sheeyquanda slipping on Tray-veee shiiiiiieeeeet bitch thinna movin on MY nigga bitch be cray
>Who gives a shit?
Thats the point. No fans cared then so I don't see why they would now.
>the falcon
I love Bashir's little LARP programs.
Because like feminists they need to claim everything for themselves and latch on to it to everybody's disgust
he didn't say anything about her being black though
fucking clickbait garbage
It's bryan fuller, what did you guys expect?
couple years back he said he wanted to do a trek with a black lady captain and another black lady first officer, for no reason besides to not have a white guy in the "top 2" position on the star ship
dude's a turbo lib and you can fully expect him to hamfist every racial and gender issue he can into the show
they made him have hair for the first couple seasons because they didn't want people to make the bald comparison with picard
No she isn't.
was sisko a captin?
wez be gettin callz from the federation an shiet
yeah, he didn't start off as one though.
Commander, captain, then God. He effectively waged the war solo in the name of the Quadrant. Based
He became one in season 2 or 3.
Rodenberry also thought the USSR was going to win the Cold War
I honestly have no idea why anyone would care what he thought. Does anyone care that George Lucas is a Buddhist? I didn't think so.
My bad then, I took your post as some insecurity over the diminishing role of white men in Star Trek. Too much time on this site will do that to you.
that whole episode the pic is from was uncomfortably fetishistic
The very last episode of season 3.
>"Miss, we found a planet that has only white people"
>"G-d, it sounds like Hell on Earth
>it's a Mad max world full of rape and murder
>"Screw the first directive, prepare the nukes!"
shows your mentality and agenda desu
>not have a white guy in the "top 2" position on the star ship
It's not the first time though. Both DS9 and VOY didn't have white men in the top 2 positions.
are you fucking crazy. she's black african.
I'd bet you TOS wouldn't have had a white captain if the political climate allowed it. They would have had Kirk be the 1st officer, much like Riker
I loved Bashir and O'Brien's bonding over those programs
>Battle of Britain
>The Alamo
He also wanted clarice to be black in hannibal and replace the male lead in the next season. Thankg god it got cancelled.
>married to Laurence Fishburne
C-could we have him on the show too?
it's a sad indictment on the state of things that a show based around a unified human federation that is beyond identity politics and bias is being resented by young people because it doesn't fall in line with their current proffered identity politics.
i am so over all this right vs left pop culture wars bullshit. political discourse is all one big fucking meme now.
you are a memeperson if you have chosen to heavily invest yourself into these "issues". on both the left and the right.
yes, i mean you.
I'd love for it to be Rosario Dawson.
She's actually a Trekkie.
No problem. I'm a whit man but don't really care about the identity of characters in shows, and I don't really understand why some people do.
she's not latina was my point
>inb4 b-b-but cuba moronic response
>brit and irishman fighting jerries
>brit and irishman fighting spics
>brit and irishman fighting roaring currents
Truly an enlightened future.
Political discourse was always memes.
>she's not latina
>gina torres
>latin name
>spanish speaker
>from cuba
How retarded are you?
My dick can only get so hard user
No agenda to be honest, I live in a city of SJWs and can't stand them. DS9 is just my favorite Trek and Sisko is my favorite captain, so I find the idea of being upset over a black captain ridiculous. If anything, people need to be worried about the quality of network writing and how progressivism is Star Trek will be interpreted today. An ensign "mansplaining" the captain, a BLM focused episode, etc.
i am hispanic she is not. she a darkie.
>I decide who is what
K. Why does this upset you so?
senpai my concern is that bryan fuller is gonna make the first star trek show in like ten years just a vehicle for his bullshit filled with shitty pandering to a demographic who didn't know what star trek was until jj abbram's shitfest came out
and from everything we've seen, it looks like it's shaping out to be that way. I just want a good star trek show.
why do you think he wants to make the captain a black lady? because he's written out a fantastic character who just happens to be a black lady? or because making a sci-fi show with a black female lead is woow so progressive and brave
before i get called Sup Forums or something, sisko is my fav captain and ds9 is my favorite show. Sisko was more than just "look at me I'm black", but I just don't think in the year 2016 that a casting choice like this will be anything other than "look at me I'm black AND a woman!"
Is Pele latino?
>Klingon Lives Matter ep
they might actually do that if they are playing on modern themes like TOS did with their themes
Its going to be garabge
If I were producing this I'd insist that as many of the crew were mixed race as possible
>pic because she's fit
Partially to piss off the Stormfags, but mostly because mixing of the races looks to be gloriously inevitable now
Screw it; there can be a token pure-blood white male, he can come from the planet of Norsefire and be the crew's Worf stand-in
It was always forward thinking, but that never got in the way of what it was.
In this climate it just might.
Everything you said is either bullshit or unfounded presumption.
You clearly know absolutely nothing about Bryan Fuller then, and are just talking out your reddit ass because people with differing opinions upset you
go watch the Star Trek panel he hosted. he's about to give Star Trek a poz load in its neg hole