When I saw this movie I thought it was dog shit but then I came to Sup Forums and realized it was actually kino.
When I saw this movie I thought it was dog shit but then I came to Sup Forums and realized it was actually kino
It wasn't even that bad. The music was illfitting though.
>DCucks in a nutshell
>The music didn't fit and changed too often (as pointed out)
>Dialogue was awful
>Jokes were cringey, especially Harely's
>0 backstory for half the characters
>They bond within an hour and decide they want to die together for Gorilla Warfare Navy Seal
Well I watched the Half in the Bag review and realized I don't want to actually watch this now.
For the first time in my whole life, and outside opinion has swayed me.
Hate for this movie 99.9% hyperbole.
Most of the hate comes from
Console warriors
SJWs/nu Males/tumlrists who think Harley is a quirky but strong feminist icon
"Not muh"fags
Most regular fags enjoyed it for what it was. Many who liked it acknowledged pacing editing issues as well as cuts, even then the movie was still fun and enjoyable and the character performances were really good. Now people who wanted this to fail are asspained about it. Nothing more nothing less
>We don't like something so you have to hate it now!
I take that back.
If a coherent directors cut is released that has better editing, and restores what was cut, AND doesn't play like a giant trailer....I might consider giving it a try.
Usually that isn't the case, but from what I have seen and heard, not just from RLM, it was pretty bad.
I had high hopes for it too.
A sheep is a sheep is a sheep.
Actually, they dislike many movies that I do like, but I just watch their reviews for entertainment sake, it just seems that their review for SS lived up to what I have been hearing from everyone else.
wow what an original post
And a shit movie is shit, shit, shit and shit.
Some may even call it garbage.
Aside from green room lately literally all they do is see movies with the intention of mocking them. I wish I could get paid by youtube to make make fun of other directors work after having failed at being one myself.
That's right, Jay!
Well I think they are hilarious, and I take what they say with a huge grain of salt.
Also, they know that their reviews piss off some people and so they play off of that too.
>s-stop making fun of my friend emulators
>Also, they know that their reviews piss off some people
Not as many people know who these losers are as much as you or RLM wishes.
for all the people who "liked" this, can you tell me exactly what you liked about it?
It was a movie for guys that like movies. Nitpicky pussies wouldn't understand.
what exactly did you like about it?
It was fun_, so I can forgive all the other bullshit. Just like I do with Marvel___
what exactly was fun about it?
Gangland joker
Every deadshot scene
Bog witch enchantress
Memes brought about from the film (MOMS, this is katana)
Based Diablo
Let me guess you have your cute little quip insult ready more than your reasoning for NOT liking the film.
News flash, average people don't cite faggy reasons like "editing" to dislike a movie, just go-hards like yourself
You sound great at parties.
I don't have a reason for not liking the film. I haven't seen it. probably won't until there's a stream available, even then it's unlikely.
I just wanted to know why people like this.
thanks. Wanna hear a joke?
the joker scenes. as awful and weird as they were, it was the funnest part
So don't say "like" like a pretentious fuckface four-eyes
>So don't say "like" like a pretentious fuckface four-eyes
As this user does?
>Now people who wanted this to fail are asspained about it. Nothing more nothing less
This completely. The only people bothered are the ones that went in complaining.
last ep was st beyond and they both liked that
don't tell me what to do limp dick, I'm not your mommy.
I went in expecting to enjoy the movie and didn't. How do you explain people like me you cherry-picking cunt?
Big fucking suprise the fat man-baby liked his space lazer movie.
I went in fully expecting to hate it because of all the Jared memeing and ended up liking it.
Joker was actually one of my favorite parts of it.
I guess I didn't subscribe to the whole "not muh" meme.
mike's taste in trek seems pretty good. better than his taste in landis at least
The amount of effort some people put into shitposting, I swear.
you have no (you) because defenders of suicide squad simply can't argue against these points.
how about you try to string together an original thought that isn't comprimised of 90% memes?
>SJWs/nu Males/tumlrists who think Harley is a quirky but strong feminist icon
Wrongo my dude, even feminists think this movie is a hot mess, especially because of Harley. Try again.
Basically this
That's exactly what he said.
They are complaining that Harley is over sexualized.
>who think Harley is a quirky but strong feminist icon
No one thinks this. It's not even that she's oversexualised, she's just another 'female sidekick' who does one kinda neat thing in the entire film, and spends the rest of the time being a stale piece of 'strong womyn' eyecandy.
Lurk a normie "nerd" facebook groupfor a few minutes and you will see all the females that think exactly that.
People who are completely unaware of the abuse Harley gets and how she sells herself.